Augusto Renato Pérez Mayo -
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Augusto Renato Pérez Mayo

    Augusto Renato Pérez Mayo

    El contenido de este libro es el resultado de una reflexión sobre la naturaleza de la sociología y la teoría organizacional. Muchos de los planteamientos e ideas que presentamos en él ya han sido expuestas, por nosotros y por otros... more
    El contenido de este libro es el resultado de una reflexión sobre la naturaleza de la sociología y la teoría organizacional. Muchos de los planteamientos e ideas que presentamos en él ya han sido expuestas, por nosotros y por otros autores. Lo novedoso es que, hacemos frente a la búsqueda de una consolidación teórica para el análisis de las organizaciones, proponemos nuevos elementos o propiedades emergentes a su objeto de estudio, a partir de la teoría de sistemas sociales y aportes de la nueva biología. Todo objeto de estudio tiene en si una teoría de la sociedad y una filosofía de la ciencia detrás. Los artefactos o herramientas conceptuales tienen una relación mutua con su Objeto de Estudio; si el Objeto de Estudio de las Ciencias Sociales son los seres humanos y sus interrelaciones, hablamos de seres vivos, que responden a su vez a fenómenos biológicos, que deben ser analizados con herramientas teóricas (conceptos, categorías, premisas) de la biología, o complementarse con la b...
    El problema de la escasez de chips en el mundo depende de la complejidad de la codependencia e interdependencia de la cadena de valor y suministro entre China DSML, Holanda ASML, la fabricación de láseres para las gotas de estaño en... more
    El problema de la escasez de chips en el mundo depende de la complejidad de la codependencia e interdependencia de la cadena de valor y suministro entre China DSML, Holanda ASML, la fabricación de láseres para las gotas de estaño en California EUA, la tecnología de Litografía Ultravioleta Extrema, los componentes necesarios para la fabricación de máquinas en Reino Unido, y la cerámica de Japón, así como la necesidad de Silicio, que desencadenan un problema de suministro y escasez de chips para la elaboración de teléfonos, y coches, que tan sólo en Europa tienen un déficit de medio millón de coches en 2021, por el uso de 4000 chips por auto, así como el problema de los contenedores y los transportistas tanto en Reino Unido por el Brexit, como en EUA por la pandemia; lo que está provocando un problema de inflación a nivel mundial, el problema radica en la complejidad de la cadena de suministro porque no todas las cadenas de suministro son iguales, en particular la que tiene que ver co...
    The confusions that have originated from the gender category are explored and described. A confusion that arises from the feminist academy in the distinction as to how the biological bodies of human beings become social, and therefore,... more
    The confusions that have originated from the gender category are explored and described. A confusion that arises from the feminist academy in the distinction as to how the biological bodies of human beings become social, and therefore, every social interaction is sexed. The gender category has been widely divulged in the last years, but while doing it, its use has become freer and less rigorous, identifying it with feminine, women, feminist movements and social movements of women. Underlying theoretical and epistemology are proposed. Theoretical essays that borrow categories of social analysis from conceptual schemes are revised, but these are decontextualized when using them for theorizations of gender. Difficulties arise in the theoretical categories of sociological character and of political science such as social construction and power, they are transported without epistemic mediation or specification to the language of other disciplines, mainly psychology or anthropology.
    El objetivo del presente, “Determinar la participacion de diferentes actores por segmento de la comunidad universitaria, en la planeacion estrategica institucional mediante el desarrollo de proyectos y ejecucion de recursos de programas... more
    El objetivo del presente, “Determinar la participacion de diferentes actores por segmento de la comunidad universitaria, en la planeacion estrategica institucional mediante el desarrollo de proyectos y ejecucion de recursos de programas federales” como programas de Planeacion e integracion universitaria y de aportacion de fondos para el desarrollo de la Educacion Superior. Se encuestaron representantes de la alta direccion, Profesores de Tiempo Completo (PTC), Tecnicos de apoyo y poblacion de alumnos inscritos en la universidad.  El resultado obtenido refleja que la participacion se concentra en la alta direccion. Los PTC desconocen la mayoria de los programas y participan solo en los que les benefician directamente. Tecnicos y alumnos desconocen el proceso. Concluyendo, la planeacion y elaboracion de proyectos no es participativa. Participan quienes son responsables de ejecucion de recursos.
