Out of the Dark: My Journey Through the Shadows to Find God's Joy by Mandisa | Goodreads
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Out of the Dark: My Journey Through the Shadows to Find God's Joy

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Grammy award-winning music artist Mandisa tells an inspiring story of peaks and valleys, trials and joys, wins and losses. Through her gripping narrative, she shows that our choice to trust God can not only overcome our need to understand why bad things happen, but can help us to embrace a life of joy and freedom. Out of the Dark is Mandisa's exploration of the journey she's taken from when she first became a Christian, to her rise as an American Idol finalist and receiving multiple Grammy and Dove Award nominations, as well as the dark and challenging times she experienced along the way. She writes personally and openly about the hardships she has faced and the way she felt betrayed by God, but also about how God has brought her out of the valley into His glorious light. Along the way, she also shares her struggles in learning how to love her body and care for her health. Just as Mandisa's Grammy-award winning song "Overcomer" was topping the Contemporary Christian Music charts, her friend for whom "Overcomer" had been written passed away. After losing this close friend to cancer, despite years of prayers on her behalf, Mandisa descended into depression, isolating herself and turning to her familiar friend, food, for comfort. Throughout Out of the Dark, Mandisa uses her experiences to address the following themes: The pain of grief and loss Surviving abuse Embracing true beauty and a healthy body image Coping with severe depression Healthy--and disordered--eating The role of faith in hope and healing Letting go of shame Following your unique calling and passion How friends and family are crucial for healing The challenges of 2020, including protecting mental and emotional health while navigating a public health crisis; quarantining; and coping with racial injustice Trusting God daily for hope and healing ​In the darkness, Mandisa knew God was there -- but she wondered if she could trust Him. Even at her lowest point where she saw no human way forward, God was at work, powerfully redeeming her story and calling her out of the dark. Mandisa tells her story with warmth and vulnerability, challenging us all to focus on God's purpose for our lives, surround ourselves with friends who will fight for us, and face life's challenges with courage and faith. If you've ever found yourself in a dark place as the result of grief, depression, or loss, Mandisa's story will reassure you that even when you're walking through dark valleys, God can and will lead you on a path to joy and hope.

256 pages, Hardcover

Published March 15, 2022

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 139 reviews
Profile Image for Cat Carstairs.
268 reviews95 followers
June 6, 2024
My heart was broken to hear the news about Mandisa's passing. She was such a bright light for Jesus in this dark world and I will miss her and her beautiful voice.

Her story was so real and impactful. It was encouraging to hear about the hard things she experienced in life and how Jesus used them for her good and His glory. Her testimony is proof that by God's strength, we can overcome any obstacle. There is purpose in the struggle, even and especially when we cannot see it. Mandisa was still so young, and while I feel sorrow that she is no longer with us, I feel great hope knowing that she is at home with our Father- no longer living in this tragic world, but in His perfect Kingdom.

She is singing with the angels now <3
Profile Image for Val (pagespoursandpups).
348 reviews113 followers
March 10, 2022
Ever since I saw Mandisa's entrance on American Idol, I have loved her! To me, she defines a "glowing spirit". Her songs are uplifting and full of hope. When I saw this book that talks about her struggles along with her victories, I immediately requested a copy.

This book is such a great reminder that the person we "show" the world, is not always the person we are. We are all dealing with issues - lack of confidence, questioning faith, depression, financial, job related, family related and so many others - but we rarely show that side to others. We tuck that away and so many times feel obligated to only show the positives.. In a world filled with social media accounts highlighting success, beauty and perfection, it's hard to not compare your life with others'.

Mandisa does a wonderful job of walking us through her journey to follow her passion for singing and finding a way to make her passion and her work the same thing. I loved when she recounted how God plants seeds for us to find if we will pay attention. Had she not followed up on the name "Lifeway" seeming implanted in her mind, she would not have applied for a job there, met people pivotal to her journey and joined the Christian instruction industry which led her to performing and eventually trying out for American Idol(AI). As someone who "met" Mandisa on AI, I was enamored with her behind the scenes experience and stories of that time.

