Happiness: Episode 1 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps

Happiness: Episode 1

A solid opening for tvN’s newest thriller Happiness which centers on a virus outbreak, a topic that hits much closer to home these days. Except this virus gives the infected a hunger for human flesh, so there’s that. This episode sets up the outbreak but also takes the time to introduce us to our likable main duo. Han Hyo-joo and Park Hyung-shik, two high school friends now in the police force, find themselves caught up in a mysterious murder case with disturbing implications.


We open on officer KIM JUNG-KOOK (Lee Jun-hyuk) trying to talk down a teenaged JUNG YI-HYUN (Park Hyung-shik) who is calmly sitting on the edge of his school roof. Everyone assumes he’s suicidal after hurting his leg badly enough that his baseball career is shot.

Fellow classmate YOON SAE-BOM (Han Hyo-joo) makes her way onto the rooftop and tells Jung-kook she’s got this. She hops onto the ledge and plops down next to Yi-hyun, complaining that she’s stuck at school because of him. Yi-hyun sighs that they’re making a big deal out of nothing – he only came up for some air, and then some idiot called the cops.

Sae-bom asks if baseball is that important to him. He says it’s all he knows how to do, and now he’ll never do it again. What’s he supposed to do with his life? Sae-bom looks supremely unbothered and shares she’s never been good at anything, and she’s fine. Ha.

She reminds him the future is full of possibilities for them. “You’ve got nothing to lose,” she says as she holds out her hand. Yi-hyun scoffs but lets her help him up. “Like me,” Sae-bom finishes as she freaking PUSHES HIM OFF THE ROOF onto the inflatable safety mat below.

Yi-hyun stares at her in shock as he falls, but he smiles when he hits the mat. Above, Sae-bom explains to the open-mouthed cop that she made sure to push Yi-hyun so he’d fall onto the safety mat. Cut to her in handcuffs running over to Yi-hyun, asking him to tell the police to let her go. “Do you want to date?” Yi-hyun asks instead.

12 years later

Gunfire and sirens sound while the Special Operation Unit [SOU] of the police force swarms a building. Adult Sae-bom helps carry in a wounded officer and yells at the newbie to begin treatment. He diagnoses a collapsed lung and hesitates before plunging the needle into the man’s chest.

When the officer starts convulsing, the terrified newbie begins chest compressions. The officer stops him and sits up, taking off his medical vest and admonishing the newbie for jabbing the clavicle. Sae-bom deducts points, calling the new recruit slow and indecisive.

Officer Seung-young recalls their own training years ago. Sae-bom had unhesitatingly drove the needle into the fake victim’s chest … except he wasn’t wearing protective gear. Seung-young notes they wear these protective vests now thanks to her decisiveness.

Meanwhile, a motel staff member investigates a strange banging in one of the rooms. When no one answers, he lets himself in. He’s pulled into the room, and the door slams closed. Ominous zombie-esque sounds ensue.

As Yi-hyun drives, a radio announcer talks about how nice it is to not wear masks anymore after COVID. Yi-hyun arrives at the motel – which is now a murder scene – wearing a baseball uniform, although he only plays as a hobby. Yi-hyun is also a cop and works alongside Jung-kook.

He and Jung-kook are assigned to the motel case and begin investigating the scene. Sae-bom would appreciate Yi-hyun’s decisiveness as he takes the lead and thoroughly checks the room. He opens every door and even peeks under the bed.

Jung-kook thinks Yi-hyun is messing with him when he calmly orders, “Come out.” Then Jung-kook leans down and sees the bloodied culprit staring back at him. The man sits docilely on the bed and says his memory is fuzzy. He experienced the murder as if in a dream.

When Yi-hyun asks how he killed the man, the culprit oddly says he was thirsty. Yi-hyun sees his bloody teeth and pries open the culprit’s mouth. “Did you bite him?!” he asks.

