Edge of Tomorow (Live, Die, Repeat) in 2024? : r/scifi Skip to main content

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Edge of Tomorow (Live, Die, Repeat) in 2024?

Thoughts on this movie in 2024? Has it aged well? A recent re-watch reminded me of how incredible it still is, but wondered how well it’s aged here. Do fans of scifi want a sequel?

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u/scaryotto avatar

Hasn’t aged a day. It’s one of the great sci-fi films of all time.

u/themagicofmovies avatar

It definitely is. I need to check but I wonder where Letterboxd listed it on their list of greatest scifi

Watch Boss Level, Happy Death Day, Happy Death Day 2U, and of course Groundhog Day (all time travel)

Palm Springs is one that surprised me, great little film.

u/DiamondAge avatar

Yeah, Palm Springs is incredible.

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Boss Level was good, and of course Groundhog Day is a bloody classic.

Dark by far is the best time travel plot I've ever seen. 

u/Goldfish1974_2 avatar

Primer kicks too. You need a flow chart to follow that properly.

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this is a fantastic movie, whenever I come across this movie I sit down and watch it

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u/Purple_Building3087 avatar

Still one of my all time favorites. It’s perfect

u/Taste_the__Rainbow avatar

Hate Tom Cruise? Watch him die hundreds of times. Love Tom Cruise? This is pure Tom Cruise action. The perfect Tom Cruise movie.

as a bit of a Tom Cruise hater.... absolutely. It's impossible to not appreciate this film. I also vote for the now VERY widely known Willhelm scream to be replaced by the Cruise scream the moment he tries to roll under a truck. It right up there with the all time great screams

u/Goldfish1974_2 avatar

It you hate Tom, then it's a great film for watching him die repeatedly. It is great though!

a cheeky fun to hate him kinda way (treatment of Nicole Kidman aside). Gotta respect the mad talent though.

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He even rides a motorcycle

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I have heard inklings of a sequel. I think Tom Cruise wants it to happen, and I'm pretty sure Emily Blunt said she'd be onboard too. It's great sci-fi.

u/themagicofmovies avatar

Same same. There are talks. But mostly hush hush. Tom is probably busy with MI and Top Gun 2. Hopefully it happens in the next 5ish years

Top Gun 2? What year is this? 2020?

u/themagicofmovies avatar

Well.. lol Maverick 2 I meant Top Gun 3 lol

Haha I know, just pulling your leg a bit.

In Top Gun 3 he has to trip over a gigantic walking tank using tow cables.

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Time travelers on Reddit again

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u/RedFire3636 avatar

Yah they both want it to happen, but Cruise’s schedule is really busy with Mission Impossible and the space movie with Liman. AFAIK it has to do with scheduling conflicts, not desire.

Honestly, I'm willing to wait if it means getting Dark Reckoning Part 2 in the next 2-3 years.

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u/the_0tternaut avatar

It would need the best script you ever saw... needs Alex Garland or someone.

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u/wjodendor avatar

Read the novel it's based on called "All You Need Is Kill", it's a short read and it's great.

u/meikaikaku avatar

Highly second the recommendation. The novel and the movie are decently different from each other but both are great. Definitely worth getting the experience of both.

Yeah, that was actually the film’s first name before they changed it multiple times.

Yes! The novel was excellent.

u/themagicofmovies avatar

I saw that! I would definitely like to

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This and Oblivion. Really enjoy both even if they are re-hash

u/themagicofmovies avatar

Oblivion is great too! I plan on making a video for that as well :)

u/gbsekrit avatar

heh, was here to make this comment, love both, and very little of his other content

Same! These two and top gun. Not into much of his other stuff

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u/fish998 avatar

Great movie, smart and fun, and a really good role for Cruise.

Prequel...show us how aliens got here ?

u/Left-Ingenuity-8243 avatar

Yes, show us the Angel of Verdun.

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Great movie, and a fairly close adaptation from the manga it's based on(definitely recommend the read). The effects are cool, the concepts even cooler. In my opinion if it has aged...it hasnt aged badly in the slightest.

u/themagicofmovies avatar

The manga seems like a good read. Others have suggested it as well.

From the recent watch, the cgi held up very well

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My wife and I call it "Tom Cruise must die". It's her favorite TC movie.

u/themagicofmovies avatar

Lol! I hate a love hate relationship with his acting. He has some roles I love and some I despise. My favorites are Valkyrie, Edge of Tomorrow, Top Gun 1/2, Born on the 4th of July, and MI series.

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Exciting film

Wonderful, and woefully under-appreciated, movie. The biggest problem with it was its title - sounds like a soap opera, and I’m sure that kept a lot of people from getting interested to see it.

u/SummitOfKnowledge avatar

Only saw this movie for the first time last year. I've watched it twice more since then. So I'd say it still holds up really well.

Still waiting on the sequel :(

I like it now just as much as then. And am hoping they get to do they sequel they want to do. The only thing is the title is horrible… made a little better with the addition of the subtitle later, but what was wrong with the original “All You Need is Kill”?

u/themagicofmovies avatar

Yeah I wish they had atleast left it “Live Die Repeat” or “Edge of Tomorrow: Live Die Repeat”. But calling it just Edge of Tomorrow is such a generic name.

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u/Splatterh0use avatar

Very good cut.


