This Book Loves You by PewDiePie | Goodreads
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This Book Loves You

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Humor (2015)
This Book Loves You by PewDiePie is a collection of beautifully illustrated inspirational sayings by which you should live your life. If you follow each and every one, your life will become easier, more fabulous, more rewarding.

Imagine what a chilled-out and wonderful human being people would think you were if you lived by the simple principle "You can never fail if you never try." Your wasted life would be an inspiration to others. Think of all the pointless, unhappy striving you could simply give up. Throw away that guitar! Give up on your dreams! Embrace your astounding mediocrity.

This Book Loves You has something for everyone--or at least everyone willing to give up and stop caring. If all else fails, remember: "Don’t be yourself. Be a pizza. Everyone loves pizza."

256 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 20, 2015

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About the author


2 books1,120 followers
Born as Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg on 24 October 1989, Sweden better known by his online alias PewDiePie is a Swedish producer of lets play videos on Youtube.

On 15 August 2013, PewDiePie's channel became the most subscribed channel on YouTube, being surpassed briefly in November and December 2013 by YouTube's Spotlight channel. Maintaining the position since 22 December 2013, the channel has reached over 37 million subscribers, as of June 2015.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 821 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren.
513 reviews1,707 followers
July 14, 2022
This is the most expensive toilet paper I've ever seen.
Profile Image for Josu Diamond.
Author 9 books33.4k followers
January 13, 2016
Un libro más que curioso, con un tono sarcástico que me ha gustado. Algunas de las bromas no son gran cosa, pero en general lo lees con una sonrisa en la boca. En el aspecto de diseño es un diez, aunque creo que la idea está un poco desaprovechada. Además, pese a que sea entretenido y cómico, te deja como al empezarlo. Bueno, lo recomiendo para pasar un ratito. ¡Se lee en NADA!
45 reviews6 followers
August 3, 2016
This was so dumb.

I absolutely love it.
Profile Image for Pinky.
529 reviews544 followers
December 30, 2015
Before I start this review, I just want to say that I am a huge fan of Pewdiepie, I watch all of his videos and I think he is hilarious. I consider myself a bro and although I didn't enjoy this book, I still like Pewdiepie. Whenever people ask me about who I watch on Youtube, I always mention Pewdiepie. Everyone is usually shocked or smile like I just said a joke because they never knew I would watch a gamer. But why wouldn't I watch Pewdiepie? He is hilarious, and play fun games while making funny nicknames. So if you are a bro, and you are reading this review and are really offended by what I say in this review, I apologize, but this review has all of my opinions on this book and if you won't like a negative review, I suggest that you leave because I don't want to ruin the book for you.

“Money can't buy you happiness but it buys you all the things you don't have, even friends.”

It's not that I hated this book or anything, it's just that I expected more. I thought it would be a lot more funny but it was kinda funny. I mean, some of the quotes were things that I didn't thing were funny, (Most of them). And the funny ones only got me to chuckle, while in videos, Pewdiepie makes me laugh a ton. Some of the quotes were things that I could agree on while others were things that I couldn't understand. Like the Stilts quote...

“Don't be yourself, be a pizza. Everyone loves pizza.”

I bought this book and it cost about $20 and I thought that this book was so overpriced because of the fact that it wasn't hardcover. I am a really cheap person and I have no shame in saying that. Most of the kids at my school like to pay a bunch of money for the most expensive things while I like to bargain and use coupons. People who are like me in my school are embarrassed in being cheap. I am really open about it and whenever people ask me about how much a certain thing is, I tell them because they can buy things for cheap prices. Anyway, Pewdiepie's book was sooooo much money and it was something that was so over-hyped and I read it at home in 10 minutes and was so disappointed.

My mom was really upset and I found the receipt for the book and returned it. Then I bought mysef the boxed set of the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Hardcover for only $30. AND THIS WAS THREE HARDCOVER BOOKS! AWESOME DEAL RIGHT? And I was happy with what I got and although I love Pewdiepie and his videos, I wished that his book had more funny quotes.

“Don't be something you're not. Unless you can be a fabulous unicorn. Always be a fabulous unicorn.”

