42 Facts about Chennai (Madras) - Facts.net
Minnnie Sohn

Written by Minnnie Sohn

Modified & Updated: 28 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Incredibleindia.org

Chennai, formerly known as Madras, is a vibrant and bustling city located on the eastern coast of India. With its rich history, cultural heritage, and modern infrastructure, Chennai has earned its place as one of the top metropolitan cities in the country. From its iconic Marina Beach to the majestic Kapaleeshwarar Temple, Chennai offers a diverse range of attractions and experiences for locals and visitors alike.

But there’s more to this fascinating city than meets the eye. In this article, we’ll dive deep into Chennai and uncover 42 intriguing facts that make it a unique destination. From its colonial past to its thriving film industry, from its delectable South Indian cuisine to its world-class education system, Chennai has plenty to offer and explore. So, get ready to be amazed as we unfold the captivating story of Chennai, a city pulsating with energy and charm.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chennai, formerly known as Madras, is a vibrant city with a rich history, delicious cuisine, and a thriving cultural scene. From its iconic beaches to its bustling markets, Chennai offers a mesmerizing experience for every visitor.
  • Chennai is a city of festivals, music, and dance, with a strong influence on Tamil cinema. Its diverse heritage, architectural wonders, and vibrant nightlife make it a captivating destination for all.
Table of Contents

The name “Chennai” has famous origins.

The city was named after the Chennakesava Perumal Temple, dedicated to Lord Krishna. Over time, the name “Chennai” evolved from its earlier form, Madras.

Chennai is the fourth largest city in India.

With a population of over 7 million, Chennai stands as one of the most populous cities in the country.

It is known as the “Detroit of India.”

Due to its thriving automobile industry, Chennai has earned the title of being the “Detroit of India.

Chennai is home to the second longest beach in the world.

Marina Beach, stretching over 13 kilometers, is the second longest urban beach in the world.

The city experiences a tropical wet and dry climate.

Chennai’s climate is characterized by hot and humid summers and occasional monsoon rains.

Chennai is known for its delicious South Indian cuisine.

From piping hot dosas and idlis to mouthwatering filter coffee, Chennai offers a wide variety of delectable South Indian dishes.

The city has a thriving film industry.

Chennai is referred to as the “Kollywood” of India, as it is the hub for Tamil film production, second only to Bollywood in popularity.

Chennai is home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram, including the famous Shore Temple, have been recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites.

The first ever railway line in South India was established in Chennai.

Chennai was an important center for railway development, and the first railway line in South India was laid between Chennai and Arcot in 1856.

Chennai is known for its classical dance form, Bharatanatyam.

Bharatanatyam, one of the oldest classical dance forms in India, has its roots in the temples of Chennai.

The iconic Chennai Central Railway Station is a heritage building.

Chennai Central, the main railway terminus, is a significant architectural landmark and a symbol of the city’s colonial past.

Chennai is home to several prestigious educational institutions.

The city boasts renowned institutions like the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras and Anna University, attracting students from all over the country.

Chennai has a rich literary and cultural history.

The city has been a center for Tamil literature, and prominent Tamil poets and writers emerged from Chennai over the years.

Cricket is a popular sport in Chennai.

The M. A. Chidambaram Stadium, also known as Chepauk Stadium, is the home ground for the Chennai Super Kings, a team in the Indian Premier League (IPL).

Chennai has numerous art galleries and museums.

The Government Museum, National Art Gallery, and Cholamandal Artists’ Village are just a few of the many art and cultural centers in the city.

Chennai is known for its vibrant music and dance festivals.

The Margazhi season, which falls between December and January, witnesses a plethora of classical music and dance performances in the city.

Chennai is home to the world’s second oldest surviving newspaper.

The Madras Courier, established in 1785, holds the distinction of being the second oldest English language newspaper still in circulation.

Chennai has a vibrant street food scene.

From crispy vadas and spicy chaats to mouthwatering appams, the streets of Chennai offer a delightful culinary experience.

Chennai is known for its traditional silk sarees.

Kanjeevaram silk sarees, renowned for their intricate designs and rich colors, are a specialty of Chennai.

The city has numerous ancient temples.

Chennai is dotted with beautiful temples like Kapaleeshwarar Temple and Parthasarathy Temple, which attract devotees and tourists alike.

Chennai is home to the second largest beach in the world.

Covelong Beach, also known as Kovalam Beach, stretches over 20 kilometers, making it the second largest beach in the world.

Chennai has a thriving IT and technology sector.

Several multinational IT companies have their offices and development centers in Chennai, contributing to the city’s economic growth.

The famous Marina Lighthouse is located in Chennai.

The iconic lighthouse, located on the Marina Beach, offers panoramic views of the city and the Bay of Bengal.

Chennai has a rich theater and performing arts culture.

The city has witnessed the rise of several renowned theater groups and hosts numerous theater festivals throughout the year.

Chennai is known for its traditional music and dance academies.

The city is home to prestigious institutions like the Music Academy and Kalakshetra, which promote and preserve Indian classical arts.

Chennai has a vibrant shopping scene.

From bustling local markets to modern shopping malls, Chennai offers a wide range of shopping options for every taste and budget.

Chennai has a strong connection to the British colonial era.

The city has several British-era architectural marvels, such as the Fort St. George and the Government Museum, which reflect its colonial past.

Chennai is known for its religious diversity.

The city is home to people from various religious backgrounds, and you can find mosques, churches, and other religious sites in different parts of Chennai.