Elsewhere, Sae-bom and Seung-young eat at the cafeteria. She sees a notice about a new apartment complex where three units are being awarded to lucky police officers of merit. While Sae-bom tries to think of a way she could score one of the units, she gets a call from Yi-hyun.

He gives her a heads up that the culprit in his case mentioned getting drugs from one of the SOU’s new recruits named Jong-tae. It’s the kid who botched the training earlier. Sae-bom has apartments on the brain and sees this as an opportunity to prove her merit and put herself in the running.

Sae-bom takes off to find Jong-tae and stops outside of a door. Through the window, she sees what looks like two men having sexy times on the floor. Seung-young comes up behind her, and they bust into the room to break it up.

Jong-tae doesn’t respond to their commands, and it becomes clear there’s something amiss when he bites a chunk out of the neck of the other man. Sae-bom whips out her gun at the site of the bloody-mouthed, growling Jong-tae and shoots him in the knee.

Nothing seems to impede Jong-tae, so all they can do is go on the defensive. Sae-bom yells at Seung-young to take the wounded man to safety while she holds off Jong-tae. She keeps him at bay and even shoots him again, but like all respectable zombies, he just keeps coming at her.

Sae-bom manages to lock Jong-tae in the room and joins Seung-young in the hall. Jong-tae bangs his head against the door window until he literally knocks himself down. Suddenly, Jong-tae sounds human again and calls out for help. Sae-bom cautiously opens the door, gun raised. Jong-tae is back to his senses and finally feels the pain from his wounds.

While she washes the blood off her hands, Sae-bom calls Yi-hyun to yell at him for failing to warn her. She asks how he managed to subdue the culprit without a gun to which Yi-hyun replies in confusion that he just reasoned with him.

Yi-hyun begins to understand and asks if Jong-tae tried to bite her. Sae-bom says he did and then notices what looks like a bite mark on her hand. Uh-oh. She thinks back to the struggle and recalls Jong-tae’s nails scratching her. Something tells me that’s not much better.

Lieutenant colonel HAN TAE-SEOK (Jo Woo-jin), a stiff military officer, approaches Sae-bom in the woman’s bathroom, flanked by mask-wearing soldiers. He informs Sae-bom that Jong-tae is believed to have an infectious disease.

Tae-seok takes her phone and tells Yi-hyun, who is still on the line, that Sae-bom will have to call him back. After Sae-bom hands over her gun to Tae-seok, the soldiers lead her to a military vehicle. Tae-seok informs Seung-young that the incident is officially an accident and must be kept confidential.

Tae-seok picks up when Yi-hyun calls Sae-bom again. He almost hangs up until Yi-hyun introduces himself as a police officer. Tae-seok tells him about Sae-bom being taken for testing and is surprised when Yi-hyun asks if this is about Jong-tae.

Yi-hyun explains about his current case, and Tae-seok immediately heads over to the precinct. He tells Yi-hyun that only those who were bitten or scratched need to be quarantined.

While Sae-bom is taken to the quarantine site, Tae-seok shares what they know about the virus with Yi-hyun and Jung-kook. They suspect it affects the brain. Those bitten are either infected or die of blood loss.

Yi-hyun tells Tae-seok that the culprit took some pill and wonders if the symptoms could be hallucinogenic side effects. Tae-seok dismisses that idea but still wants to know if they find anything more about the drug.

Before he leaves, Tae-seok asks if Yi-hyun is playing baseball again. He had high hopes for him in high school. He’s disappointed to hear Yi-hyun still can’t run at full speed.

While Jung-kook checks up on the toxicology report, Yi-hyun scours the motel room for the drugs. He finds a pill, but it might not matter. The toxicology report came back clean, indicating Jong-tae really was infected with something.

That night, Yi-hyun stops by the baseball training academy and asks his friend for his expertise. Since he got kicked out for drugs, he thought he might know what the mystery pill is. Pfft.

His friend reluctantly takes a look and immediately notices a serial number on the pill. No illicit drug would have that. Yi-hyun lies down for a nap and tells his friend to let him know when he locates the pill in the pharmaceutical database.

