Jessica: Name Meaning, Popularity and Info on


What is the meaning of the name Jessica?

The name Jessica is primarily a female name of Hebrew origin that means God Beholds.

The name was invented by Shakespeare for the daughter of a Jewish merchant in "The Merchant of Venice." He probably derived it from Iscah (Yiskah), the name of a daughter of Haran from the Book of Genesis in the Bible. 

Jessica ranked #1 or #2 in the United States from 1981 to 1997 and left the top 20 in 2004. In England & Wales it stayed in the top 5 from 2000 to 2008, its peak reaching #1 in 2005.

Famous Jessicas include: actress Jessica Biel, singer Jessica Simpson, actress Jessica Alba, actress Jessica Lange, and actress Jessica Tandy.

Different Spellings of the name Jessica:

Jessika, Jyssica, Jesyka, Jessycah

People who like the name Jessica also like:

Olivia, Elizabeth, Emily, Emma, Charlotte, Isabella, Hannah, Ethan, Benjamin, Matthew, Joshua, William, Daniel, Jacob

Names like Jessica:

Josh, Jesiah, Jess, Josea, Jecca, Jessa, Jojo, Joweese, Jace, Josie, Jaya, Joy, Jay, Joykiss, Jaka, Joie, Jasey, Jachai, Joshwa, Joshua, Jacquez, Jui, Jake, Jase, Jaxie, Josiah, Jesus, Jock, Ji, Jozi

Stats for the Name Jessica

checkmark Jessica is currently #77 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Jessica is currently #553 in U.S. births

Songs about Jessica

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Jessica - Adam Green
Jessica - Herbie Hancock
Jessica - Jewel.
Jessica - Seals & Crofts
Jessica - the Allman Brothers
Jessica - The Wynona Riders
The Jessica Numbers - The New Pornographers
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