The Pros and Cons of Learning The German Language - Cudoo

The Pros and Cons of Learning The German Language

Learning the German language is a great way to boost your career and reach the EU market. First, you need to accomplish the courses on learning the essential German words and phrases and continue with Cudoo’s German courses. Yet, to get to the fluent level you have to put in a lot of effort.

How do know if it worth it? We have prepared for you the list of pros and cons, so you know it.

Pros of Learning German

We think that there are more pros to learning foreign languages, and it is true. Let’s take a look at the most obvious and significant pluses of studying the language.

It Can Boost Your Career

It is a great language to know when you want to have a business in the EU. People from developed countries speak German. That is why it is valuable to study German. Of course, some can say that the business meetings can be held in English. There is a difference between a business partner who speaks the language and the other partner and who doesn’t – there is more trust in the second variant.

More Companies Would Consider Your Candidacy

The more valuable knowledge you have – the more likely a respectful company will hire you. German is a language that is hard to learn, so if you speak it, you are a precious employee. EU citizens don’t often prefer German – they choose more Spanish or French.

German Makes It Easy to Learn Other Languages

Knowing German makes it much easier to learn other languages. These can be Danish, Norwegian, or the other languages of Europe, where German – one of the hardest. There are ways to ease the process by hiring an online german tutor, so you will not get lost in the endless words and grammar.

Alter View on Languages

The structure of the German language might seem similar to the Russian or some other languages. Learning this language will give you a new perspective on linguistics and languages as a system. It is crucial for further improvements and becoming fluent.

Cons of Learning German

There are many pros or learning the German language, but there is another side of the coin.

German is Difficult

It is true – German is one of the hardest languages to learn. The grammar, pronunciation, and communication are pretty hard to get to the fluency level. The longest word of the German language is “Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft.”Can you pronounce that? Some people can do that.

There Are Many Versions of German

Learning German doesn’t mean that you will be able to speak to the Austrians or Switzerland. The German we all hear is just one version of the language – Sächsisch (the dialect) and the sounds and words of the other dialects will differ a lot.

You Need to Hire a Good Teacher

Struggling alone with German is the way to a dead-end. Hiring a German tutor is an effective way to overcome the hardest part: grammar, pronunciation, and spelling. The spelling is another difficult story for the people who don’t speak English: letters and the word are hard-to-read.

The Language is Not Very Wide-spread

Many people in Europe speak German, lots of countries in the world speak German as well. Countless people consider the language to sound unattractive, but others think that German is a very beautiful language. Some dialects might seem more or less rude in pronunciation, but in common the language is considered to be not very poetic. That is one of the reasons why people choose English or French over German.


Generally, the German language is the language of business and partnership. There are thousands of reasons why someone needs to speak German, and personal development is one of them. Though the language is hard to learn and more and more people prefer French or Spanish to German, it is crucial to admit that German is a must for the people who’d like to work with EU business partners.

Thankfully, when you have read our incomplete list of pros and cons of learning the German language, you can decide and consider whether start studying the German language or not. Remember that the more languages you know, the easier it will be with another foreign language!

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Joseph Yaghi

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