At the quarantine center, Sae-bom is thoroughly examined and tested. Tae-seok comes in but doesn’t give her many answers. She wonders if she’ll become like Jong-tae and terrifies LEE JI-SOO (Park Joo-hee), the military medic examining her, by pretending to go all zombie on her.

Ever stoic and professional, Tae-seok ignores her antics and tells her to relay the details of the incident. Sae-bom describes Jong-tae’s appearance and asks if this infection is akin to rabies. Tae-seok says it’s similar.

He denies the theory that it’s related to drugs, saying the police always prefer that easy answer. Sae-bom explains she’s not a cop per se – her unit is counterterrorism.

When she asks about Jong-tae’s condition, Tae-seok says he’s recovering remarkably well. Tae-seok heads out to prepare a place for her to sleep and promises to bring Sae-bom her phone later.

Sae-bom still doesn’t have her phone and uses a landline to call Yi-hyun that night and blame him for her current predicament. They’re close enough friends that he’s already called her mother and given an excuse for why Sae-bom is unreachable.

Yi-hyun shares that Jong-tae’s drug results came back negative, but he still thinks there’s something to the drug angle. Yi-hyun promises to solve the case and encourages her to rest.

Sae-bom is locked into her room for the night and finds a barely concealed blood spot on the wall. She hears screeching and banging coming from nearby rooms. We pan out and see every room of the building occupied with infected people, all zombie-ing out except for Sae-bom.

Tae-seok goes over Sae-bom’s unusual test results, finding that she’s uninfected. She might be the first case of antibodies to the virus.

The next morning, Yi-hyun learns that the pill he found is a discontinued pneumonia medication that was developed due to COVID. It was pulled off the market because of mood and hallucinogenic side effects.

Yi-hyun’s friend doesn’t see how this drug could be responsible for the rabies-like symptoms. If the drug has been around for a while, why would these cases only pop up now?

After getting Jung-kook to trace the number Sae-bom called from, Yi-hyun heads over to the university being used as a quarantine site. Meanwhile, Ji-soo retrieves Sae-bom for more testing. Sae-bom spots Jong-tae in a room and pushes past Ji-soo to run inside.

Sae-bom barricades the door shut and promises she just needs a minute. They’ve Hannibal Lecter-ed Jong-tae, strapping a muzzle-like shield over his face. She asks if he’s okay and then checks how much he remembers from the incident.

She isn’t convinced this is a case of infection, but he denies any knowledge of the drugs he supposedly sold. Jong-tae suddenly asks for water, saying he’s thirsty. Uh-oh. Ji-soo urgently shouts from the crack in the door not to give him any.

Jong-tae powers down, closing his eyes and going non-responsive. Sae-bom leans in close, which of course is when he goes into full zombie mode and pounces on her. She holds him off until the soldiers break down the door and subdue him with what seems like a dangerous amount of electric current. Sae-bom stares straight into the security camera and asks Tae-seok if he’s watching.

Yi-hyun arrives at the site and is let through when he says he brought the pill for Tae-seok. Inside, Sae-bom bursts into Tae-seok’s little watchtower and accuses him of purposefully leading her to Jong-tae.

Tae-seok explains that infected people turn rabid after experiencing insatiable thirst, and he’s trying to discover precipitating conditions. The slow heart rate, fast healing, and inability to feel pain could be useful if controlled.

Since the public is already on edge regarding viruses, they’re doing this terrifying military experiment research secretly. He encourages Sae-bom to take some time off. They’ll set her up wherever she wants and say she was hurt in the line of duty. She just needs to undergo blood tests every couple of weeks.

Sae-bom agrees on the condition that he gives her the highest evaluation possible so she can get one of those apartments. He agrees, noting her record is strong. Sae-bom casually says she was born to fight terrorism.