Sometimes I felt like I read a quote from the book in real life already. For example, there is a really funny guy named Pakalu Papito on twitter whose tweets are hilarious and one of his tweets was "how can u face ur problem if ur problem is ur face." And then I read it in Pewdiepie's book and I am like, does he know this is already used? I mean his quote is a little different because he ends his quote with, then you need a surgery, but either way, I was kind of disappointed again. Another quote was the unicorn quote, which is currently on two of my shirts that I owned for almost 4 years. The only difference between the quotes is the word fabulous. Other than that, the quotes are exactly the same. And I was so upset because I expected more.

I am sorry, I really wanted to like this book.

But anyway, I just want to say that I am always a bro even though I was really disappointed with this book. I still watch Pewdiepie's videos and I still enjoy all of his character names and phrases. I wish this book could have been better.

I recommend this to bros who watch Pewdiepie, maybe I don't have a good sense of humor. Maybe that's why I didn't laugh at things that were supposed to be funny.

To all you bros out in the world, brofist!
Profile Image for Ria.
657 reviews88 followers
Shelved as 'maybe'
June 12, 2015
Half of me thinks that this is going to be serious deep quotes and the other half of me thinks it's all going to be sarcastic HAHAHAHAHA. Anyway, it's going to be fabulous.
Profile Image for May.
Author 16 books8,567 followers
February 4, 2016
Un libro con ilustraciones graciosas que entretiene. Cumple su función, pero no es nada del otro mundo y podría ser mucho mejor.
Es ameno, te ríes pero vaya que no pagaba por esto ni loca...
Profile Image for Theresa.
128 reviews28 followers
October 29, 2015
DISCLAIMER: I feel like a blasphemer for writing this review because Pewdiepie has SO many dedicated fans, myself included, and I worry that I'll get blasted for this. But I just have to.I mean no disrespect whatsoever to the readers that enjoyed this book- I'm glad that you did. IT'S JUST AN OPINION pleasedon'thurtme.

I've always loved Pewdiepie's videos, I still do. I wasn't expecting this book to be anything more than a coffee table book, but I really wasn't expecting it to be as terrible as it was. The premise is that it's full of quotes that are basically the opposite of all the sugar-coated, encouraging quotes that are spewed all over social media these days. However, they're not even witty. They're simply dumb (that really is the best word to describe it). There are even a couple offensive pages that poke fun at things such as body image, religion, and even suicide, which is NEVER a joke-appropriate topic. It's a shame, because the pages are nice to look at with all the interesting photos and graphics. It's not that I don't appreciate rude humor, because I absolutely do, but it just wasn't humorous. Everyone says it's funnier if you regularly watch his videos (which I do) and if you read it as if he were saying it (which I did) but it still disappointed me. I will continue to watch his videos and love them all the same, but this book is nothing more than another drop in the bucket for Pewdiepie the millionaire. (However, if you'd like to check it out for yourself, it only takes about 15 minutes to read through the whole thing.)
Profile Image for Sara the Librarian.
801 reviews625 followers
April 19, 2018
Alright look I don't really know who this guy is. I'm vaguely aware of him the way I'm vaguely aware of things like the Paleo diet. Like I know they're both things in the world that other people think are amazing but I have no idea how they work or why you'd want to spend time on them.

So I guess this jackass makes Youtube videos of himself playing video games? And people watch that? And he was racist that one time? And somehow he made 3.5 million dollars last year?

Excuse me for a minute it turns out if you bang your head against your desk more than five times in a row you probably ought to have an ice pack handy.


Okay right so this book happened and a formerly reputable publisher put it out into the world and should just be so very ashamed of themselves.

I had to spend way more time then I wanted with this just trying to figure out what its even supposed to be about and I'm still not entirely sure but damned if it didn't make me really goddamn angry!

I think it is supposed to be charmingly ironic? Possibly its a very deep social commentary that I'm just not psychologically advanced enough to comprehend. There's also a chance that this dipshit yelled a bunch of random words at his publicity team, took some shitty photos of himself that an even stupider moron went at it like an art school drop out expressing his angst through MS Paint then stapled it all together and threw it at his agent while drooling out "LOOK!!!! ME MAKE BOOOOOOKKKKK!!!!" But hey what do I know?

1.) This is NOT a book. I mean yes physically it resembles one but that's where the resemblance ends. Books at least suggest something of substance that can be read and thought about and in some cases learned from. This is a money making scheme created by a moron.

