Seasonal parking - Update and FAQs - News - Milton Keynes Dons
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Seasonal parking - Update and FAQs

16 August 2022

Club News

Seasonal parking - Update and FAQs

16 August 2022

MK Dons are grateful for supporters’ patience while we introduce a new ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) digital parking system to Stadium MK. Here is an update on the way the system will work for you.

As is sometimes the case with new systems, particularly where we are looking to use the latest technology to provide maximum user flexibility, we have encountered a few teething issues, which have led us to review the way in which the system operates for MK Dons Season Ticket Holders.  The aim is to provide a more simplified way of you receiving your permit and changing information relevant to your account which is outlined below.
ANPR systems have become commonplace in numerous locations across the county and are designed to speed up vehicular access by the number plate being scanned by a handheld device at the nominated control points.  The system will also allow us to know who is parked on our site at any one time, which is particularly useful for the parking areas which have been nominated for use by blue badge holders.
We were keen to introduce the system for the first home League game against Sheffield Wednesday and inputted all the vehicle registrations which had been advised to us via the completed surveys and calls/visits to the Box Office. Emails were then sent out by Park Live with a link to download your seasonal permit.  We appreciate that this process may not have been as straightforward as we anticipated and that there may have been omissions, for which we would ask you to accept our apologies.
We have subsequently reviewed all allocations with updated data and met with the operating company to review and fine-tune the system to make it easier to use. We can confirm that your seasonal permit will be sent direct from Park Live to your nominated email address today (please check your Junk Mail folder). Where you have provided a vehicle registration, this will be included on the permit. The permit will be in PDF format and include a unique QR code which is valid for all home League games in the 2022-23 season.

We would ask you to either print or download this permit to bring with you in the event of any issue with the ANPR system (such as loss of internet connectivity) where the QR code will need to be scanned.  You may also prefer to use this method rather than providing a vehicle registration, which is your choice. The email will also include a unique password and link to allow you to access your account and change any details, such as vehicle registration or email address.
Below is further information in the form of FAQs below which we hope will be useful.
MK Dons would, once again, like to apologise for the delay in sending out this update on the arrangements for seasonal parking, which we know may have caused some confusion. Thanks for bearing with us and we hope that you will see the benefit of this new system in the long-term.

Payment details are not held in the parking system, only your name and email address are kept along with your car registration if supplied. All required information will be held in accordance with GDPR. For further information, please see the Park Live privacy policy online.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What if I haven’t provided my vehicle registration?
A. The QR code on your seasonal permit will need to be scanned. You should therefore present your seasonal permit to the marshal at the control point, either as a print-out or download on your smart phone.

Q. What if I forget to print or download my permit?
A. If you have provided your vehicle registration, the system will recognise your number plate and allow entry. In the event of any issues with the ANPR system at the time of your entry (ie loss of connectivity to the system), you should provide your name to the marshal who will search the system and allow entry.

Q. Do I need a separate permit for each home League game?
A. Your seasonal permit is valid for all home League games as the system automatically uploads all the relevant data to the next game (in a similar way to your stadium season ticket). We recommend you either print the permit or download to your smart phone in the event of any issues with the ANPR system.

Q. Where can I park?
A. Your seasonal permit will include a car park which has been allocated to you and we would ask you to park in this area only to avoid causing inconvenience to other car park users.

Q. What is the method of car park allocation?
A. Seasonal parking for non-blue badge holders is within the S-Zone and you may park in any of the south car parks open for the individual games which are not controlled by stewards for other users (ie media, players, etc).

Where you have a blue badge, we have aimed to allocate you a space in the car park nearest to your nominated gate wherever possible, subject to the requirement for a wide bay.

Q. What happens if I change my car or my email address?
A. The email from Park Live will include a unique password and link to the website where you can access your account and change details as needed. A webchat facility is usually available if you encounter any difficulties.

Q. Am I able to register more than one vehicle on the system?
A. We are advised that this facility should be available to all users, but as this is a new feature to the system we understand that there have been glitches which the developers are trying hard to resolve.

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