When he asks if she has a boyfriend, she says their age gap is a bit much. He clarifies that she’ll need more than a good evaluation to get that unit. Does she have plans to get married soon? Sae-bom says she can start planning now. HA, this girl is not messing around about this apartment.

Tae-seok is surprised by how unfazed she is over all this, but Sae-bom doesn’t see the point in worrying about possible implications. In the corridor, Yi-hyun comes running up to see if she’s okay. When Sae-bom pretends to bite him, Ji-soo whips out her baton and takes a fighting stance. Heh.

Sae-bom suddenly thinks to question how Yi-hyun got in and panics, thinking he was bitten. He chuckles that he’s here to save her. Yi-hyun says he’ll be right back and goes in to hand over the pills to Tae-seok. Yi-hyun assumes there’s no way the pills were the cause, but Tae-seok observes that just because something used to be harmless doesn’t mean it always will be.

When Yi-hyun strides down the hallway, Sae-bom gets this look. Ha, she’s going to use him to get that apartment, isn’t she? She mumbles that he’s been right there this whole time. Sae-bom asks if he’s dating, snores, or grinds his teeth. It’s a no on all fronts, so she asks, “Should we get married?”

Yi-hyun flashes back to that day in high school where he asked her to date him. He sighs that he already told her he was kidding back then. “I’m not,” Sae-bom says.


Although it’s not technically a zombie drama – we’re not dealing with the undead – it’s basically a zombie drama. It’s a pretty standard setup, and the military angle is making me think of Search (although I’m already feeling this one more). But what could set this drama apart and make it more interesting is its characters and the locked-in angle we’ll likely get to next episode. I really like both our leads, especially Sae-bom. She’s intense, but she’s also got this fun, offbeat energy. She’s confident and plays by her own rules, which seems to be what drew Yi-hyun to her when they were young. You know, after she pushed him off a roof. Even though we’ve mostly seen them interact through phone calls, I’m enjoying her and Yi-hyun’s friendship. They have an easy rapport and good chemistry, and I imagine they’ll make a good team once all hell breaks loose.

In this story, COVID is barely in the rearview. It’s a rather bleak outlook, following a global pandemic with a zombie virus outbreak. Despite that, the tone is not as dark or serious as I’d anticipated. So far at least, there’s a good amount of humor to balance out the horror elements. I’m curious to see if that continues once we get past the setup and into the thick of it.

One thing that I’m sure will feature prominently is Sae-bom’s seeming immunity to this virus. The report Tae-seok had on her mentioned some childhood accident, so I’m guessing that will somehow be relevant. Her antibodies make her valuable, which could be a good or bad thing depending on how the military (and, therefore, government) intends to use her. Tae-seok mentioned the usefulness of the enhancements the virus brings, so does he want to use her blood to develop a cure or is there another goal?

I’m not sure what to make of Tae-seok yet. He’s stoic but not unpleasant – he just obviously takes his job very seriously. He and Sae-bom seemed to click due to their mutual directness, but it’s hard to tell if he’s trustworthy. Him knowing about Yi-hyun’s high school baseball career could be a coincidence, but that was a tad suspicious. And as a rule, I don’t tend to trust anyone in charge of secret military research. Military experiments have a way of going horribly awry, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a hand in whatever is about to go down at this housing complex Sae-bom is obsessed with.

To say Sae-bom is goal-oriented would be an understatement. Once she sets her mind on something, she goes all in. From the moment she saw the details for those apartments, she took every opportunity to put herself in the running. She’s even trying to marry Yi-hyun for it! I don’t believe for a second Yi-hyun was kidding about his feelings as a teenager, but that was a long time ago. He could be completely over her … except this is a drama, so he’s probably madly in love with her. Whatever the case, I have a feeling they’re about to become roommates because something tells me Sae-bom is someone who gets her way.


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Thanks for the recap. Did not expect this to be a zombie show. Thought it was about disease X, the next disease after Covid. Was pleasantly surprised though that it turned out well done. Both leads are doing great, direction is good too. Episode 2 was good too. Looking forward to other episodes.