2.) The premise (and dear god do I use that word as loosely as possible) is (according to the intro which is the only moderately cogent part of this thing) informs the reader that we as a society put way too much stock in motivational "quotes" we find on the internet. We are obsessed with these things apparently and we are total idiots as a result. Fortunately this genius is here to set us straight with a series of...I don't know...words and pictures that I think he thinks are a play on motivational posters/memes?

There's a few key reasons #2 is especially problematic.

First of all who the hell cares about this? We've been mocking motivational nonsense for years. This isn't some like previously untapped comedic gold mine this asshat has discovered. We're not all standing around the proverbial water cooler going "ha ha ha what about that motivational "hang in there" cat poster on the bosses wall? Golly I wish someone would write an entire book about how dumb that old thing is!"

Second even if this is supposed to be skewering some nonexistent world wide social obsession it doesn't do that. I mean wouldn't it make sense to at least make fun of ACTUAL quotes? It wouldn't be less stupid as a concept or more relevant but it might at least makes some sort of sense! All shit for brains here does is throw out sentences he thinks sort of sound like inspirational things people might say then he throws a bizarre non sequitur in at the end because that's so funny and clever. Then he slaps on a photo of himself dressed as a frankly offensive caricature of the Dalai Lama or in something that approximates drag if you were both blind and abjectly stupid and calls it a day.

Here are some...QUOTES!

If you're round you might not be in shape but at least you are a shape!


Don't sell yourself short! Unless you need quick money. Hey I'm not judging.

Wait what? What the hell does that even mean?

If life sucks get a straw and show life who's boss

I don't even know anymore.

Also and wwwwaaayyyyyyy more problematic? ALL this book is saying, its ENTIRE message is if you have some quote you admire or that makes you feel good you're an asshole who should go kill themselves.

I'm not making that up. That is the message of this book. You like quotes? Go kill yourself because no one loves you and you should just give up now.

You think I'm exaggerating don't you? Wanna see some more....quotes?

Without winter you can't fully appreciate the beauty of summer! Without you, I can appreciate so many things.

If life doesn't go right take a a cliff

Dying is also great for the environment

I was THRILLED to discover that this oxygen wasting bastard's primary demographic is 13 to 17 year old boys because they don't have nearly enough misogynistic, hate filled, self esteem skewering "entertainment" directed at them already.

I've wasted way too much time on this already so here are a few final thoughts.

There's nothing wrong with liking inspirational quotes or admiring quotes from famous or memorable works. The idea that you're a moron because you like to think of a particular passage from a book or a film and you want to share that is the kind of thing someone who doesn't read books or watch films writes an entire book about to make himself feel edgy and generate a shit ton of revenue from his fans just because his name is on it.

Look I don't have a problem with writing to make money. I've done it, I hope to do it again very soon. I don't even have a problem with taking advantage of your shot at fame and fortune and milking it for every drop (I'm looking at you before you got weird and all "I'm a screenwriter!" E.L. James!).

But all I can think about right now are my sons. I keep thinking about them watching this guy or other guys like him and idolizing him the way kids do, the way I did with people like David Bowie or The Cure, emulating them, talking about them all the time, looking to them for clues about how to live my life or express myself. I think about them and then I think about this book and I get fucking scared.

Because this guy doesn't care. He doesn't care about how influential he is, how long is reach is, how many people listen to what he says and take it seriously. So he does things like without a second thought except for how much money it will make or how many more viewers it will give him. And we let him do it.

So he makes this book and we put it on the library shelf or our kids buy it in the bookstores and yeah maybe it doesn't do any real harm but it does cut just a little more innocence and trust in the world away. It nibbles at their confidence in themselves, in their ability to trust their own judgment, to feel inspiration or hope or happiness from something they've seen or read. Because some asshole on the internet told them its dumb to think that.

Seriously, fuck this guy.

