Yes solo albums - rank your 10 favs | Page 2 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Yes solo albums - rank your 10 favs

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Rfreeman, May 3, 2024.

  1. blackdograilroad

    blackdograilroad Forum Resident

    Devon, UK
    Fish Out Of Water
    Fish Out Of Water
    Fish Out Of Water
    Fish Out Of Water
    Fish Out Of Water
    Fish Out Of Water
    Fish Out Of Water
    Fish Out Of Water
    Fish Out Of Water
    Fish Out Of Water
    JamesLord, klockwerk, boggs and 8 others like this.
  2. webbcity

    webbcity Confused Onlooker

    Muddying the waters further, I just ran to my CD shelves and was reminded there's also Squire/Sherwood - Conspiracy Live! :eek:
    Crimson Witch and Rfreeman like this.
  3. webbcity

    webbcity Confused Onlooker

    Thanks for the reminder, I need to give this one another shot. I do remember liking it but for some reason it didn't stick. Must refresh my memory...
    throwupmyhands and Crimson Witch like this.
  4. gojikranz

    gojikranz Forum Resident

    I do enjoy it though the more individual song (with different guests) based nature of it always made it feel a bit more fractured than the original which I tend to see and enjoy as one big piece (though I know it can be bisected as well)
    throwupmyhands likes this.
  5. riskylogic

    riskylogic Forum Resident

    1. Fish Out of Water
    2. Six Wives
    3. The Steve Howe Album
    4. Two Sides of Peter Banks
    5. Feels Good to Me
    6. Rhapsodies
    7. Journey to the Center of the Earth 2014 version
    8. Olias
    9. One of a Kind
    10. Squackett (half a name should be as good as 1 of 2)
    milankey, BrentB, Cledwyn and 2 others like this.
  6. kreen

    kreen Forum Resident

    Off the top of my head, and in no particular order :

    Chris Squire -- Fish out of Water
    Anderson -- Ollias
    Anderson -- Animation
    Anderson -- Song of Seven
    Bruford -- All 3 of them
    Steve Howe -- Beginnings
    Moraz & Bruford -- Flags
    Wakeman -- the one about Mars
    webbcity likes this.
  7. willy

    willy hooga hagga hooga

    Anderson — Change We Must
    Wakeman — The Six Wives of Henry VIII
    Bruford — Earthworks
    Howe — The Steve Howe Album
    Anderson — Olias of Sunhillow
    Moraz — Story of I
    Wakeman — Criminal Record
    Rabin — Rio
    Wakeman — Journey to The Centre of The Earth
    Bruford — All Heaven Broke Loose
    Cledwyn, webbcity and Rfreeman like this.
  8. gojikranz

    gojikranz Forum Resident

    Ok best shot:

    1 Chris Squire fish out of water

    2 Jon Anderson animation

    3 Rick Wakeman vi wives of Henry viii

    4 Jon Anderson song of seven

    5 Bruford one of a kind

    6 Moraz bruford music for piano and drums

    7 Rick Wakeman journey to the center of the earth

    8 Jon and vangelis friends of mr Cairo

    9 Steve Howe the Steve Howe album

    10 Rick Wakeman criminal record

    bottom half could probably swap out and change on a whim.

    edit good lord forgot Jon and vangelis!
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
  9. Rfreeman

    Rfreeman Senior Member Thread Starter

    Lawrenceville, NJ
    For a list of 10 without an order, each item will get the average 5.5 points

    For a list of less than 10, the bottom entry will get a 1 and I will count up from there, to avoid 10s getting awarded and skewing totals based on someone unfamiliar enough with the topic to do a full list
    Spinone and webbcity like this.
  10. olegrayman

    olegrayman Senior Member

    IL, USA
    Some favorites:

    Chris Squire – Fish Out of Water

    Rick Wakeman – The Six Wives of Henry VIII
    Rick Wakeman’s Criminal Record

    Patrick Moraz – The Story of i

    Bruford – One of a Kind

    Jon Anderson – Toltec
    Jon Anderson – 3 Ships
    Jon Anderson – Olias of Sunhillow
    Jon Anderson – Animation

    Jon and Vangelis – Private Collection
    willy, webbcity and Rfreeman like this.
  11. Mooglander

    Mooglander Forum Resident

    Mesa Springs, CA
    1 Chris Squire – Fish Out of Water / Rick Wakeman – Criminal Record (tie)

    2 Rick Wakeman – The Red Planet

    3 Rick Wakeman – Six Wives of Henry VIII

    4 Bruford – One of a Kind

    5 Bill Bruford – Feels Good to Me

    6 Patrick Moraz · Bill Bruford – Flags

    7 Jon & Vangelis – Short Stories

    8 Bruford Levin Upper Extremities – BLUE Nights

    9 Steve Howe – Turbulence

    10 Steve Howe – The Steve Howe Album

    (11 Trevor Rabin – Wolf)
    Cledwyn, webbcity and Rfreeman like this.
  12. SRC

    SRC That sums up Squatter for me

    New York, NY
    1. Jon Anderson - Olias of Sunhillow
    2. Steve Howe - The Steve Howe Album
    3. Rick Wakeman - Six Wives of Henry VIII
    4. Chris Squire - Fish Out of Water
    5. Rick Wakeman - Criminal Record
    6. Bruford - One of a Kind
    7. Jon Anderson - Change We Must
    8. Jon & Vangelis - Private Collection
    9. Steve Howe & Martin Taylor - Masterpiece Guitars
    10. Steve Howe - Natural Elements
    Cledwyn, webbcity and Rfreeman like this.
  13. Crimson Witch

