Adam LeFevre [Interview] | TRAINWRECK'D SOCIETY

Adam LeFevre [Interview]



We certainly love a good character actor here at Trainwreck’d Society. And hot damn if we don’t have a wonderful actor to showcase today. Adam LeFevre has probably been in your favorite movie. He’s probably been in your mom’s favorite movie. Hell, he’s probably in your pot dealers freeloading girlfriend’s favorite movie. Seriously, for close to 40 years, Adam has been in just about anything. In fact, he is actually in MY favorite movie. And for avid fans of this now 20 year old gem of a film known as Beautiful Girls, you will definitely remember him as Victor The Meat Cutter. He was sort of the “villain”, who really didn’t deserve such a title, but when you build a divinity for Michael Rapport’s senseless character in that film, you didn’t want to like Victor.

So, of course, we were so delighted that Mr. LeFevre was willing to talk with us a bit about Beautiful Girls, acting in general, and a nice quick conversation about a very admirable and illustrious career. So, feast your eyeballs on some great work from a wonderful actor. Enjoy!

When did you first decide you wanted to join the world of acting? What were some of your earliest influences?

I began college as a pre-med student-athlete (football, baseball). Gravitated to the English and Theatre departments.I remember being thoroughly smitten when I first watched Brando’s performance in On The Waterfront.After a few decades as an actor in so many different types of mediums, what would you say has been the greatest change in the profession, for better or for worse?

After a few decades as an actor in so many different types of mediums, what would you say has been the greatest change in the profession, for better or for worse?

I think the greatest changes in the actor’s media in my time have been technical. The new technical possibilities have been both a blessing and a curse.. A blessing in the amazing range of new effects possible; Faustian to the degree the “human element” has been sacrificed or marginalized.


So, I honestly have a very specific reason I was hoping have you on the site… You portrayed none other than Victor The Meat Cutter in one of the greatest films of all time. And depending on how rational of a person you are, some might say you were the “villain”. So, I have to ask how that filming experience was for you? Was it as fun as I could imagine?

Filming Beautiful Girls was delightful. Working with Teddy Demme was delightful, and I still miss him. I never thought of Victor as a villain. He’s just a small town butcher looking for love.
If you could portray any famous world leader and/or dictator in history, who would it be? 

Dictator/world leader? Henry VIII because he was a rational man consumed by his passions. Or maybe Nikita Kruschev, a teddy bear or a grizzly bear depending on one’s point of view.

In your long illustrious career, you have played characters who tend to have a plethora of different occupations. That being said, what would you consider to be the most difficult occupation to portray?

I don’t think any one occupation is more or less difficult to portray than any other. Because you’re never portraying an occupation. You’re portraying a person.


When you look back, what would you consider your greatest non-artistic achievement?

I consider my children by far my “greatest achievement”.


So, what does the future hold for you? Anything you would like to plug here?

Two films about to be released: Gold, with Matthew McCoughahey, and Almost Paris, directed by Domenica Cameron-Scorsese.

What was the last thing that made you smile?

The last thing that made me smile? Just now, remembering Ted Demme and working on The Ref and Beautiful Girls.

About rontrembathiii
write. write. write.

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