NBA Odds: Betting Lines, Spreads and Moneylines | FanDuel
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NBA Betting Odds

Sportsbook Odds / NBA Odds

Today's NBA Odds - Bet on NBA Spreads, Moneylines and Live Odds

At FanDuel Sportsbook, we provide a user-friendly platform for basketball fans eager to bet on NBA odds throughout the season. Our online sportsbook offers a wide range of betting options, including NBA game lines, NBA championship odds, various NBA prop bets, and futures. To cater to beginners and experienced bettors alike, we present straightforward NBA betting lines, moneylines, and over/under odds for a simple betting experience. FanDuel Sportsbook also lets you try your hand at NBA parlays and Same Game Parlays, which can lead to larger payouts by combining multiple bets.

Stay ahead of the game by keeping an eye on this odds page for the latest NBA odds and betting opportunities. Dive into the exciting world of NBA betting, explore prop bets for stars like LeBron James, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Stephen Curry, and Jayson Tatum, and find the best odds for your favorite NBA teams all season long. Experience the fun of building parlays, Same Game Parlays, and discovering thousands of unique NBA player prop bets, all at FanDuel Sportsbook.

Popular Ways to Bet on NBA

When betting on NBA, you'll come across several popular bet types that cater to different preferences and strategies. Here's a quick rundown of the most common ways to bet on the National Basketball League at FanDuel Sportsbook:

  • NBA Spreads: Betting on the point spreads of NBA games. These NBA odds require a team to win or lose by a specific number of points, evening the playing field between unevenly matched teams.

  • NBA Moneylines: Betting on the win/loss outcome of the game, with no regard to the point difference.

  • NBA Totals: Also known as over/under bets. This involves predicting if the total points scored by both teams will be over or under the projected point total.

  • Live NBA Odds: Bet on NBA games while they're being played, with updated moneylines and point spread odds as the game progresses.

  • NBA Player Props: These bets focus on the performance of individual players, rather than the final outcome. Examples include betting on a player's number of points, assists, three-pointers, or rebounds in a game. You can find prop bets in the "More Wagers" section of our odds tables.

  • NBA Championship Odds: NBA futures bet on which team will win the NBA Championship and which teams will play in the NBA Finals. You can also find other NBA futures odds such as NBA conference and division winner odds.

  • NBA Player Awards Odds: Betting on who will win the MVP, Rookie of the Year, Defensive Player of the Year, Sixth Man of the Year, Most Improved Player, and Coach of the Year.

  • NBA Parlays: Combining multiple bets into one for a chance to increase your payout. You can choose to parlay NBA odds from different games or do an NBA Same Game Parlay, combining various bets within the same game.

Bet on NBA Odds All Year at FanDuel Sportsbook

FanDuel Sportsbook offers NBA odds all year round, with something always available for basketball enthusiasts and casual fans. Here's a quick rundown of what we offer in our online sportsbook:

During the NBA season (October to April), you can bet on moneyline, spread, over/under odds, player and game props, and even create parlays with all of these. Key betting periods include Christmas Day, trade deadline, All-Star Weekend, and the end-of-the-season playoff race. NBA futures, such as Championship odds, Award odds, and Conference and Division Winners, are also available throughout the season.

When the NBA Playoffs begin in April, the excitement intensifies as the stakes get higher for every team in the playoffs. Keep an eye on daily line movements in NBA Championship odds, enjoy fun prop bets related to each playoff series, or bet on the same game betting lines that we offer for every NBA matchup.

Post-season, bet on NBA Draft odds and NBA futures like Championship odds and Win Totals. Look for value by anticipating team improvements through Free Agency and the NBA Draft. Summer League odds and early regular-season game bets will also be available as Opening Night nears.

Live Betting and Live Odds

FanDuel Sportsbook offers live sports betting on NBA odds. Live betting means we will provide you with up-to-the-second betting lines on every basketball game this season, which will allow you to place live bets on NBA spreads, moneylines, and over/under totals as the games are occurring. Keep a look out between stoppages and during commercial breaks, as the live odds can change quickly during a basketball game. A crucial turnover or quick three-pointer can quickly change your strategy in NBA betting. Follow the game closely and see if you can predict the outcomes correctly!

How to Read NBA Odds

How NBA Point Spreads Work

Similar to our online sports betting odds for other sports, you will see either a plus sign (+) or a minus sign (-) next to the NBA spreads to indicate the likelihood of that team winning. When you read NBA spreads, the favored team will have a point spread with a minus sign and the underdog team will have a point spread with a plus sign.

For example, the favorite team to win the game could have a spread of -4.5. This means they must win by five or more points to cover the spread. The underdog for the game would be set at +4.5 which means they must lose by less than five points or win the game outright.

How NBA Moneylines Work

When making a NBA moneyline bet, or a straight bet, you are betting which team will win outright. Because there isn’t a point spread, the payout will change based on the moneyline odds. For the favorite, the odds to win is the dollar amount you must bet to get a $100 payout. For the underdog, you must bet $100 to get the odds number as a payout. Here’s how it would look if the Memphis Grizzlies are a -145 favorite and the Miami Heat are a +130 underdog:

Wagering on the sports betting favorite forces you to bet more money than the potential profit you'll receive. This is called “laying money”. If you are laying money consistently, then you’ll need to win these NBA bets over 50% of the time to turn a profit.

Basketball Betting FAQs

  • How are NBA betting results determined?

    NBA betting results are based on the statistics provided by the league's governing body ( and the official data supplier.

  • What happens to player props market bets if a player doesn't play?

    If a player doesn't take the court, all bets on that player will be void. Bets stand once a player takes the court, regardless of game time played, and include overtime.

  • Does overtime count for all NBA betting markets?

    Yes, overtime counts for all NBA betting markets unless stated otherwise.

  • How are game props settled?

    Game props are settled based on the player with the most of the relevant statistic. Dead heat rules apply in case of a tie. If a listed player doesn't participate, bets on that player are void. Bets are All-In; if an unlisted player has the highest statistic, all bets are settled as a loss.

  • Where can I find all the rules for NBA betting?

    You can find all the rules for NBA betting in the House Rules section, located in the sportsbook menu.

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