    Crimson Witch Roll across the floor thru the hole & out the door


    no order just listed
    Two Sides of Peter Banks
    The Steve Howe Album (1979)
    Fish out of Water - Chris Squire
    Criminal Record - Rick Wakeman
    Journey to the Centrr of the Earth-Rick Wakeman
    Cledwyn and webbcity like this.
  14. 1) Six Wives of Henry the VIII -Rick Wakeman
    2) The Steve Howe Album
    3) Animation -Jon Anderson
    4) Criminal Record -Rick Wakeman
    5) Fish Out Of Water -Chris Squire
    6) Turbulence -Steve Howe
    7) Song Of Seven -Jon Anderson
    8) The Friends of Mr. Cairo -Jon Anderson and Vangelis
    9) Beginnings -Steve Howe
    10) Olias of Sunhillow -Jon Anderson
  15. samskeyti

    samskeyti Sound Chaser

    I'm into this and will submit a list. So many Yes solo things to consider.
    Rfreeman likes this.
  16. stillrockin

    stillrockin Forum Resident

    United Kingdom
    Would live albums, whether they include Yes classics or not, count?
  17. Rfreeman

    Rfreeman Senior Member Thread Starter

    Lawrenceville, NJ
    You can include live albums if you wish but to the extent the live album is largely versions of Yes tunes, voting for preferring that to albums of solo material runs counter to the purpose of the thread which is celebrating their solo works. But I will let each poster make that call.
    Spinone likes this.
  18. mshare

    mshare Forum Resident

    Best of ok? (Jon and Vangelis)
  19. Rfreeman

    Rfreeman Senior Member Thread Starter

    Lawrenceville, NJ
    I'd tend to go with core albums. I expect if you vote for a specific compilation you will be one of the only ones to vote for that and less votes will go to their core albums too.

    Got 15 lists of 3-10 so far, keep em coming.
    Not gonna tabulate the few entries that only list one album.
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
    Crimson Witch and mshare like this.
  20. peymei4ever

    peymei4ever Forum Resident

    I think this is going to be even more predictable than the Yes countdown!

    1) Chris Squire "Fish out of Water", phenomenal! I mean what could top this one, really?
    2) Steve Howe "The Steve Howe Album", awesome.
    3) Jon Anderson "Olias of Sunhilow", great.
    4) Patrick Moraz "Story of I", I love Brazilian music so that was easy for me to love this one. Great album regardless.
    5) Rick Wakeman "Six Wives of Henry VIII", love it!
    6) Peter Banks "Two Sides of Peter Banks", love it!
    7) Steve Howe "Beginnings", Awwwwwstrayleeeeeeeeeea-aaaaaaaaaaa.....I got used to it after a while but damn, was it painful the first 50 times!
    8) Bruford "Feels Good to Me", great!
    9) Rick Wakeman "No Earthly Connection", solid album.
    10) Patrick Moraz "Future Memories", I like how experimental this is

    Thanks for doing this @Rfreeman :righton:
  21. VeeDub

    VeeDub Senior Member

    Denver, CO
    Fish out of Water
    The S Howe Album
    Six Wives
    Friends of Mr Cairo

    I’ll cut it off there as this would be my extremely-good-to-great list.
    webbcity, Cledwyn and Rfreeman like this.
  22. Fischman

    Fischman RockMonster, ClassicalMaster, and JazzMeister

    New Mexico
    Great thread idea!

    Let me also suggest as being within the specified parameters: Anderson/Stolt
    webbcity and Rfreeman like this.
  23. Fischman

    Fischman RockMonster, ClassicalMaster, and JazzMeister

    New Mexico
    So cool seeing all the love for Turbulence. I've never seen that album get any ink before now and it is a most worthy choice!
    webbcity, Pete Puma and Rfreeman like this.
  24. Fischman

    Fischman RockMonster, ClassicalMaster, and JazzMeister

    New Mexico
    10. Rick Wakeman - Journey to the Center of the Earth
    9. Anderson/Stolt - Invention of Knowledge
    8. Peter Banks - Two Sides of Peter Banks
    7. Jon Anderson - Toltec
    6. Steve Howe - The Steve Howe Album
    5. Rick Wakeman, 'The Six Wives of Henry VIII
    4. Jon Anderson - Olias of Sunhillow
    3. Steve Howe - Turbulence
    2. Chris Squire - Fish out of Water
    1. Bruford - One of a Kind
    stax o' wax, webbcity, Crungy and 3 others like this.
  25. Michael Streett

    Michael Streett Senior Member

    Florence, SC
    1. Chris Squire - Fish Out Of Water
    2. Jon Anderson- Song Of Seven
    3. Peter Banks - Two Sides Of Peter Banks
    4. Patrick Moraz - The Story Of i
    5. Bill Bruford - One Of A Kind
    6. Peter Banks - Self-Contained
    7. Steve Howe - The Steve Howe Album
    8. Jon Anderson - Animation
    9. Rick Wakeman - Rick Wakeman’s Criminal Record
    10. Patrick Moraz - Out In The Sun

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