Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt accepts offer to join Israeli AI forum -
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Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt accepts offer to join Israeli AI forum

He talked tech in New York with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt in New York City while Netanyahu was in town for the U.N. General Assembly, Sept. 21, 2023. Credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt in New York City while Netanyahu was in town for the U.N. General Assembly, Sept. 21, 2023. Credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO.

Following an initial meeting in California with business magnate and tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talked with another pillar of Silicon Valley this week during his trip to the United States to attend the U.N. General Assembly.

On Thursday, Netanyahu met former Google CEO Eric Schmidt in New York City, where they discussed artificial intelligence and how technological innovation is growing internationally.

To that end, Netanyahu offered Schmidt a spot on an advisory forum on AI, which Schmidt accepted.

On Monday, Netanyahu met with Musk, the billionaire behind SpaceX, Tesla and the Twitter social-media platform he renamed X. The Jewish state’s leader urged Musk to do more to combat antisemitism increasingly being spread online.

Schmidt served as Google’s CEO from 2001 through 2011. Prior to that, he was CEO of Novell and chief technology officer at Sun Microsystems. He currently has a net worth of $19.5 billion, according to Forbes

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