Hulu App Now Available for Windows 10 - Hulu
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Hulu App Now Available for Windows 10

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Today, we are excited to launch the Hulu app on Windows 10 PCs, mobile phones and tablets that you can download from the Windows Store. Taking advantage of the momentum of Windows 10, the Hulu app features integration with Cortana, Live Tiles and is built on the Universal Windows Platform.

The new Hulu app integrates Cortana, Microsoft’s personal assistant. With Cortana, you can use your voice to search for a TV show or movie making it effortless to find what you want to watch. You can also direct Cortana to start a show or begin playing where you left off, so you never miss a scene. Getting to the latest episode of Empire, is as simple as saying “Cortana, Hulu, watch Empire.”

We’ve also integrated the new app with support for Microsoft’s Live Tiles. After pinning the Hulu app to your Start menu, the Hulu app’s Live Tile will keep you updated about what shows are featured on the Hulu app home page.

We’ve built the Hulu app on top of the Universal Windows Platform. The UWP enabled us to build a great Hulu experience using one code base across all Windows 10 devices, saving time and resources. The design of the app is tailored to the device you are viewing on and optimized for each form factor, giving users the best viewing experience on each Windows 10 device, including PCs, tablets or mobile phones.

New or existing subscribers can get started by downloading Hulu from the Windows app store. We are excited to hear feedback on the new Hulu app and to continue partnering with Microsoft on future innovation and creating compelling experiences for Hulu viewers on Windows. Download Hulu and start watching on your Windows 10 devices today!

Ben Smith

SVP, Experience


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