溫潤木韻鋪柔景 天晴澄光映暖意


設計概念 Design Concept


回應屋主對敞亮空間的嚮往,棠禾設計 曾智和 設計總監 劃設流暢單純的動線搭配開放式公領域,令戶外自然光可照亮公區各隅,並減少使用嵌燈,改以線燈、間接燈光作為主要照明,營造柔和舒心的自適感受,配合業主鍾情的淡色基底及軟裝,成就明亮開闊的休閒場所

As the night falls, the homeowner returns home, suffering from fatigue. Balmy wood texture embraces and comforts him as soon as the door opens. The interior light-shaded surroundings soothe the mind and soul, and the warm yellow lights bring about a homey relaxation. A sweet greeting casts the all-day tiredness and lovingly melts his heart.

To implement the homeowner's vision, Tang He Design's design director TSENG CHIH HE arranges an airy space by curating smooth moving flows in an open floor plan. The brilliant layout invites natural light into each corner of the public domains. Rather than cove lighting, we take linear and indirect lighting as the primary illumination, and the lighting design benefits elegant and relaxing feels. With the homeowner's favorite neutral palettes, soft-colored furnishing and backgrounds effectively shape a delightful living space.

設計手法 Design Techniques

現代時尚 簡潔不失暖意

Minimalist and Balmy Trendy Charm


Coordinated with sleek walls, we implement multiple curved elements to the corners and dining room ceiling, revealing a nifty and trendy approach to the project. A distinguishing glossy terrazzo TV wall contributes a clean and bright look in the public space. Aligned with our brand identity, we adopted furniture in warm tones and achieved a balmy and comfortable living environment.

豐富機能 貼合業主所需

Satisfying functionalities Meet Exclusive Demands


Considering the homeowners' cooking preferences, we arranged a kitchen island with an induction cooktop for light meal preparation. Meanwhile, the kitchen island incorporates tableware storage underneath. In addition, an open shelving design next to the TV wall showcases model figures and sneaker collections. On the opposite end, we installed a hidden door to the back balcony and took an odd space as a storage room for keeping daily supplies and cleaning utensils.

居家安全 造就幸福未來

Safe Dwelling Contributes Future Happiness


Exclusively, we arrange an open floor plan that allows the homeowner couple to be concerned about their preschool child's safety at times. Instead of small-sized furniture, such as coffee tables or low cabinets, we selected a rounded-edged dining table and tufted chairs to prevent bumping. In addition, the entire project is applied with non-formaldehyde built-in furniture, decorative wall coating, and nontoxic plywood panels. With the use of Eco-friendly building materials, it is an ideal and healthy dwelling environment.


Living Room


Integrally, a plain ceiling design with rounded corners coordinates with the terrazzo tile TV wall and neutral-colored sofa back wall lined with decorative wall coating. It is appealing to manifest a trendy fashion.


Kitchen & Dining Room Combo


A gray marble dining table with dual-colored chairs responds to the trendy vibe of the public space. The gold pendant light above the attached kitchen island brings a vivid touch via contrast colors and brilliantly renders sufficient illumination to the countertop.


Kid's Room


A light-shaded wood tone matches a simple ceiling to sketch a pristine appearance that enhances a stress-free ambiance. Besides, a full-wall cabinet, a built-in headboard, and a platform bed with drawers provide an organized space incorporating adequate storage.


Master Walk-in Closet


Blank walls and metallic fixtures complement the light wood tone, and they signify the warm and soft texture of the wood grain. We installed open shelving and hanging rails to benefit the organization and reach easily. Besides, a built-in dressing table in front of the window with attached unified drawers reveals a neat look.








OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒

竹科硬碟大廠關廠賣地第二波 寶山廠房7月1日開標

竹科硬碟大廠關廠賣地第二波 寶山廠房7月1日開標



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該招待房東嗎?妹子憂「常麻煩修東西」 他寧花小錢:不知何時有用

OPEN Design

OPEN Design

在眾多媒體的年代,OPEN Design 將更專注於合作,活動,整合,以及傳遞國際趨勢跟新知給使用者,透過深入與閱讀,透過購買與收藏,我們希望 OPEN Design 的使用者,更關心臺灣的在地文化,也更願意打開心胸,閱讀整個地球村最好的設計,最棒的人,最感動的故事。


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竹科硬碟大廠關廠賣地第二波 寶山廠房7月1日開標

竹科硬碟大廠關廠賣地第二波 寶山廠房7月1日開標


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