Profile Image for Temi Panayotova-Kendeva.
400 reviews47 followers
January 30, 2016
Е, няма какво много да очаквате от книжка с картинки все пак. Но поне едно хубаво се посмях! И моля - не си давайте парите за подобна глупост.
Profile Image for Al.
9 reviews
February 18, 2020
The world isn't ready for such wisdom. This book is such an absolute masterpiece and an all time classic that life imitates it.
Profile Image for Sara Dahaabović.
263 reviews94 followers
April 8, 2017
even though I liked none of the quotes but the content is so colorful and artistic :D
Profile Image for Soplada.
240 reviews428 followers
May 8, 2016
Shockingly true,
sarcastically exaggerating!
Profile Image for Emelie Johansson.
699 reviews
March 1, 2017
I really liked this book. I saw it in a store today and thought that it seemed like a fun and fast read. Which it was. I really like the messing with quotes and messages, they where really fun and relatable. Read this super fast and really enjoyed it. Never watched PewDiePie' videos before, but I really liked the book anyway.
Profile Image for Karen.
598 reviews22 followers
December 25, 2015
Sarcastic, mindless humor... weird art, photos and random stuff... "Don't be yourself. Be a pizza. Everyone loves pizza." Can't argue with that!
Profile Image for Maťa.
1,131 reviews19 followers
June 13, 2017
Ehm... Po tejto knihe som nikdy nemala v pláne ani siahnúť. PewDiePiea nesledujem, poriadne nepoznám a čakala som ďalšiu blbosť, ktorú môžem opindať. Ale vytiahla som to v kníhkupectve, posťažovala som sa na cenu, prelistovala to... a ani som sa nenazdala a prešla som ju celú. Veľmi som sa nasmiala, tie hlášky boli niektoré fakt perfektné. Akože je to blbosť, ale fakt moc vtipná.
Keby mi ju chce niekto kúpiť či darovať, hnevať sa nebudem :D
Profile Image for Fiqa.
98 reviews22 followers
August 29, 2016

I'm sorry to those who preorder this book online and disappointed by this.
word of advice to those who wanna read this oh-so badly-- spend 5 minutes to read this at a bookstore instead.

Pewds, i am so disappointed with you (but not really).
Profile Image for SB.
215 reviews53 followers
June 3, 2017
I read this book in about ten minutes.

This Book Loves You is a satire on the overused motivational quotes that surround us on social media. While I liked the premise of the book, I didn't find the majority of the wit particularly amusing. However, the pictures were nice.
Profile Image for Michelle Curie.
877 reviews437 followers
August 1, 2016
"Never give up unless you've tried at least 3 times, cos then it's just impossible"

This book is a silly and pretty pointless collection of quotes by PewDiePie, a Swedish web-based comedian and video producer. I don't really spend time on Youtube, but once in a while I will come across one of his videos and whenever I do, I've got to admit that as somebody who's into gaming herself I consider them pretty entertaining.

There's a short introduction in which he explains how he "never truly understood the purpose of quotes" and decided to fill a book with his "pearls of wisdom" for a laugh. And that's exactly what it is: a picture book full of, mostly ironic, phrases, which make fun of those usual graphics of so-called inspirational quotes.

If you're a fan of PewDiePie, you might have a good time reading this. There are a few inside jokes, which only his following will understand (such as the mentioning of Edgar and just loads of ducks) and the book itself has this subtle aftertaste of something that's been published to make money, but as this read took me less then quarter of an hour I'm not even complaining. It's definitely nothing I'd recommend or buy a hard copy of, though.
Profile Image for Hot Mess Sommelière ~ Caro.
1,329 reviews164 followers
December 18, 2021
I received this book as a prank gift.

It came wrapped in paper that had little dicks doodled on it.

I can honestly say that the dick-doodles had more artistic value than the contents of this book.
Profile Image for Rashika (is tired).
976 reviews713 followers
January 10, 2016
I found bits of the book funny but I just cannot take it seriously. I know it's not meant to be taken seriously but I CANNOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY AS A BOOK. It's just a bunch of occasionally funny quotes and pictures. OOPS.
Profile Image for Syed Muhammad Danial.
148 reviews8 followers
October 1, 2017
I love Pewdiepie, but it seems that this book is not that entertaining than Pew's videos. Full of images and Pew's quotes
26 reviews2 followers
April 11, 2016
The book was HILARIOUS!!! Even though I really loved it, I thought it was like the opposite of "365 Days Of Wonder," by R.J. Palacio. I think the meaning of the quotes was supposed to be inspirational but it was worded with a bit of a twist by PewDiePie. Although some of the sayings and quotes were inappropriate, I still really enjoined the book. I would recconmmend this book to anyone who loves humorous quotes
Profile Image for Искра.
Author 2 books50 followers
January 6, 2016
"If you can't beat them, there's still a good chance to annoy them."

P.S. Always be pizza.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 821 reviews

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