One of the best.

u/ECDahls avatar

Just got off an international flight, they had edge of tomorrow, had to watch it! Just the perfect scifi action time travel flick

Nice movie, but I hated the love interest. That was so uncalled for.

u/themagicofmovies avatar

I actually didn’t mind it. They kept it very mild. Could had easily inserted a make out sesh, or innuendo, but they kept it chill. I mean… if i was in his shoes and i had to get close to and then watch a beautiful woman die every day.. and then realize she couldn’t make it past a certain point or maybe not make it at all, I’d develop some feelings too. Im glad they didn’t push it further than it went.

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Just watched in February of this year. Great movie!

I saw it in IMAX 3D when it was released. One of my most incredible moviegoing experiences!

Still extremely good.

u/cgda2011 avatar

Watched it for the first time a couple months ago. Wasn’t aware it was such a masterpiece before seeing it. Definitely doesn’t show any age.

Watched it two weeks ago. Still awesome for me.

u/kyflyboy avatar

Needs a prequel IMO

u/Early_Security_1207 avatar

I miss Bill Paxton

u/themagicofmovies avatar

Meee toooo 😔

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We need the sequel to happen.

For some reason they gave it a terrible name (should have stuck with Live, Die, Repeat) but it's still a bloody good movie.

u/themagicofmovies avatar

I agree. Edge of Tomorrow is a little more mainstream of a name but Live Die Repeat is more catchy and its what caught my eye initially. I liked the double name on the bluray but sadly I think they ended up just calling it “Edge of Tomorrow”

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u/Existing365Chocolate avatar

How would it not age well?

u/themagicofmovies avatar

As in, is it as good as it was in 2014? Does the cgi hold up? Etc.

I don't judge movies purely on CGI. But that's probably why very often I prefer books over movies.

u/themagicofmovies avatar

True. The script, acting, or entire premise could had just as easily aged poorly or become more “far fetched” like some movies. Overall this one seems to have stayed consistently good among fans judging by the reception of this post :)

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I thought it was very good, but also a bit depressing with everything he had to do over and over again. I guess if you already know everything that is going to happen, life gets dull.

u/themagicofmovies avatar

Yeah the parts where he has to Rita die over and over and then slowly develops feelings is depressing.

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u/Infinispace avatar

Great movie. Will hold up for many year IMO.

I like it, but... I just don't believe him being able to rally the squad of soldiers to go AWOL for him. Not even with the Angel of Verdun vouching for it. I don't think I even believe that he ever got to learn deep personal secrets from them because no matter how many times he looped he had to start over anew with them every time and he only had what, an hour with them each time?

It is great but flawed. The weird plot hole where he loses his ability... I mean I get that it's there to raise the stakes, but they could've made it happen more logically. Why not just blast Cruise in the face immediately? Anyways, I still love it. 

u/themagicofmovies avatar

If I remember correctly, the only way he could lose the ability was if instead of dying instantly, he bled out and lost the blood of the mimic that he had sort of absorbed when he was killed by the male. Makes sense to me. You gain an ability by absorbing the enemy… drain that ability from yourself and now you lose it again.

He actually got very lucky in that his first death was from a male mimic. Had it not been, he never would had gotten the time loop ability.

Yeah, but my point is that they get the device to get the info and then they decide to run out of the office yadayada instead of shooting Tom in the head as they had done 10000 times before that.

Why did they not just kill Tom, he would remember the info and he would then reset.

Maybe there was an answer and I am dumb.

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(heroic waddling/triumphant music)



(heroic waddling/triumphant music)

u/petter707070 avatar

Groundhog day but a sci-fi. Not that impressed, not bad but nothing special.

It would be so much better without Tom.

Ah, 'Edge of Tomorrow,' or as I like to call it, 'Live Die Repeat'... or was it the other way around? Anyway, this film, despite not featuring any Scottish actors like myself, still manages to hold its own in 2024. Aye, it's got that Tom Cruise fella in it, but let's not hold that against it, shall we? The concept of the whole time loop thing is quite intriguing, I suppose.

Now, despite any association with Harvey Weinstein and his lot, the film manages to stand tall, mainly thanks to the efforts of the rest of the cast and crew. But let's not get too carried away here; it's not exactly winning any awards for Scottish representation, now is it?

Some folk seem to be clamoring for a sequel, but honestly, do we really need one? I mean, how many times can you watch Tom Cruise run around and not be Scottish? Still, for those die-hard sci-fi fans out there, I suppose a wee bit of speculation about a sequel wouldn't hurt. But let's not get our hopes up too high, eh?

As for creating a platform for fans to gather and discuss, well, I suppose it could be a bit of fun for those who have nothing better to do. But let's not forget that there are plenty of other films out there that actually feature Scottish actors worth talking about. Overall, 'Edge of Tomorrow' is decent enough for what it is, but let's not pretend it's the best thing since haggis, eh?

Ah, Brendan Gleeson! He's no Scott, he's bloody Irish! What's he doin' in a film like 'Edge of Tomorrow'? And where's the representation for kilts and the Highland Games, eh? Not a single mention! It's a travesty, I tell ye! We Scots deserve better, none of this Irish nonsense! Give us a proper Scottish lad and a dram o' whisky, and then we'll talk!

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