In each chapter she shares experiences, bible verses and song lyrics. I watched YouTube videos of the collaborations she talks about and listened to the songs she references with new understanding. To understand the emotion behind a song is just a gift. There were so many lines that stood out to me that I highlighted to refer back to.

"Guilt is different from shame. Guilt is seeing the sinful thing you have done; shame is seeing yourself as a failure because of it."

This book was exactly what I hoped it would be. It reinforced my love for Mandisa. I loved her honesty - the way she showed the reader her insecurities and her struggles with faith, food and confidence felt so heartfelt. I took away so much information because it was presented in a non-preachy way. Not once did I feel like God's words were thrown at me, rather, they were presented to me on a platter to decide if I wanted to partake or not.

So very grateful to have had the chance to digest this book. Thank you so much to NetGalley and K-love books for the advance copy to read and review.

Pub date: 3.15.22
Profile Image for Cassondra Perea.
343 reviews3 followers
February 28, 2022
I loved this book! Five stars simply isn’t enough!!!!I would recommend this book to everyone I know who has struggled with their mental health and physical appearance!!!! If this is you, run don’t walk to get a copy.

It is a difficult thing to be a Christian and face issues such as those Mandisa discusses in her book. I have found that when talking to other Christian’s they can tend to question my faith or the ever favorite, pray it away. However, Mandisa, having gone through them herself admits Christians will struggle in their life on earth. In fact, some of the trials Christians face may never go away as they are our “thorns in our flesh” like Paul wrote about. She preached the word of God honestly throughout the entire book without casting judgment or alienating her audience.

I read this as an e-book and I will asking for this as a gift or buying it myself so I can reread in a season of darkness. I also want a physical copy so that I can highlight and take notes! There is too much gold in this book to not delve deeper.

This will now be my go to gift for friends who I know have struggled and or are struggling in these areas.

Special thanks to K-Love Publishers and NETGALLEY .com for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my pure honesty. You will never truly understand what this book means to me!
Profile Image for Isaac .
69 reviews12 followers
April 9, 2022
I've been Mandisa's fan since I saw her He is with you video in 2015 at that time I was a lonely kid in junior high. And that song gives me encouragement and her beautiful voice tells me that the creator of the world is with me while I'm in the middle of that. Then I continued listening her songs and MANDISA MANDISA tells me the meaning of the scars and to turn them into testimonies.
So I can say mandisa is not only one of a great contestant in American Idol but she is a friend, a mentor and a preacher.
And now I was so pleasantly surprised by Out of the dark! The writing is incredibly well done. Her honesty and authenticity in telling her story is BRAVE and powerful!! The book was so incredibly relatable sometimes it hurt. She gives us a candid glimpse of her depression life, anxiety, loss, lonely times..... She also describes the moment she come out of the dark and How she did it.
" God is teaching me how to be an overcomer too-not just getting through hard time In my life, but experiencing victory daily through His strength and love. I'm learning I don't have to have it all together, or the best version of myself, to be an overcomer. I can make mistakes, fall back into old sinful patterns, and still walk in victory. Because overcoming isn't dependent on me. It's dependent on my powerful savior.
I loved every minute of it. I highly recommend it!!
*** I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange of an Honest review ****
Profile Image for Melanie.
2,112 reviews585 followers
May 16, 2024
Out of the Dark was a great read. The audiobook was read very well and I was surprised by parts of Mandisa's story, although most of it I had heard her speak about in interviews.

I loved learning how the American Idol audition that was aired was not the one she performed in front of the judges. So interesting! All in all, a very good read.
Profile Image for Lisa.
224 reviews
February 23, 2022
Thank you to Mandisa for sharing her struggle and how she has used God's Word to help her overcome her struggles. She expressed many different struggles so many of us face and it was inspiring to hear how she came through it at the end. After reading this, I feel that I know a little more about her and like her more and more.

