SLEEPY - Traducción al español -
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Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

sleepy adjective

volume_up US /ˈslipi/volume_up UK /ˈsliːpi/
Word forms: sleepier, sleepiest1. (drowsy) [expression] adormilado, somnoliento, soñoliento [eyes] de dormidoto be/feel sleepy tener sueñoto look sleepy tener cara de sueñoI always get sleepy in the afternoons siempre me entra or me da sueño por la tarde2. (slow-moving, inactive) [town/atmosphere] aletargado3. (inducing sleep) [afternoon/day/climate] que aletarga, que amodorra

sleepy {adjetivo}

1. general
volume_up con sueño {adj. m/f}
2. "drowsy"
sleepy (también: dozy, drowsy)
A little sleepy, I found myself in a car with Mr Napolitano and Mr Fiori, who like me were flying from Milan; I half-closed my eyes and I had a kind of vision.
Un poco adormilado, me he encontrado en un coche con el Sr. Napolitano y el Sr.
sleepy (también: drowsy, drowsy)
The euro may be the project of the century, but it seems to be making a very sleepy entry among Member States.
El euro es el proyecto del siglo, a pesar de lo cual su presentación se está llevando a cabo en los distintos Estados miembros de una manera casi somnolienta.
sleepy (también: somnolent)
3. "slow-moving, inactive"
4. "inducing sleep"

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "sleepy" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

There was I believe an old Glen Miller song beginning: 'Sleepy time Gal, you're turning night into day'.
Creo que hay una antigua canción de Glen Miller que empieza diciendo: "Es hora de dormir, chica, estás haciendo de la noche un día".
about 11 o'clock I start feeling sleepy
the wine made him incredibly sleepy
You may believe that you can turn ‘ no ’ into ‘ yes ’, but when the sleepy time voters wake up, they will soon throw this out.
Puede que les parezca posible hacer del« no» un« sí», pero cuando los votantes dormidos despierten, no tardarán en rechazarlo.
I'm tired but I don't feel sleepy
Here there is less numbing of the woman's legs but the opioid drugs cross the placenta and can make the baby sleepy.
De esta forma, la mujer sufre un menor entumecimiento de las piernas, pero los opiáceos cruzan la placenta y pueden adormecer al recién nacido.
I'm so sleepy this morning
the wine had made him sleepy
are you getting sleepy, children?
The euro may be the project of the century, but it seems to be making a very sleepy entry among Member States.
El euro es el proyecto del siglo, a pesar de lo cual su presentación se está llevando a cabo en los distintos Estados miembros de una manera casi somnolienta.
wine makes him sleepy
I suddenly felt very sleepy
These are mostly minor and are commonly feeling sick, being too awake or too sleepy, developing a headache, having a dry mouth or becoming constipated or dizzy.
En su mayoría estos efectos secundarios son leves, frecuentemente náuseas, insomnio o somnolencia, cefalea, sequedad bucal, estreñimiento o mareos.
Sadly, the helmsman and the officer of the watch, maybe a little sleepy because they have been working too long at a stretch, cause the Andrea Doria to sink, tragically.
Lamentablemente, el timonel, el primer oficial, quizás algo dormidos por las demasiadas horas trabajadas, causan el desastre del hundimiento del Andrea Doria.
A little sleepy, I found myself in a car with Mr Napolitano and Mr Fiori, who like me were flying from Milan; I half-closed my eyes and I had a kind of vision.
Un poco adormilado, me he encontrado en un coche con el Sr. Napolitano y el Sr. Fiori, que como yo venían de Milán. He entrecerrado los ojos y he tenido una especie de visión.

English Cómo usar "sleepy" en una frase

People often commented on his half-lidded eyelids, which gave him a perpetually sleepy expression.
Rugby remained a sleepy country market town until the 19th century and the coming of the railways.
Patients may be awake (not sleepy) yet still have a clouded consciousness (disorder of wakefulness).
This sleepy coastal town is home to hundreds of fishermen who depend on the ocean for their livelihood.
It is now a small sleepy fishing port with an emerging tourism industry.

English Cómo usar "sleepiness" en una frase

Chronic kidney disease is commonly associated with sleep symptoms and excessive daytime sleepiness.
In the brain, excess adenosine decreases alertness and causes sleepiness.
Repeated and multiple arousals (of which the person is usually unaware) result in an abnormal sleep architecture and daytime somnolence (sleepiness).
Although stimulants can effectively reduce sleepiness in the short to medium term, they are rarely effective long-term, as patients frequently become resistant to their effects.
In addition, targets report feeling depressed and affected by other health risks such as headaches, sleepiness, abdominal pain and bedwetting.

English Cómo usar "be sleepy" en una frase

Even pillion riders can fall off motorcycles when they are sleepy.
New research has revealed that babies improve their memories through taking lengthy naps and retain most information when they are sleepy.
She has three "inputs" (read: holes) and a pre-programmed personality that means she can be sleepy, chatty or in the mood.
He or she may be sleepy during the day, but wide awake at night, unable to sleep.
In this neck of the woods, my people are sleepy, dreamy, stupidly over-religious, waiting for manner to fall from heaven.

English Cómo usar "feel sleepy" en una frase

If you are not doing anything, you feel sleepy.
The accident happened at 3.45am, when most people are in deep sleep, and drivers who feel sleepy tend to drive faster to stay awake.
I began to feel sleepy even during my commute to the office.
If you ever feel sleepy at any point during the day, it's absolutely imperative you get tested and treated for sleep apnea.
It was a little difficult for me to feel sleepy during most of the first half of the flight.

English Cómo usar "become sleepy" en una frase

We become sleepy and then alert; our body temperature cools and then warms; hormones are released, then subside.
The narrator becomes sleepy and thinks that he is freezing to death.
Fitted with a morphine drip, she had become sleepier and less responsive, until her breathing gradually slowed and stopped.
When it's dark at night, the pineal gland's secretion of the hormone is stimulated inducing one to become sleepy.
If your study place is too warm, you might become sleepy.

English Cómo usar "tener sueño" en una frase

En esta etapa es común tener sueño y estar cansada.
Y prefiero mil veces tener sueño que sentirme ansioso.
Creo que te estás liando con tener sueño por no haber dormido.
Pronto, conectará estas actividades con dormir, y hacer las lo ayudará a tener sueño.
Aunque el día es para estar despierto y la noche para dormir, tener sueño durante la fase diurna es algo que a veces sucede.

"sleepy backwater" en español

sleepy backwater
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Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

"sleepy hamlet" en español

sleepy hamlet
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"sleepy hollow" en español

sleepy hollow
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "sleepy":

  • sleepy-eyed
  • sleepyheaded