    espanolLos aparatos cognitivos que usan los sujetos para la toma de decisiones en las empresas tales como los modelos basados en las ciencias nomoteticas y en las ciencias ideograficas se ha aplicado a una amplia gama de situaciones... more
    espanolLos aparatos cognitivos que usan los sujetos para la toma de decisiones en las empresas tales como los modelos basados en las ciencias nomoteticas y en las ciencias ideograficas se ha aplicado a una amplia gama de situaciones dentro de diversas areas. En la toma consciente de decisiones bajo certidumbre o incertidumbre, racionalidades limitadas o ilimitadas, cotidianidades o complejidades y propiedades estaticas o emergentes, siempre se realizan analisis, pronosticos, predicciones e intervenciones. Podriamos pensar que no estamos pronosticando, pero nuestras opciones estaran dirigidas por la anticipacion de resultados de acciones o inacciones. Los Modelos de Optimizacion para la toma de decisiones tienen en cada momento un sustento epistemologico, en el pensar y en el actuar en la organizacion; por tanto, tambien han servido para el analisis de las organizaciones en sus diferentes niveles. Cada modelo se argumenta en cunas epistemologicas que definen el futuro de las empresas...
    Much has been discussed in recent decades about the best financing options for the agricultural sector. In the recently passed, decade there has been a significant evolution in agricultural and rural development strategies, which has... more
    Much has been discussed in recent decades about the best financing options for the agricultural sector. In the recently passed, decade there has been a significant evolution in agricultural and rural development strategies, which has signalized the total abandonment of policies governed by the local, state and national directions and interventionism, in addition to trade-union elites or leaders, in favor of a more liberal and market oriented proposal. This liberalization of the financial sector has included the elimination of regulated interest rates and directed credit programs, as well as the restructuring or closing of state banks of agricultural development Klein, Meyer, Hannig, Burnett and Fiebig [1]. This reality prevails in the year 2019, even though this sector is strategic for the national economy of our country. Lack of access to formal credit and comprehensive financial intermediation services prevents agricultural development and hinders initiatives aimed at mitigating r...
    This research makes a review of the theoretical and conceptual contributions that underlie the analysis, design and construction of the control of management in the organizations. In this text we put in evidence both the state of the art... more
    This research makes a review of the theoretical and conceptual contributions that underlie the analysis, design and construction of the control of management in the organizations. In this text we put in evidence both the state of the art as the new trends in this topic. It also addresses the epistemic and gnoseologic flows that underlie all the control systems for existing management, immersed in the visible and invisible structures of the organizations (mechanistic, psychosocial, and cultural, among others).
    En Mexico, la participacion politica de las mujeres en los procesos electorales es mas o menos reciente, toda vez que el voto a la mujer se le concedio hace sesenta anos, en 1953. Desde entonces, la participacion politica de las mujeres... more
    En Mexico, la participacion politica de las mujeres en los procesos electorales es mas o menos reciente, toda vez que el voto a la mujer se le concedio hace sesenta anos, en 1953. Desde entonces, la participacion politica de las mujeres en los procesos electorales ha venido en aumento, ya que al ser la mayoria de las personas que aparecen en la lista nominal (por ser la mayor parte de la poblacion total del pais), su participacion se ha vuelto relevante en terminos electorales. Mucho se dice de la poca participacion de las mujeres durante las jornadas electorales; sin embargo, los datos demuestran que la mayoria de los electores son mujeres y que ellas son los electores con mayor lealtad hacia los partidos politicos, si cuentan con algun tipo de afiliacion (voto duro). Pese a la importancia de su voto por su peso en el total de electores, asi como de su participacion durante las jornadas electorales, en las plataformas electorales de los candidatos a los cargos de eleccion popular s...
    The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between the organizational climate of schools and the levels of educational achievement reached by students of the basic level of the state of Tabasco, Mexico. The sample was... more
    The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between the organizational climate of schools and the levels of educational achievement reached by students of the basic level of the state of Tabasco, Mexico. The sample was composed of 33 primary schools, which were selected according to the level of accomplishment in the test ENLACE ( Evaluacion Nacional del Logro Academico en Centros Escolares - National Assessment of Academic Achievement in Schools). It was applied to a sample of teachers from each school, the Questionnaire of Organizational Climate designed by Alavi and Jahandari, adapted to the context of the investigation. To analyze the data we used the statistical test ANOVA. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant relation between the organizational climate of schools and educational outcomes obtained by the students, regardless of the status of marginalization or educational modality that is the inquiry. Thus, the schools that have a good org...
    This article measures two organizational factors of importance for every organization: labor satisfaction and organizational commitment. The analysis is made under the perspective of the sociology of organizations: Frederick... more
    This article measures two organizational factors of importance for every organization: labor satisfaction and organizational commitment. The analysis is made under the perspective of the sociology of organizations: Frederick Herzberg's theory of the two factors of motivation (hygienic and motivational) and Meyer and Allen's model of the three components of organizational commitment (1990). The methodology is empirical, descriptive and quantitative. The study was carried out with a sample of 59 employees, classified as reliable personnel of the Academic Secretary of an Institution of Higher Education (IES) in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos. The instruments used were two questionnaires emanated from the theory itself with the purpose of knowing aspects related to the two study variables. This instrument allowed to identify the types of organizational commitment and the levels of work satisfaction and satisfaction that exist in the university organization.