Thank you K-LOVE Books, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles, and NetGalley for an advance read.
Profile Image for Mikayla.
1,027 reviews
March 14, 2024
This was a very encouraging book, a bit scattered in its theme, but still good. The end felt very disconnected from the rest, like they had tacked it on.
I enjoyed getting to see more of Mandisas story and background.
Profile Image for Read-n-Bloom.
350 reviews9 followers
February 28, 2022
This was a good book by Mandisa. She is writing about herself and things she has struggled with since being on American Idol. She writes about losing a very best friend, Kisha. She couldn’t understand why God took her and Kisha so young and had little children. She writes how God brings her out of the dark during these times, because she went low into the darkness. Very inspirational and beautiful for her to bear her soul the way she has in this book. Thank you to #NetGalley and the publishers, for the opportunity to read and review #OutOfTheDark with my own thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Kristina  Wilson.
1,295 reviews66 followers
March 22, 2022
I enjoy Mandisa’s music and admired her stage presence and love for Jesus when I had the opportunity to see her in concert a few years ago. I also struggle with depression, so I immediately snagged an E-ARC of this book when I saw it was available. This book is best summarized by Mandisa herself in the final chapter: “It’s not a story about Mandisa, really. It’s a story about a big God who has changed one woman’s life in unbelievable ways”.

The book opens as Mandisa shares the story of her friend Kisha, who lost her battle with breast cancer shortly after giving birth to her second child. It’s this loss that compounds upon her struggles with depression and leaves her questioning why God allows suffering; a question I’m sure we’ve all wrestled with in our own lives. I so appreciated how vulnerably and candidly Mandisa shares different things she has struggled with throughout her life, yet always returns to Scripture to encourage both herself and the reader. Each chapter is titled after one of Mandisa’s songs, and begins with a snippet of the lyrics to set the tone for the chapter ahead. “Getting Real” questions at the end of each chapter help the reader connect to Mandisa’s experiences by encouraging them to think about similar experiences or feelings in their own lives.

However, I was disappointed in the content about false teachers, including Beth Moore, Lysa TerKuerst and Kristi McLelland. All of these women have preached to mixed congregations despite God’s Word in Timothy, among other issues.

Thank you to the publishers, Dexterity and K-Love, for providing an e-ARC for review via Netgalley; all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Barbara Powell.
910 reviews60 followers
March 10, 2022
I’ve been a fan of Mandisa for many years. I admire her fun personality at concerts and online so this was an eye opening look behind the scenes and the highs and lows of her life and how they affected her walk with God. We always think of celebrities having no problems, but Mandisa was open in expressing her very dark lows of depression that so many of us deal with. God never said our walk with Him would be easy, but He did say that it would be worth it. I appreciated her vulnerability in telling her story and each chapter is filled with scripture references and bible stories that relate to what she was going through at the time, and that most of us can relate to at one time in our life or another, along with a few questions at the end of the chapter as a way to look back on what you just read.
This was raw and inspiring and not “preachy” but definitely “teachy”
“It’s not a story about Mandisa, really, it’s a story about a big God who has changed one woman’s life in unbelievable ways”
Thanks to K-LOVE Books, the author and NetGalley for this arc in exchange for my review.
Profile Image for Meredith Newton.
13 reviews
May 13, 2024
Definitely a guide with scripture driven fuel for anyone with anxiety and depression. Just really sad that she’s not here to write another.
Profile Image for Michelle Kidwell.
Author 36 books83 followers
February 6, 2022
Out of the Dark
My Journey Through the Shadows to Find God's Joy
by Mandisa
Pub Date 15 Mar 2022
K-LOVE Books, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles
Biographies & Memoirs | Christian | Religion & Spirituality

I am reviewing a copy of Out of the Dark through K-Love Books, Independent Publishers Association and Netgalley:

Out of the Dark is Mandisa’s exploration of the journey she’s taken from when she first became a Christian, it also speak of her rise as an American Idol finalist and receiving multiple Grammy and Dove Award nominations, as well as the dark and challenging times she experienced along the way.

In Out of the Darkness Mandissa tells her story with warmth and vulnerability, challenging us all to focus on God’s purpose for our lives. She calls readers to surround themselves with friends who will fight for and with them and to face life’s challenges with courage and faith.

