
  • Storm's power level in X-Men movies doesn't match her comic book abilities but still makes her one of the most powerful mutants.
  • Wolverine's combination of healing factor and Adamantium skeleton makes him virtually unstoppable in the X-Men universe.
  • Magneto's ability to turn anything into a weapon, like lifting a stadium, establishes him as one of the strongest X-Men characters.

The X-Men movies brought some of Marvel’s most powerful mutants from the comic book pages to the screen. For more than 20 years, the X-Men had their own movie franchise at Fox. Starting with X-Men (2000), Marvel’s mutants were at the center of 13 films. Fox's X-Men movie universe includes seven actual X-Men movies, three Wolverine films, two Deadpool movies, and The New Mutants.

For this list, only what was shown in the movies will be considered. The X-Men comics have their own power levels and ranking system, yet those were not fully translated to the big screen. For example, neither Storm nor Emma Frost was ever as powerful in the films as they are in the comics. With that established, here are the 15 most powerful mutants in X-Men movies.

Every X-Men 2000 Movie Hero Ranked By Power Level

Bryan Singer's first X-Men movie in 2000 introduced many new audiences to Marvel's mutants, though not every member of the cast was on equal footing.

15 Colossus

Living Steel

There are two versions of Colossus in Fox’s X-Men movies. The first one, played by Daniel Cudmore, was part of the original X-Men trilogy. The second one, played by Stefan Kapicic, was part of the Deadpool movies. Deadpool’s Colossus was more comic-accurate in terms of just how big the character was.

That said, X-Men: The Last Stand also highlighted how powerful Colossus can be. Peter was able to throw out Wolverine’s Adamantium body as if it were a tennis ball. Colossus was never given time to shine in the X-Men movies. However, his scenes in both X-Men 3 and the Deadpool films make it so that Colossus joins the list of strongest X-Men.

14 Pyro

The Power Of Fire

Pyro's powers are quite straightforward, but that doesn't make them any less impressive. John Allerdyce has the power to manipulate fire, turning any flame into a devastating weapon. Given his fall from a student of Xavier to a member of Magento's Brotherhood of Mutants, Pyro isn't afraid to explore the extent to which his pyrotechnics can cause harm.

However, Pyro does have one notable drawback - despite complete control over manipulating fire, he can't create it. As such, he's forced to either carry a lighter or wear a flame-producing device. This doesn't cause him notable trouble in the movies, but the potential is there for him to be effectively depowered if restrained without access to flames.

13 Mystique

A Master Of Espionage