From being 15, watching Tokyo Drift, and dreaming about owning a JDM car/going to Japan.. to actually owning THE Tokyo Drift Evo, reviving it after 15 YEARS, and shipping it TO JAPAN. Life is absolutely crazy. Tokyo Drift changed my life. As cheesy as it may have been.. back in 2006, It dove me head first into Japanese car culture. Seeing Han throw the Evo keys to Sean is a scene that has been burned into my head forever. An outsider, in a completely different culture, experiencing Japanese traditions, life, and car culture. Maybe that’s why the R34 feels so special to me. In a way, I am sort of living my own Tokyo Drift dream. But now, we take that to a whole other level. Never in my lifetime would I think I’d be able to own the car that started it all for me.. much less bring it to where the move was based. The Tokyo Drift Evo means so much to me.. without watching that movie and seeing this car, i honestly don’t know where we would be. To have it in japan, my favorite place in this world, is truly unbelievable. I’m excited for the experiences we will have & the places we will go. Stay tuned, it’s going to be a crazy ride. Video is live now. | Dustin Williams | DJ Shadow · Six Days