The Meaning Behind The Song: One Day by Matisyahu - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: One Day by Matisyahu

The Meaning Behind The Song: One Day by Matisyahu


Music has the power to bring people together and inspire change. One song that does just that is “One Day” by Matisyahu. The song is an uplifting anthem that celebrates unity and peace. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning behind the lyrics and the message that Matisyahu is trying to convey.

Verse 1

The song begins with the following lyrics:

“Sometimes I lay

Under the moon

And thank God I’m breathing

Then I pray

Don’t take me soon

‘Cause I am here for a reason”

Matisyahu starts by expressing gratitude for his life and the fact that he’s still breathing. He acknowledges that life is fleeting and that he wants to make the most of his time on earth. He also points out that everyone has a purpose and a reason for being here.


The chorus of the song is the most memorable and powerful part. It goes like this:

“One day this all will change

Treat people the same

Stop with the violence

Down with the hate”

Here, Matisyahu is calling for unity, equality, and an end to violence and hatred. He recognizes that there are problems in the world and that things need to change. But instead of dwelling on the negatives, he focuses on the possibility of a better future.

Verse 2

In the second verse, Matisyahu sings:

“Open up my eyes

And tell me who I am

Let me be myself

And not another man

Or I’ll never feel alive”

He’s speaking to the idea of self-discovery and embracing one’s true identity. He’s urging listeners to be themselves, rather than trying to fit into someone else’s mold. He’s also recognizing that this can be a difficult process, but it’s necessary for personal growth and fulfillment.

Chorus (x2)

The chorus is repeated twice, emphasizing the importance of the message. Matisyahu wants listeners to understand that change is possible if we all come together and work towards a common goal.


The bridge of the song goes as follows:

“Someday we’ll all be free

And proud to be

Under the same sun

Someday we’ll all be free

And proud to be

Under the same sun”

Here, Matisyahu is expressing the idea of freedom and equality. He envisions a future where everyone can be proud of who they are and where they come from, regardless of their race, religion, or background. He’s pointing out that we all share the same world and that we need to work together to make it a better place.


The song ends with a repetition of the chorus and a final message of hope and possibility. Matisyahu wants listeners to know that change is possible, and that it starts with each and every one of us.

The Impact of “One Day”

Since its release in 2009, “One Day” has become an anthem for peace and unity. The song has been used in various contexts, including the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, the 2011 Women’s World Cup, and various rallies and protests.

In an interview with NPR, Matisyahu reflected on the impact of the song. “The thing I love about [‘One Day’] is that it’s a conversation-starter,” he said. “It gets people thinking about the world and what’s possible.”

The song has also received critical acclaim. Rolling Stone named it one of the “500 Greatest Songs of All Time” in 2021, and it has been covered by numerous artists, including the cast of the TV show Glee.


“One Day” is a powerful song that celebrates unity, equality, and hope. Matisyahu’s message is clear: we need to come together and work towards a common goal of peace and understanding. Through his music, he has inspired countless people to think about these issues and take action. As we move forward, let’s remember the message of “One Day” and work towards a brighter, more peaceful future.

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