Chennai is a hub for medical tourism.

The city boasts world-class hospitals and healthcare facilities, attracting patients from around the globe for specialized treatments.

Chennai has a bustling street food culture.

From piping hot masala dosas and crispy vadais to mouthwatering biryanis, the streets of Chennai offer a delicious variety of local delights.

Chennai has a well-connected transportation system.

The city has an extensive network of buses, metro trains, and suburban railways, making it easy for residents and visitors to travel around.

Chennai is known for its classical music concerts.

The city hosts numerous Carnatic music concerts, attracting renowned musicians and music enthusiasts from all over the world.

Chennai is home to some stunning architectural wonders.

The Thousand Lights Mosque, Fort St. George, and Santhome Basilica are just a few of the architectural gems that adorn the city.

Chennai is a center for traditional handicrafts.

The city is famous for its intricate woodwork, stone carving, and bronze casting, showcasing the skills of local artisans.

Chennai has a vibrant nightlife.

The city offers a range of entertainment options, including pubs, bars, and nightclubs, ensuring there is something for everyone.

Chennai hosts the annual Chennai Music Season.

Every December, the city comes alive with a month-long music festival featuring performances by renowned classical musicians.

Chennai is known for its bustling markets.

Georgetown and T Nagar are popular shopping destinations, famous for their vibrant street markets and traditional stores.

The city has a strong influence on Tamil cinema.

Chennai, being the center of Tamil cinema, has had a significant impact on the evolution of the Tamil film industry.

Chennai celebrates the Pongal festival with grandeur.

Pongal, a harvest festival, is celebrated with great enthusiasm and is one of the most important festivals in Chennai’s cultural calendar.

Chennai is a city of festivals.

From Diwali to Navratri, Chennai celebrates a myriad of festivals throughout the year, embracing the diverse cultures of its residents.

Chennai has numerous beautiful parks and gardens.

The Guindy National Park, Semmozhi Poonga, and Vandalur Zoo are just a few of the green spaces where residents can relax and unwind.

Chennai is a city of music and dance.

From classical concerts to contemporary dance performances, Chennai’s cultural scene is filled with vibrant music and dance performances all year round.

These 42 facts about Chennai (Madras) give you a glimpse into the rich heritage, culture, and vibrant life of this mesmerizing city. From its historic landmarks to its culinary delights, Chennai has something to offer every visitor.

So, whether you are exploring its ancient temples, strolling along its picturesque beaches, or indulging in its mouthwatering cuisine, Chennai promises a memorable experience that will leave you captivated by its charm.


Chennai, also known as Madras, is a city filled with incredible history, vibrant culture, and a unique charm. Throughout this article, we’ve explored 42 fascinating facts about this bustling metropolis. From its rich cultural heritage to its culinary delights, Chennai has a lot to offer.One of the standout features of Chennai is its stunning coastline. Marina Beach, the second-longest urban beach in the world, is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. The city is also home to numerous historical landmarks such as Fort St. George, Kapaleeshwarar Temple, and San Thome Basilica, showcasing its architectural brilliance.Chennai’s love for cinema is widely known. The city is a hub for the Tamil film industry, fondly referred to as Kollywood. With famous film studios and a dedicated fan base, Chennai is truly the heartbeat of Indian cinema.As you explore Chennai, you’ll also discover its vibrant street food culture. From piping hot idlis and crispy dosas to flavorful filter coffee, the culinary experience in Chennai is a treat for the taste buds.Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or simply looking to soak in the local culture, Chennai has something for everyone. So, plan your trip, immerse yourself in the city’s warmth, and create memories that will last a lifetime.


1. What is the best time to visit Chennai?

The ideal time to visit Chennai is during the winter months, from November to February, when the weather is pleasant and comfortable.

2. How can I reach Chennai?

Chennai has excellent connectivity with international and domestic flights. It also has a well-connected railway network and road transportation options.

3. Is Chennai safe for tourists?

Like any other bustling city, it’s always essential to take necessary precautions. However, Chennai is relatively safe for tourists, and with proper planning, you can have a trouble-free visit.

4. What are the must-visit attractions in Chennai?

Some of the must-visit attractions in Chennai include Marina Beach, Fort St. George, Kapaleeshwarar Temple, San Thome Basilica, and DakshinaChitra.

5. What is the local cuisine of Chennai?

Chennai is famous for its South Indian cuisine, with dishes like idli, dosa, vada, and filter coffee being popular among locals and tourists.

6. Can I explore Chennai on a budget?

Absolutely! Chennai offers various budget-friendly accommodation options, affordable transport, and street food stalls where you can enjoy delicious meals for reasonable prices.

7. Are there any festivals celebrated in Chennai?

Chennai celebrates a range of festivals, including Pongal, Diwali, and the Chennai Music and Dance Festival, which showcases traditional music and dance forms.

8. How can I experience the local culture in Chennai?

You can experience the local culture in Chennai by visiting traditional markets, watching a traditional dance performance, exploring art galleries, and indulging in authentic South Indian cuisine.

9. Are there any day trips from Chennai?

Yes, there are several day trip options from Chennai, including a visit to Mahabalipuram, Pondicherry, and Kanchipuram, which are known for their historical and cultural significance.

10. Can I find accommodation easily in Chennai?

Chennai offers a wide range of accommodation options, including luxury hotels, budget guesthouses, and serviced apartments, making it easy to find suitable accommodation based on your preferences and budget.

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