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I really thought this was vampirism based on the fact that they are thirsty, but I guess the sunlight not bothering them puts that aside. I really like our leads. I like SB's single mindedness and kind of selfish behavior. It is refreshing, she doesn't need protecting.


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It's gratifying to see the recap and the comments here are generally positive, because candidly, I am so damn happy to see Han Hyo-joo back in a Korean drama, I don't think I am capable of objectively assessing the show.


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Lol, I got your back.


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I really thought the same. Are they zombies? Vampires? They have elements of both, thirty for blood (vampire) but without pain and consciousness (zombie). But they are neither too. Vamipre are rational and cannot go into the sunlight, and zombies are undead. These people are clearly alive, they even explained that their heart beats at a lower rate.

I think I'll use the term that @lordcobol said "Zompires" :D


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Thanks for the recap! Like you mentioned, the tone isn't nearly as dark and apocalyptic as I anticipated going into it, and I like both main characters. And yes, it's predictable, but there are enough fresh(ish) elements that it doesn't feel like a Kingdom rehash, for instance. I'm not usually drawn to this particular genre, although I guess what we have here is potentially not easily categorized; it's a hybrid of nefarious military industrial complex contagion thriller meets vampiric zombies with a dash of co-habitation friends-to-lovers (maybe). So I'm curious to see how it goes.


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"it's a hybrid of nefarious military industrial complex contagion thriller meets vampiric zombies with a dash of co-habitation friends-to-lovers (maybe)"

So, extremely typical kdrama. With zompires.


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Zompires, I'll take it


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I hope friends-to-lovers can win against Zombie apocalypse
Fighting writer nim!


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Fresh from watching this first episode, I half wished I watched it during the day lol. It wasn't too bad in the scare factor. It was pretty interesting overall. They didn't waste much time on getting the viewers up to speed on the present situation. I didn't read many details about this drama so I didn't think there'd be zombie looking people right away.

Last zombie drama I watched wasn't great. Most of them aren't great, but this one has some different elements so hopefully it will be good. I checked out this drama due to the writer.

I expected that there would be some humor and lightweight moments to balance out the serious ones. At least in the beginning before things intensify and/or worsen. Both leads already have a good chemistry. They're both smart and curious. Not dull.


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@quirkycase Ditto on the drama reminding of another Kdrama "Search", but also the locked in scenario reminds me of Kmovie "Alive", so I'm still not sure if I like it because the whole business of spreading a virus and supplementing a cure has been done multiple times in dramas. I'll wait and see how the future episodes unfold.

Despite my lack of interest both the episodes were well done. The plot moved pretty quick, the characters' set up was strong and I feel fascinated with Tae Sook because the actor looks neat in that hair cut😂😂

Speaking of looks, Park Hyung Shik looks different post military. He looks mature and doesn't have the boyish charm, especially when his hair is combed to hide the forehead without parting.


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Park Hyung Shik definitely looks different, for a minute I wasn’t sure it was even him. More mature, fuller face and (this will sound so odd) the bigger neck that young k-actors seem to develop during their service years. They must work out really hard there! Very glad to see him back.


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After Train to Busan, Peninsula, Alive, Kingdom, etc, etc, it's no big surprise to see another zombie show, but I wonder how far in advance this was planned -- was there some hasty re-writing to emphasize the locked-in bit in response to Covid lockdowns? Was the whole thing planned & written after lockdowns started?


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I know time no longer has meaning but it has been almost two years since Covid hit and Korea got a lot of cases very early on. I don't know whether they had a lot of housing tower lockdowns because that news would have been in Korean. But with the country opting for targetted, rather than general, lockdowns I wouldn't be surprised.


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Argh. Now you've got me thinking about respectability among zombies. Do they have low-life zombies who respectable zombies look down on? Do they have class distinctions?

(King’s Affection, day 8)


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He’s disappointed to hear Yi-hyun still can’t run at full speed.

Any bets on whether we'll get to see if he can run faster than a zombie?