While in the darkness Mandissa knew God was there — but she wondered if she could trust Him. Even at her lowest point where she saw no human way forward, God was at work, powerfully redeeming her story and calling her out of the dark.

I give Out of the Dark five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Eunice R.
160 reviews3 followers
March 30, 2022
I'd say that Mandisa is first and foremost a great woman of faith in Jesus Christ and cherishes her relationship with Him. This she articulates in her songs, several of which, are co-authored with others. Her song lyrics have a very "Psalms" feel to them and have great potential for touching the heart in deep places.

Being able to read the background from which Mandisa's songs spring, helps give a reality check for "getting real" with God and relationships with others, even for the listener, reader and singer of her songs. I found this Out of the Dark author to be very honest and believe her testimony is exactly what many of us need to hear. Those faltering in their faith because of trauma, health issues, or those struggling with mental health should all find Mandisa's memoir of great value.

I really appreciated that this singer-songwriter and book author has chosen to illustrate her thoughts with Bible stories and verses, assisting her readers to connect at premium meaningfulness as she drives her meaning home with greater impact, understanding and insight.

Being a person who prefers the more staid, traditonal music, this new-to-me, avenue of song took me by surprize. As each song was introduced in the book, I went and listened to it. Although some of the music was not my preferred genre, I did love "Good Morning" and " Bleed the Same". In fact, this latter one really hits in the gut especially knowing the background of events that most of us would, not so long ago, have seen or heard of in the news, if not experienced firsthand on the street.

No matter how dark our lives may get, Mandisa tells of her survival, and of the mercies of her Lord and Heavenly Father of compassion, which are new every morning. Herein, lies hope.

At the end of each book chapter is a section called, "Get Real" where pertinent "think about it" questions are delineated for the reader to ask his or herself. Take action however and wherever necessary to bring yourself out of the dark with Jesus' help and with those He puts in your life community to be as "real" and whole as possible this side of Heaven.

~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~
December 2021

Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Reviews Published

50 Book Reviews
Profile Image for Betsy.
18 reviews
May 7, 2024
This book gave us a real look into Mandisa’s struggles with mental health, food/weight, and her faith. Filled with scripture references and ending each chapter with questions to think about, gave this book a Bible study feel.
1 review
April 28, 2024
Excellent book. It’s real, raw and honest and contains helpful scripture that can be applied to anyone’s life.
May 4, 2024
Mandisa, I loved this book and I love all of your songs!! You got me through my darkest days of my life.
Profile Image for Sera.
168 reviews13 followers
June 1, 2024
I meant to read this earlier, especially since recent events made this more difficult to read. I commend & appreciate her sharing her mental health journey.
Profile Image for SaraFair.
89 reviews36 followers
March 16, 2022
Seldom do we want to discuss our weaknesses or times when we could not stand up to the world’s standard. But that is exactly what Mandisa has done in her memoir Out of the Dark: My Journey Through the Shadows to Find God’s Joy. In a brave and open manner, Mandisa carries us back through her life’s highs and lows, explaining her innermost thoughts along the way. Explaining how God and His Word got her through it. The author shows us her early life and how she became a Christian. Then she describes the education and conditions that led her to be a Grammy award winning Christian artist. Even including an insult that was broadcast around the country. Mandisa has a way of using scripture that is quite motivational. She gives so many relatable examples of dark times in her life leaving her to wonder “why me” or “should I give up here”? Then she shows us that the answers were right there all along, in God’s promises. What a giving person to announce all her issues so that we can glean hope from the ways that she has found her help through God. I highly recommend this to those that are dealing with mental and physical roadblocks. I also recommend to those who want to be ready for when they happen in the future. Thank you to NetGalley for a free ecopy of this book, given for an honest review.
Profile Image for Angela Payne.
113 reviews4 followers
January 9, 2022
Memoirs are one of my favorite genres to read so I was excited to dive in to Mandisa’s narrative about her rise to fame, her struggles and her victories. Out of the Dark was beautifully written with so much honestly and vulnerability and it proved to be a powerful story of God’s redemptive work in the life of a broken vessel and how He can turn our ashes into beauty when we allow Him to do so. I found myself very drawn into Mandisa’s story and I believe that it can be used as a beacon of hope for many others as they go through various struggles of their own.
Profile Image for Dawn.
55 reviews6 followers
March 2, 2022
Mandisa’s honesty and openness about her struggles were touching. It is a big step to share, but Mandisa takes it a step further and discusses how she is making sure her recovery stays on a healthy path.

