RIP Byron Allred (Steve Miller Band keys) | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

RIP Byron Allred (Steve Miller Band keys)

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Chazzbo13, Oct 8, 2021.

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  1. Chazzbo13

    Chazzbo13 Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Byron Allred - Steve Miller Band

    Byron Allred, keyboardist for the Steve Miller Band has passed. Whatever era of SMB's work one prefers, it's hard to dismiss the influence that Allred's work had on the band's 70s and 80s success. His unique synth stylings and creativity will forever be heard on Classic Rock stations and playlists. Rest In Peace
    MikaelaArsenault, RickH and carlwm like this.
  2. Platterpus

    Platterpus Senior Member

    RIP Byron. Your keyboard work with Steve Miller was out of this world and great sounding in a cosmic way.
    Chazzbo13 likes this.
  3. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

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  4. Eric Weinraub

    Eric Weinraub Forum Resident

    Sad. Great musician...RIP
    Chazzbo13 likes this.
  5. tommy-thewho

    tommy-thewho Senior Member

    detroit, mi
    RIP Byron.

    Saw Steve Miller and George Thorougood together. Great show.
    Chazzbo13 likes this.
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