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😆 just what I thought after reading that. He’s gonna blow his knees out again at some point!


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Yi-hyun learns that the pill he found is a discontinued pneumonia medication that was developed due to COVID. It was pulled off the market because of mood and hallucinogenic side effects.

But can it de-worm horses?

So the moral of the story is - stop freaking out about experimental Covid vaccines and start worrying about experimental Covid treatments.


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i like this pairing very much. didn't think i would like the story, but i'm in it for the OTP. generally, i don't like zombie dramas... i only could watch Train to Busan. cuz it was Gong Yoo, and it wasn't so focused on the close up bloody gore... or maybe i just wasn't looking at it cuz i was staring at Gong Yoo.....


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I started watching this with no expectations so I was surprised with the bleak post pandemic era. I was not sure what to make of this after watching the first two episodes. The setup is familiar and we know things are about to go wrong. I do like Saebom and YiHyun. That opening HS scene was unexpected but it made me like Saebom's spunky personality. I want to give this a few more episodes to see if this is for me. Taeseok is definitely untrustworthy and I want to know how much involvement he has in that experimental covid treatment.


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Covid + zombie virus, when every other dramas didn't mention covid, they added one more for the fun.

I'm not sure about this drama for now. It looks like the story will take a very different turn with a huis-clos in their building-


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Strong start. I like our leads, and even our potential villain. Dude works for a pharmaceutical company AND the military…that might be the shadiest career path I’ve heard of in a long time. Zombies are fairly common these days so I’m wondering what angle they’re going to tackle it from. At least the first two episodes were good, so I’ll be checking out the next batch for sure.


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Shady? mRNA vaccines were funded by US DARPA in 2013, back when no pharmaceutical company wanted to research vaccines due to low return on investment. Not only are biological weapons scary, but in the long history of war, the primary cause of death on the battlefield has been disease. The ready production of medicine for troops is an important component of national defense.


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Yep, I liked it from the get-go. Two teens with tonnes of sass - one to sit on a roof, staying there just to see how far the police would go; the other ready to push the other off a roof to make a point (an probably leave an impression). Drawn to them straightaway, and they haven't disappointed so far. Good start, zipping along nicely, like the references to Covid - not shying away there. Happy to see where we go.


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Just today I was thinking it is getting more and more zombie apocalypse with covid like we are tested every 72h now and if someone coughs they are kicked out of the train.


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wow, coughing gets one kicked off the train?? that's terrible... there are other reasons for coughing... even with masks on???

wait, i don't like to sneeze or cough in my mask... guess i'd be walking home...


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Anyone know why is this drama's title called Happiness? I thought it is the apartment complex name (like Sweet Home), but it is not. Also not the drug name.


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According to Han Hyo Joo (lead actress), it's about the different ways people seek out happiness when all faced with the same crisis situation.


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I took it as a play on the belief--that SB articulates and society enforces--that if one owns their own nice apartment, has a job, and finds a partner of some kind that then they will have achieved true happiness. But of course, as we can already see with the other inhabitants of the apartment building, that happiness can be hollow or break down very quickly.


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the twist is in the backward "e" in the title...


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Finished watching episodes 1-2 and definitely a strong start. I like the main pairing and enjoy their scenes with HTS and the supporting characters.

Hope it maintains the good pacing and story. It’s only 12 episodes so have high hopes. Will definitely be watching this through.


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I had read nothing about the show prior to watching so I laughed out loud and yelled “no, not ZOMBIES!” at the first sign of well, zombies. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I don’t do zombies! But I really like all three leads and the setup so will stick around as long as possible.


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I was kind of disappointed that the drama is going the zombie route. I stuck through DARK HOLE (my No.1 kdrama ‘stinker’ of 2021) and after that decided to hold off on the special episode of KINGDOM.
Nevertheless in general I like what I have seen so far (first two episodes). It is good to have PHS back and having his character teamed up with Lee Joon-hyuk (1984) is great.


