Top 26 Best Vicente Fernández Songs of All Time [2023 Updated]
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Top 26 Best Vicente Fernández Songs of All Time

A number of great figures are known by many names, and Vicente Fernández Gómez is a prime example from the world of music. The most popular nickname was simply “Chente,” a shortened version of Vicente. 

However, some knew him as “El Charro de Huentitán,” which translates to “The Charro from Huentitán.” But what are the Best Vicente Fernández Songs of All Time? Let’s find out, but first…

A little history

Best Vicente Fernández Songs of All Time

Born to a rancher and a housewife in Western Mexico, Fernandes was given his first guitar at the age of eight. 

As a teenager, while working as a bricklayer, he would sing to fellow workers and friends. By age fourteen, he was performing in restaurants and joining mariachi groups. At age twenty-one, he did his first paid television performance. 

A huge body of work…

He has since become a cultural and historical icon. Having recorded more than 50 albums and contributed to more than 30 films, Vincente Fernandes is one of the most prolific artists you’ll come across. 

Vicente is one of the most successful Mexican artists of all time, having sold over 50 million records worldwide. His music and other work have won him four Grammy Awards, nine Latin Grammy Awards, fourteen Lo Nuestro Awards, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.    

Now that’s covered, here are my picks for the best songs by Vicente Fernández, starting with… 

Top 26 Best Vicente Fernández Songs of All Time

Para Siempre 

Album: Para Siempre

This track was a bit of a departure from his usual comfort zone. No doubt, much of the more delicate tone to this one is thanks to the influence of Joan Sebastian. 

The mood of the song is much softer than what fans of Vicente are used to. There is a more refined and organized shape to the song. Furthermore, Vicente strives for a more delicate tone, which I am willing to venture he achieved with notable success. 

Telenovela triumph…

“Para Siempre” was used in the Mexican telenovela, “Fuego En La Sangre”. This was only after the song had already shot to #2 on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart and topped the charts in Mexico and Columbia.

Due to the exposure the television show offered, “Para Siempre” was able to stay on the charts in one form or another for an incredible period of two years. Consequently, it is one of Vicente Fernández most successful songs.

El Tapatio

Album: De Qué Manera Te Olvido

One type of song all Mexican singers have as a staple in their catalog is the proverbial boasting song. An exclamation of pride at being from a particular town or region in your country. For Fernández, this has to be the beautifully written “El Tapatio.”

Vicente Fernández is lucky in this regard since he is from Jalisco. This great state of Western Mexico is where two of the most important cornerstones of this proud people have their origin. I am referring, of course, to Tequila and Mariachi music. 

The arrangement for this album features something you don’t often see in ranchera music. And that is flutes. However, the flutes in this mix are beautiful, and they soar above everything like birds in flight. Fernandez also gifts us a nice vocal flourish at the end, which attests to his remarkable talent. 

Me Voy a Quitar de En Medio

Album: Entre El Amor Y Yo 

This song serves as a wonderful example of how Vicente (while perhaps staying in his lane) has done a lot of healthy experimentation. All artists, whether they know it or not, like to be challenged. 

This song came at a point in Vicente’s career where he could have made bags of cash. Simply by releasing more of the kind of material that got him to where he was at that point. 

Fans would have gobbled it up regardless. And I’m quite sure he knew that. Yet, he chose to do something outside his comfort zone, and it still paid off. 

A Latin mashup?

This beautiful song shows a deepening of thought put into the lyrics. But also to the musical influences that shine through on the recording. If you know your Latin rhythms and sounds, you’ll easily be able to pick out Spanish, Cuban, and Mexican influences in the notes. 

This one deserves more attention, which is why I’ve placed it here among the best Vicente Fernández songs of all time. Also, it is one of the most underrated songs by Vicente Fernández.

Aca Entre Nos

Album: Que De Raro Tiene

Yes, it’s one of many. One that’s been done before and will be done again. The good old-fashioned love song. Luckily, Vicente Fernández does these so effortlessly well that they never grow tiresome. 

Vicente has done his fair share of slow, more emotional numbers. But, it’s not often that he puts his macho persona aside to give us an unabashed chance to peer into his more vulnerable state. 

“Aca Entre Nos” is one of these, and for me, one of the most heartfelt. By this time, he had mastered this kind of song so well that the products of his labors just couldn’t be ignored. If you want one of the best Vicente Fernández love songs, this could be it.

De Que Manera te Olvido

Album: Un Mexicano En La Mexico 

This one might be an age-old recipe in terms of lyrics and style. I’ve placed it here not because it still stands apart from its many peers. But, also because of the beautiful instrumentation and production of this track. 

It’s a simple thing done very well. And that is why it’s become a staple of the genre since its inception. 

Unconditional love can be a painful thing. The problem is when that someone is no longer there for whatever reason, all that unconditional love can do is cause a subtle, exquisite pain. 

Simply stunning…

Vocally, as well as in the instrumentation, “De Que Manera te Olvido” is a very pretty piece of music. The strong melody is the hook that gets deep under your skin. But, it’s because of all that lovely dressing that you simply can’t stop listening. 

The flutes, violins, classical guitars, and very bright-sounding horns simply add to this man’s lamentation over a lost love that still haunts his heart. 

Mujeres Divinas

Album: Mujeres Divinas 

This one has to go down as one of the greatest Vicente Fernández songs ever composed. The reasons are many. But, most of all, it is the boldness that gives this song such immense power and beauty.

