Adventures in Peterland: A Mystery of Art and Love is about the knotty bond between the filmmaker, Myra Paci, and Peter Bullough, an octogenarian, gay, British pathologist and art collector in Winchester, Virginia. Over the course of a decade, as Peter goes from weight-lifting dandy to his death from leukemia, Myra chronicles Peter’s complicated relationships with her and her family, and with his lovers, colleagues, and artists whose work he’s collected. When she urges him to launch an artists’ residency in his two adjacent homes with the art, rare books, and medical oddities he’s collected since his childhood, the film explores illness and mortality, love and betrayal, and the healing power of art.

"I found the film very moving. Like making sense of an old family scrapbook with blank spaces and untitled photos. I found myself wondering about things just before the film answered them. I think that's the sign of a really good film."

Gary McKendry, Writer/Director, "Killer Elite", "Everything in this Country Must" (Academy-Award nominated)

“I enjoyed it and found it always involving...Despite the apparent focus on Peter, I can’t help but feel the film is really about the filmmaker and her family. ”

Carter Burwell, Composer, "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri", "Carol", "No Country for Old Men"

“Losses force you to confront yourself and know yourself. Art is an antidote to loss; it benefits the artist and anyone else who comes into contact with it. This film reminds me of Sara Polley’s "Stories We Tell" because it asks ‘Whose version is the truth?’”

Samantha Grant, Director/Producer, "A Fragile Trust", "Daughters of the Forest"

“How the film is shot and edited is stunning. I didn’t want the whole sexual thing defused.”

Douglas J. Cuomo, Composer, "Sex and the City", "Homicide: Life on the Streets", "Doubt"

“ The film talks about the family the filmmaker created with her queer uncle Peter, and begs the question, ‘can we be fully ourselves, not be put in boxes?’”

Nancy Kates, Director, "Regarding Susan Sontag"; "Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin"

“Lusciously filmed. Poetically paced. The central character reminded me of Quentin Crisp, and the bond between him and the filmmaker’s father has a tender, homoerotic component."

Norman Bonney, Cinematographer, "Miss Representation", "Speed and Angels"

"This film asks whether we can come to a point of resolution, acceptance and grace with those we love."

Andrew Peterson, Executive Director at FilmNorth, festival programmer and producer

"The film has a haunting quality. Lush shooting. Stark editing. I was captivated by Peter and Myra’s characters. The central character, Peter, lets us look at family, loss, and love."

Stephanie Mechura, Editor, "Truth to Power", "The Pushouts", "Frontline"

"Fresh and honest and subtle. I love how it doesn’t hand you what you’re expecting. This film is more about questions than answers."

Sharon Guskin, Novelist, "The Forgetting Time"

"The movie is about a quest for connection despite everything; connection is a survival instinct as a species. Making art and appreciating art are ways of connecting. The director connects to herself and to Peter through a shared appreciation for creating art, for spectacle, for expressing joy, and uses her body’s wounding as art. There’s no human life without wounding."

Anne Menahemy, MD, Psychiatrist, Poet

"The movie is a meditation on childhood and youth, on beauty, budding sexuality and mature sexuality, and people in our lives who were central and have become less so. It’s about sadness at the loss of some of those things, and it’s about whether or how much we let loss define us."

Sally Rocker, Associate Producer

“The film invites us to think about who the important people are in our lives and how to reconnect with them. It can inspire people to reach out and not be left with regrets when it’s too late.”

Peter Broderick, President, Paradigm Consulting