What Should I Bake?

What Should I Bake?

Are you in the mood to bake something, but you're not quite sure what you want to make? Take this quiz to figure out what delicious dessert you should bake!

Tags: Food, Cooking, Cookies, Baking, Bread

Here are all the results with descriptions

a pie!
It's clear that you have the baking skills to make a nice crust from scratch, as well as the desire for a nice fruit or starch filling. Therefore, you should get started on baking a nice pie of your choice! Bonus points if you make it seasonal!

a cake!
It's obvious that you have a real sweet tooth and enjoying sharing sweets with others. Baking to you is about bringing people together, so why not bake a cake that you and your loved ones can enjoy together?

You love baking desserts and most likely have a knack for decorating the cutest cupcakes! Go to the store and stock up on your favorite cupcake liners and decorations, then get started on whipping up your best cupcake dozen to date!

You don't have a serious sweet tooth, but it's clear that you do enjoy a nice accompanied by a warm slice of homemade bread. Better yet, if you have some overripe bananas, you should consider making some killer banana bread as a nice compliment to your after-dinner tea!

Breakfast is definitely your favorite meal of the day and what says breakfast better than a nice batch of homemade muffins? Choose your favorite fruit and whip up a dozen muffins using it! Trust us, you won't regret your choice!

Peanut butter, chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, the list is endless for the different type of cookies you can make! It's clear that you love baking for others and what better dessert is there to share or send to your loved ones than a warm, melts-in-your mouth cookie?