Let’s start with the biggest deal of all, the content itself. Women have never been revered in Ranchera music. At best, they were sex symbols or distractions from the fun things in life. 

Yet, here we have the nation’s proclaimed “King of Ranchera,” unashamedly admitting that in women, we find the very essence of “light” that makes life worth it. 

One for the ladies…

The way the message is conveyed also adds to its power. Told from the perspective of a man who has a conversation with three older guys, the song has a way of pulling you in thanks to the angle the narrative takes. 

So, if you’ve ever wondered why Vicente Fernandez is such a hit with your mom, sister, cousin, and wife, look no further. 

Volver Volver 

Album: Arriba Huentitan

I’m quite sure that many Vicente fans were expecting this one on the list, and I would too, which is why it’s here. This track has been described by many magazines and critics, as well as fans, as one of the best songs by Vicente Fernández. This, I agree with.

It’s not that “Volver Volver” was pioneering some new kind of music or sound. It wasn’t anything new; it was just plain special, that’s all. These types of songs are the result of the very best, doing what they do best, in their very best years. 

This one sees Vicente as a man lamenting the lost love of a woman. However, his character in this performance comes through particularly strongly. There’s a raw honesty to the delivery that makes it almost possible to taste the remorse this man feels at having lost her.

Por Tu Maldito Amor

Album: Por Tu Maldito Amor

Anyone who ever saw Vicente perform will know that this one has a very special place in the hearts of fans. And, I’m sure for that same reason, had a special place in his heart as well. 

This may come as a shock to you this far into our list, but Ranchera music and heartache go together like rice and beans. If you can turn the wailing in your soul into a nice melody with some lyrics over it, hundreds of lonely ranchers and ranchers’ wives are willing to lend an ear to your pain.

One of the most tender examples… 

And it’s one of the softest deliveries Vicente ever gave on a recording. However, it was during live shows that the crowd got to show how much this song meant to them by returning the mournful “POR TU MALDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITO AMOR!”, to Vicente as he sang. 

All this has helped make it one of Vicente Fernández most popular songs.

La Ley Del Monte

Album: El Hijo Del Pueblo

I could explain the context of the 1972 film, which features this piece of music. But instead, all I will say is if you like that kind of thing, it’s a must. Looking at “La Ley Del Monte” purely as a piece of music, it still exudes such beauty and tender emotions that it cannot be ignored.

The story is at the heart of all that power…

The song serves as a perfect sonic metaphor for the love story that takes place in the film. Roughly translated, the song comes out as “The Law of The Wild.” A very sweet-sounding revenge tale takes shape within the lyrics. 

The straining violins and trumpets that mark the intro to this monster track should be familiar to anyone from Mexico. It is one of the most beautiful tracks Vicente Fernandez ever sang.

Additionally, it can tell you almost everything you need to know about Ranchera and Vicente in the three and half minutes it runs. Therefore, it has to be one of the best Vicente Fernández songs of all time.

El Rey

Album: 20 Grandes Canciones

Many artists owe the beginning of their success to a tune written by someone else or to a very good cover. This might very well be the case for Vicente. 

Written by José Alfredo Jiménez, this song has been covered by many artists, and I’m quite sure most fans will agree that nothing comes close to the original. That being said, there wasn’t a cover version that made the impact that Vicente’s did. 

Something special…

I won’t lie; when compared to his vocal work on many other tracks, you can hear that he is still suffering from some growing pains as a vocalist. But, it’s the fact that this recording captures a future legend in his growing stages that makes it so special. 

Not only that, but if you listen to later renditions that Vicente did of this song, you can hear how he completely owned it.

Los Mandados 

Album: Los 15 Grandes Exitos

I just know that an angry mob of sombrero-wearing, mariachi-playing Mexicans will show up at my door and beat me like a pinata if I didn’t include this controversial, funny, and socially scathing number in the list. 

This song has become so important that we must almost forget that it is Vicente who made it. That’s because it is no longer just one of the greatest songs he ever recorded. It is one of the most important recordings ever to come out of Mexico. This is a piece of sonic heritage in a way. 

Border issues…

In under four minutes, Vicente took the United States policy on Mexican immigration and dropped its pants in front of millions of listeners ten times a day across the airwaves. Yes, there was a man who knew how real, and unreal, a so-called border could be. 

Yes, we have an arrogant boast against US immigration made by the most arrogant-acting Mexican musician ever. A very serious point, made in a very funny way. An instant classic.

Las Mañanitas

No Me Se Rajar

Mi Viejo

La Diferencia

Sublime Mujer

Borracho de Recuerdo

Amor de Los Dos

Hermoso Cariño

Dos Corazones

Palabra de Rey

Estos Celos

Lastima Que Seas Ajena

Que Sepan Todos

Hoy Platique con Mi Gallo

Le Pese a Quien Le Pese

Looking for Great Songs?

We can help with that. Take a look at our detailed articles on the Best Gloria Estefan Songs of All Time, the Best Cat Stevens Songs of All Time, the Best Chicago Songs of All Time, the Best John Legend Songs of All Time, and the Best Kanye West Songs of All Time for more great selections.

Best Vicente Fernández Songs of All Time – Conclusion

 So, there you have what are, in my opinion, the best song that Vicente Fernández has ever released. You may not agree with all my inclusions, but these lists have to be personal, so that’s why they are there. Either way, get your sound system ready and fill the airwaves around you with some quality Vicente Fernández songs.

Happy listening!

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