We Are Legion

A film by Brian Knappenberger

The Story of the Hacktivists

WE ARE LEGION: THE STORY OF THE HACKTIVISTS takes us inside the world of Anonymous, the radical “hacktivist” collective that has redefined civil disobedience for the digital age. The film explores the historical roots of early hacktivist groups like Cult of the Dead Cow and Electronic Disturbance Theater and traces how they evolved and coalesced into Anonymous, a full-blown movement with global reach and extraordinary power. Around the world, governments and corporations are taking notice as this loosely organized underground group brings down websites and interrupts commerce. Could this be the beginning of a new and powerful voice for democratic ideals or another rogue player to beware?


Brian Knappenberger


Brian Knappenberger


89 & 60 Minutes

Rights Represented

Educational Rights, International Rights

Captions Available





“The documentary goes deep…Knappenberger gives a thorough chronological account of Anonymous’ exploits, up to the groups current place at the forefront of online disobedience.”

- Wired Magazine

“…a crash course on internet speak and the forums where it all began..”

- Filmspace

“..this fast-paced and surprisingly funny film will give you a quick primer on Hacking 101.”

- Twitchfilm.com

Festival & Awards

Official Selection—SLAMDANCE Film Festival
Official Selection—SXSW Film Festival
Official Selection—HOT DOCS Film Festival
Official Selection—SILVERDOCS Film Festival
Official Selection—SHEFFIELD Film Festival

Film Licensing

We distribute films globally but we only hold the rights in particular territories in some cases.

Letting us know what type of group you are will help us get you set up with the right type of license. If you do not fall squarely into one of these categories, select “individual” or contact us at [email protected].

Unsure what you need?
Here are some basic definitions to help! Please visit our FAQs for further information.

  • In-person screening: This license includes the public performance rights required to host a screening for your group and a DVD copy of the film
  • Virtual screening: A link and code that are available for a single 72 hour period
  • Streaming subscriptions: Ongoing streaming access for an institution provided by our partner, Film Platform.  Please note it takes 3-5 business days to get your streaming access set up.  Questions about your set-up – contact [email protected].
  • DVD for classroom use: This is a DVD with permission to share in a classroom only
  • Custom and secure link and code to provide to event participants during designated screening period.
  • Option to receive registration information.

Includes Standard Setup Plus...

  • Custom screening page with your logo and event description
  • Option to add custom video introduction
  • Ability to add custom resources and ‘Calls to Action’
  • Access to participation and attendance analytics

Don’t worry, you can always change this date if needed but if you already have a screening or license activation date in mind, it will help expedite the process. Please note it takes 1 week to get a virtual screening room set up.

Your Selection
We Are Legion

The story of the Hacktivists

Cost $0.00