    The objective of this work is to analyze the Social Responsibility of graduates of the Communication Degree from the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, in the professional practice in the Tabasco companies. Through a comparative... more
    The objective of this work is to analyze the Social Responsibility of graduates of the Communication Degree from the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, in the professional practice in the Tabasco companies. Through a comparative study, we will know the academic training versus the professional practice of those in charge of the organizational communication and if this meets the needs of the companies (interest group). It is important to consider that the SR is not focused on a particular aspect but involves social, economic and environmental actions among others, so the university has a social commitment to train professionals to meet the needs of the environment, and the communication professional It has an important role in publicizing the actions carried out by organizations in favor of their own publics. Thus, having a communication professional who handles information responsibly will allow us to create an adequate image before society in general. A qualitative study was c...
    The article reviews the levels of working happiness of Human Resources working in a university organization in Mexico; was done the theoretical route under the gaze of the Welfare Theory proposed by Seligman (2010) and followers like... more
    The article reviews the levels of working happiness of Human Resources working in a university organization in Mexico; was done the theoretical route under the gaze of the Welfare Theory proposed by Seligman (2010) and followers like Steen, Park, Peterson Salanova, Martinez and Llorens (2005), Contreras and Esguerra (2006) and others, as an explanatory framework that highlights the importance of identifying levels of happiness in work and in life, in an organization university. The methodology is empirical, descriptive and quantitative. The instrument used for data collection was the PERMA model. This instrument allowed identifying the levels of work happiness and the levels of happiness with life based on the methodological categorical criteria proposed by it were measured the following dimensions: Positive Emotions, Commitment, Positive Relationships, Meaning and Achievements. In the results of labor happiness an average of 31.34% was found, which is interpreted as poor happiness ...
    The intelligibility nucleus that subjects use for decision making in companies such as models based on nomothetic sciences and ideographic sciences has been applied to a wide range of situations within different areas of management. In... more
    The intelligibility nucleus that subjects use for decision making in companies such as models based on nomothetic sciences and ideographic sciences has been applied to a wide range of situations within different areas of management. In the conscious decision making under certainty or uncertainty, limited or unlimited rationalities, every day or complexities and static or emerging properties, analyzes, forecasts, predictions and interventions are always performed. We might think that we are not forecasting, but our options will be driven by the anticipation of results of actions or inactions. The application of Optimization Models for decision making has in each moment an epistemological support, in the thinking and acting in the organization; therefore, have also served to analyze the organizations at their different levels. All this is argued in epistemological cradles that define the direction of organizations.
    Modern societies are struggling through the transition whereby they try to reach the status of “Informative Societies, “Societies of knowledge” “Societies of learning” or “Societies in risk of emergency”. A process through which these... more
    Modern societies are struggling through the transition whereby they try to reach the status of “Informative Societies, “Societies of knowledge” “Societies of learning” or “Societies in risk of emergency”. A process through which these Societies are facing the turmoil caused by newinformative technologies. This difficulty makes it necessary and urgent re-define the role of the theoretical systems, whose arguments intend to legitimize educative models in the universities and their pedagogic taskas an educative basisaimed to configure the cognitive system suitable for these societies. Following the approaches of Luhmann, Maturana, Varela, Pask, Castel, Cornella, Vilar, Von Foersters and some others, we stress the so called “overinformation” and the “info-structures” and display the new equations , the new logics , which universities must adopt for thinking on these informative societies. Our goal is to define a complex theoretical system able to support the role of universities in the ...
    In this paper we discuss the eminently ideological and political character of feminist epistemologies. We draw attention to their weakness in terms of their lack of demarcation of a particular gender philosophy, of genuine scientific... more
    In this paper we discuss the eminently ideological and political character of feminist epistemologies. We draw attention to their weakness in terms of their lack of demarcation of a particular gender philosophy, of genuine scientific theories and methods activating each of the epistemic paradigms. All this hinders the construction of an authentic gender philosophy and therefore, a gender theory able
    ... AUGUSTO RENATO PÉREZ MAYO Coordinador de Investigación de la UVM campus Villahermosa MARICELA GUZMÁN CÁCERES Docente en la UVM campus Villahermosa en Licenciatura y Posgrado ... Luhmann en la ciencia política se ha dado no como dice... more
    ... AUGUSTO RENATO PÉREZ MAYO Coordinador de Investigación de la UVM campus Villahermosa MARICELA GUZMÁN CÁCERES Docente en la UVM campus Villahermosa en Licenciatura y Posgrado ... Luhmann en la ciencia política se ha dado no como dice Molina vía ...