Her story about her time on Idol and how God used it in her own words is a strong point in the title. Over the years, I have heard and read about it, yet in her words it sunk in deep.

Take the time to read this title it will be worth it.
Profile Image for Jennifer Wilder.
146 reviews1 follower
December 31, 2023
I truly loved this book! It was such an inspiring and uplifting read, I even read it in one sitting. I wasn’t expecting that but it was exactly what I needed. Like many others I know Mandisa from her Idol days and have followed her through her years. It goes to show how you never know what someone is going through behind close doors. Yet what she went through is relatable and thankfully becoming less and less taboo because of people like her speaking out. She boldly talks about her faith, music, mental health and especially the current racial events happening in the world. This book is for everyone needing a lift, wanting to feel like they have a friend in a book and an encouraging read. Thank you NetGalley for the arc!
Profile Image for Alaina Rocci.
7 reviews
January 17, 2023
Very quick read. Her candor and story is interesting. However, as someone who reads lots of autobiographies and memoirs and many with faith/religious undertones, I found this one underwhelming. It lacks depth and is more of a general glaze over her life story. Might be more impactful if you listen to her music or have followed her career. But if you're someone like me who is generally familiar with her, and viewing it as a human interest piece, it may not be worth the time.
January 3, 2023
Very beautiful and raw and real story. Very heavy emotions and deep thinking. I encourage others to read slowly. Some days I could do a chapter a day. This book gave me hope as being single woman and gratitude for my journey with God.
Profile Image for Andrew.
683 reviews10 followers
May 19, 2022
Out of the Dark is Mandisa’s second book. Each chapter was song’s titles and contained some of her lyrics. In this book, she opens up about her life and she started with the meaning behind her top song, “Overcomer”. It was written about a challenge her best friend was facing. Her best friend, hairstylist, and former background singer, Kisha was battling stage three breast cancer for over a year and a half. Kisha found out while she was about pregnant. She was having to do a less harmful form of chemotherapy. Mandisa shared how they prayed for her and the unborn child to be protected in the womb. Her and her songwriters were almost done with the album and they needed just one more song. They wrote “Overcomer” to be a fight anthem and they never imagined how the audience would connect and relate to the song. This song is a reminder to listeners to stay in the fight until the very end even when you are down and overwhelmed. Her friend was able to attend the album release party and they raised $25,000 to help with her medical bills. She shared how she expressed hope and how they were all believing that she would be healed. She ended up going home to be with Jesus.

Mandisa admitted to how she had a lot of hopeless thoughts and she explained how she had faith. She couldn’t understand as to why God took her home from her husband and she had two kids to raise. She explained how she was struggling with being an overcomer and each performance of this song caused her deep emotional pain. She was angry at God and upset. She opened up about her how she kept her grief in a box. This opened the door to her past trauma, shame over her weight, and being eliminated from American Idol from still haunting her. She revealed how she went into a depression and turned back to letting food comfort her. She shared with readers her dark thoughts during this time and how she thought about taking pills to end it all. In the book, she will share with readers how she was able to come out of the pit and how others were there for her along the way even when at first, she didn’t see it.

I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is dealing with depression and they feel alone and not worthy. I immensely enjoyed reading Mandisa’s journey through dealing with sadness and hanging on and not giving up on her life. I had no idea she was batting depression and you couldn’t tell it. This book will benefit anyone is struggling with depression, food addiction, past trauma, and provide readers with hope. I met her a few years ago at a concert and she was personally one of the nicest people I have ever met. She has the joy of the Lord and has such a beautiful smile that is contagious. I read her first book years ago. This one also covered some of the past stories she shared about working at Lifeway and touched on her American Idol journey. I felt like in this book, she went into more details about her life. It was heartbreaking to read again about Simon’s comments and some of her trauma she faced as a child. I also liked how she talked directly to single people and included her experiences and how she encouraged them and reminded them that God can fulfill their longing with His love.