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And interesting that no one has said the word zombie out loud yet! Well, at least it wasn’t translated that way 😆
I couldn’t do Kingdom after a few eps, either.


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When Yi-hyun asks how he killed the man, the culprit oddly says he was thirsty.

Right there I had a flashback to The Guest,


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I watch this coz of Hyo Joo and Park Hyung Shik .. I didn't know it will be a zombie drama!! I'm so terrified with the zombie and the thriller on it. I even can't watch it at night. I want to drop off because it's too scary but at the same time I love the leads and other cast and curious of the story.
Hyo Joo come back drama after 5 years and her last drama W also an action or thriller drama, is this her pattern? XD


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I'm watching this drama without taking a peek at any preview or trailer, and quite surprised at its genre. The title is Happiness (I thought of light genre) but the storyline is mysterious. The pace picks up right away. I love it.

So far I'm at episode 2. The drama looks like it focuses more on Sae Bom. Yi Hyun looks like just a supporting character.. I love Sae Bom's character but hopefully it will give other characters more chance to shine.


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I dont agree that it is typical kdrama in the sense that cohab, zombies, sexrets. But yes in a semse that im not sure if they really thought it through.
First of all, zombies who sometimes snap out means... is it a violation of human rights? Kept locked up? UN would see a huge problem here
Maybe the drama has a plan...i thimk it does cause elsewhere, the writing seems pretty clever. Not just classic suspense but inserting these elements in the right sequence to maximise negative anticipation.
Someone has studied film. Knowing how to make the viewer create the story in their head. Elevator, stranger. Kid on three wheeler, classic horror element. Expect the worst from the innocent looking. And a hare in the hat - aka "he is not there, it will be just a typical hunt for the criminal." But he is under the bed.

I just like how the leads are still themselves , adults, yet young, and their behavior matches description. Very natural, aloof acting.
But yes, the writer

But the realistic acting and the leads, i like. And mr. Birdie!
Parallels with Covid are more than the obvious ones. The fear and hesitation of lettin Sae Bom know he was scratched...the unknowingness, the waiting.


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Hii I always visit your website these recap and all they are very good. Are you a professional website creater? From which country ? I mean after seeing your a also want to make website like you. I hope one day I can make my website like yours. Thanku !
Hope to see an early reply


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I started on Ep 1 with zero expectations (as a filler whilst I wait for new eps of Jirisan)…now I’m obsessed with this show! There’s so many things to like about the show - fast-paced writing, spunky likeable heroine, smart good-looking hero who has our heroine’s back, great couple chemistry, no clinched love triangle here, plus a charismatic villain?frenemy? I say …bring it on!


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i am not a fan of zombie dramas / movie (except for Train to Busan hahaha Gong Yoo).... But this drama started off so so good!! I'm immediately captivated by the 2 leads characters. I am a fan.


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Ohhh boy. Solid opening for me, I love the music, the framing, the tension, the leads! I'm just thinking the "but I can't run at full speed" is going to come back with a Bite, probably towards the end of the show... O__o


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Is it just for me or do certain scenes seem to get cut? Like the transition to the next scenes is sometimes abrupt. Although it doesn't ruin the overall experience, it just gets me thinking if I missed something. Do let me know if it's the case with everyone or is it the problem of where I am watching.


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I wasn't going to pick this up because I'm a bit tired of monsters and the whole literal demons thing is just so 1997. But I guess I was in the mood today and, wow, this was a really solid first episode. The writing was tight, the pacing was good and that first scene just completely sold you on these two characters. I'm glad I decided to dive in.


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Finally getting around to watching this. I swear I'm going to start making KTrope Bingo cards next year after starting this show--can't believe how many it's hit already just in ep 1. 😄

Glad it's not another zombie hoard people are constantly running/hiding from which was my fear and why I put off starting it.

And thank you, @quirkycase for rightly pointing out that so far this is not a zombie show because lack of undead as far as is known. Time will tell!


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