CNS 11643-1992 - Chinese Language Processing and Chinese Computing
【龍】甲辰年己巳月己丑日 / 四月十九日
Saturday May 25, 2024

CNS 11643-1992

Symbols, classical radicals, graphic representations of control characters
2121 - 427E
Hanzi (plane 1)
4421 - 7D4B
5 401
Hanzi (plane 2)
2121 - 7244
7 650
Hanzi (plane 3)
2121 - 6246
6 148
Hanzi (plane 4)
2121 - 6E5C
7 298
Hanzi (plane 5)
2121 - 7C51
8 603
Hanzi (plane 6)
2121 - 647A
6 388
Hanzi (plane 7)
2121 - 6655
6 539
48 711

This renewed version was published on May 21, 1992 and named Chinese Standard Interchange Code (中文標準交換碼 zhōngwén biāozhǔn jiāohuànmǎ). Characters are orderd according to the amount of strokes and then according to their radical. Every plane is consists of 94 rows and 94 columns. So every plan can contain maximum 8836 characters. Plane 1 to 11 are reserved for the standard characters. Plane 12 to 16 are user-defined area's. CNS 11643-1992 only uses 7 planes.

To keep compatability between CNS 5205 and CNS 7654 codepoints 0 to 20 and 7F are not filled.

Plane 1 contains often used characters (4808 characters are taken from the 常用國字標準字體表 chángyòng guózì biāozhǔn zìtǐbiǎo published on September 2, 1982 by 教育部 jiàoyùbù). Rows 10-33, 35 and 94 are not assigned.
Plane 2 contains less often used characters (6330 characters are taken from the 次常用國字標準字體表 zìchángyòng guózì biāozhǔn zìtǐbiǎo published on December 20, 1982 by 教育部 jiàoyùbù). Rows 83-94 are not assigned.
Plane 3 contains seldom used characters (taken from 罕常用國字標準字體表 hǎnchángyòng guózì biāozhǔn zìtǐbiǎo that contains 18414 characters and was published in 1983) and often used character variants (taken from 異字體表 yìzìtǐbiǎo that contains 18069 characters and was published in 1983). Rows 67-94 are not assigned.
Plane 4 contains Chinese characters taken forn ISO 10646 version 2.0. Rows 79-94 are not assigned.
Plane 5 contains seldom used characters. Rows 93-94 are not assigned.
Plane 6 contains variant forms of Chinese characters with 14 or less strokes. Rows 69-94 are not assigned.
Plane 7 contains variant forms of Chinese characters with more then 14 strokes. Rows 71-94 are not assigned.

When a character is submited a control character is submited first that defines the plane where the character is located, this control character stays valable until another plane-control character is submited.

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