"I received this book free from the publisher, K-Love Books for my honest review.”

Profile Image for Gretchen Garrison.
Author 3 books27 followers
February 24, 2022
We all go through hard times. Just because a person is famous does not mean he/she is immune to struggles. When suffering comes our way, we all have different reactions.
For Mandisa, she chose to hide away and to seek solace in food and in television. I appreciate her candor in sharing what took her down that path - one she thought that she was free from. When a friend died after being diagnosed with cancer, Mandisa took the loss very hard. Working through that took time, and she did not always process her grief well.
For me, there are some important takeaways from this book.
1) In this world, you will have trouble. Rather than hiding, we need to deal with our issues and our losses. After Mandisa was on the right path again, the pandemic started. She took purposeful steps to make sure that she did not spiral again. Coping is not automatic.
2) We need friends to hold us accountable. Her friends knew she was spiraling. They did not let her stay there. They were persistent in reaching out. Because she had developed strong relationships during the good times, those people were there for her during the hard times. We need community. We are not meant to do life alone.
3) Just because you follow God does not mean you will not get depressed. Mandisa talked about her faith all of the time. She still wanted to walk away when God did not deliver. We all can falter. Help is available. I appreciate that Mandisa was honest about her suicidal thoughts. God loved her anyway and chose to provide a way for her to climb out of her personal darkness. Not everyone can do that. But hopefully this book will inspire those who are struggling to seek help.
I think if you are a fan of Mandisa's music, you will appreciate this book even more. All of the chapters start with the lyrics of one of her songs. But she does explain her story and how she became a noted musician, so if you are just "meeting" her, you will still be able to follow along. I do recommend this book because it is hopeful even in the midst of moments of despair. There are Bible verses aplenty, but the book feels full of life lessons rather than of sermons.
I read a copy of this book through NetGalley. I requested it for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Julia.
89 reviews10 followers
December 10, 2021
Reader Review: Out of the Dark by Mandisa ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Publication Date: March 15, 2022

Mandisa’s memoir Out of the Dark - My Journey Through the Shadows to Find God’s Joy is an honest, heartfelt and powerful story about her struggle with depression, food addiction, and how she found her joy and freedom again.
Memoirs are my favorite book genre so I was very excited to read Out of the Dark. Thank you to K-LOVE Books and #NetGalley for this #gifted ARC.

I was fortunate enough to see Mandisa in concert a few years ago. One of my favorite parts of a live concert is when the artist tells the background story of a song. So I was absolutely captivated from the first chapter where Mandisa shares about her friend Kisha who was the inspiration for the song “Overcomer.” I will think about this story every time I hear the song from now on. It made the song’s message so much more powerful to me.

I really liked that each chapter’s heading is a Mandisa song title that helps set the stage for her story. The section titled “Getting Real” has questions for the reader to contemplate about themselves, their relationships with others and with God. This was such a unique addition at the end of each chapter.

Mandisa shares stories from her early years in California, her growth as a Christian, her time on American Idol (including her encounters with Simon), and her struggle with God during a very dark time in her life. She is so transparent and honest in sharing the truth about that time in her life. One of my favorite passages is regarding her friends who were unrelenting in their presence during this time in her life.
“Maybe you have a friend or a loved one who is dealing with depression or
anxiety, and you wonder if your calls and texts make a difference. I want to tell
you, they do.”
As someone who has experienced this, I can wholeheartedly agree with her statement. You really never know what others are going through and how much a call, text or kind word can impact their lives.

Out of the Dark is a great book for anyone who is a Mandisa fan, loves a powerful memoir, or just needs the encouragement of hope even in times of darkness.
Profile Image for Neil.
1,188 reviews13 followers
April 30, 2023
I enjoyed this book. I appreciated Mandisa's honesty about her struggles in life, her ups-and-downs, and that God has used these moments to teach her and press her to Him (ultimately; it may have taken longer than she would have liked in retrospect, but Jesus always called her back to Himself). She talks about hard times when her prayers were not answered the way she wanted them to be answered and how she had to learn to trust Yahweh in those times, how she had to trust that Yahweh knew better than her and knew what was best. And she is honest and admits it was not easy; it was a struggle for her at times.

When she described her failures, how it was so easy for her to return to self-destructive habits, I found myself easily relating those decisions and thinking, "I do that, too!" But she does not focus on the negative; she admits it happened but she ultimately looks to Jesus. She freely admits it is often easier said than done, but we need to always turn back to Jesus and fix our eyes on Him.

I think she makes an important point about staying in community with each other. The Bible tells us not to forsake the gathering of the brethren, and she talks about this as well, how important it is to stay in touch with our family and friends, to be there for each other and challenge each other.

One thing that I enjoyed most about the book is that I felt it was filled with hope. And joy. She always brings the reader back to Jesus, back to our need to trust our Savior in everything and especially in those times things do not go our way and we do not understand why things went down the way they did. We have to return to Jesus and trust Him, that He has a plan, even if we cannot see it, and that He ultimately wants what is best for each of us.

It was a good book, to put it mildly, and I am glad that I picked it up to read. Can't wait to meet her in person someday, be it on this side or the other side.

Profile Image for Casey | Essentially Novel.
244 reviews4 followers
April 18, 2022
“𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘥. 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘏𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦.”

The first time I ever heard Mandisa was after one of her first singles hit the Christian radio airwaves and for a long time I didn’t know she had been on American Idol (I also didn’t watch the show so…). I sort of low-key followed her as she released music but didn’t know much about her or her story. Now, thanks to NetGalley for providing an advanced reader e-copy, I can say that I have a deeper appreciation for her, her music, and the impact she is having for God.

In this book Mandisa walks us through pivotal moments throughout her life that have shaped her personally and spiritually. Mandisa addresses mental health, body image, eating disorders, shame, community, faith, fame, purpose, and a lot more. She gets vulnerable and shares her life story in such raw ways, reminding us that even strong believers, even those who are in the public eye and declare truth, can struggle and doubt. She further reminds us to let people in, to let others be with us in our struggles and hold fast to truth, even when it’s hard. Each chapter begins with lyrics from one of her songs and ends with questions to reflect on.

I was so encouraged by her transparency and was comforted that I am not alone in my struggles, though I wish neither of us had to go through what we have. But those circumstances can shape us in tremendous ways for good if we choose to let them, and in sharing what we have endured and struggled with allows us to grow, heal, and connect with others.

Whether you are an avid fan of Mandisa or have never heard of her, I recommend reading this. It’s well worth picking up and discussing with friends.
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145 reviews7 followers
December 27, 2021
In, Out of the Dark, Mandisa openly shares her struggles with depression after the death of a very close friend. In this day and time, it’s fairly safe to say everyone has been affected by depression. This book is for anyone and everyone. Any believer in Jesus faced with unanswered prayers or disappointments in life will relate to Mandisa’s story of running from and then eventually facing and wrestling through those difficulties with God. In Mandisa’s case, she had prayed and believed that God would heal her friend from cancer. When He did not, she had to deal with the resulting pain and disappointments and reestablish her trust in Him.

You will also get a peek into how God led Mandisa into music which opened the door for her to sing with Beth Moore’s ministry and eventually led to her audition on American Idol.

In chapter 8, Mandisa explained how she visualizes taking her hurts to Jesus at the tomb. He places 7 colored scarves around her neck clothing her with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance, and forgiveness. This was a beautiful depiction of God’s love and care in the midst of her hurts. She said, “This technique helps me make the choice to leave the heaviness that I often carry at the feet of Jesus.”

Jesus can always bring beauty from pain. Mandisa’s stories are a testament to His goodness in her life. When we surrender our lives into His hands, He does something beautiful. I love how Natalie Grant said it in the forward, “We don’t need a quick fix; we just need Jesus.”

I received an arc copy from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 139 reviews

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