社團法人台灣錄音著作權人協會 - 防彈少年團的《MAP OF SOUL:7》奪得IFPI 2020年全球專輯銷售排行榜之首

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防彈少年團的《MAP OF SOUL:7》奪得IFPI 2020年全球專輯銷售排行榜之首

RIT / IFPI 新聞稿

防彈少年團的《MAP OF SOUL:7》奪得IFPI 2020年全球專輯銷售排行榜之首

2021年3月11日–代表全球唱片音樂產業的IFPI宣布,BTS的《MAP OF SOUL:7》獲得2020年IFPI全球專輯銷售榜的榜首。這份榜單統合實體和數位專輯下載的全球銷量而決定年度最佳專輯排行。

這是這個團體第三次獲得IFPI的全球排行榜獎,此獎項是他們繼2020年度全球唱片最暢銷歌手獎之後,以《MAP OF SOUL:7》獲得IFPI頒發的全球專輯全格式排行榜的榜首。

全球超級巨星BTS發行的第四張專輯《MAP OF THE SOUL:7》在全球締造了令人難以置信的銷量,並打破了該樂團在其母國韓國銷量的歷史記錄。

BTS的《BE(豪華版)》在排行榜中名列第2,他們的《MAP OF THE SOUL:7 ~The Journey~》位居第8,他們總計在IFPI的全球排行榜單中出現了六次。

這份排行榜其他值得一提的是,亞洲的表現仍舊亮眼。日本藝人米津玄師的《STRAY SHEEP》獲得第3名,以及BLACKPINK的《THE ALBUM》排名第5位。去年冠軍ARASHI的《This is Arashi》名列第9,此外日本樂團King Gnu的《CEREMONY》排名第10位。

全球專輯全格式排行榜緊接著的是泰勒絲的《folklore》(第4名)和小賈斯汀的《Changes》(第7名),澳洲搖滾樂團AC / DC也以睽違已久的專輯《POWER UP》而登榜(第6名)。

IFPI國際總會總裁Frances Moore表示:「防彈少年團在IFPI的全球排行榜中贏得了前所未有的成功,囊括該排行榜的前兩名,展現他們的音樂在全球的驚人吸引力。再次祝賀該樂團大大成功的一年。」


排名 | 藝人 | 專輯名稱 | 全球總銷售(百萬)

防彈少年團| MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 | 4.8
防彈少年團| BE (Deluxe Edition) | 2.7
米津玄師 | STRAY SHEEP | 2.5
泰勒絲 | folklore | 2.0
AC/DC | POWER UP | 1.4
小賈斯汀 | Changes | 1.2
防彈少年團 | MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 ~ THE JOURNEY ~ | 1.2
嵐 | This is Arashi | 1.0
King Gnu | CEREMONY | 1.0 


BTS’ MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 tops IFPI’s 2020 Global Album Sales Chart

11th March 2021 – IFPI, the organisation that represents the recorded music industry worldwide, has announced that BTS’ MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 is the winner of 2020’s IFPI Global Album Sales Chart. The chart combines global sales of physical and digital album downloads to rank the top albums of the year.

This marks the third Global Chart Award given to the band by IFPI, following their success as Global Recording Artists of 2020, and MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 topping the newly introduced IFPI Global Album All Format Chart.

The fourth studio album from global superstars BTS, MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 saw incredible sales all over the world and broke the all-time sales record in the band’s home country of Korea.

BTS also feature at #2 in the chart with BE (Deluxe Edition) and at #8 with MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 ~ THE JOURNEY ~, bringing their total number of appearances across IFPI’s Global Charts to six.

Elsewhere in the chart, the prominence of Asian acts continues. Japanese artist Kenshi Yonezu charts at #3 with STRAY SHEEP and BLACKPINK sits at #5 with THE ALBUM. Winners of last year’s award ARASHI sit at #9 with This is Arashi, and Japanese band, King Gnu, are at #10 with Ceremony.

Following up appearances in the Global Album All Format Chart are Taylor Swift with folklore (#4) and Justin Bieber’s Changes (#7). Australian rock group AC/DC also feature (#6) with their long-awaited album POWER UP.

Frances Moore, Chief Executive of IFPI, said: “BTS’ success across IFPI’s global charts – including the top two positions in this chart – is unprecedented and demonstrates the amazing global appeal of their music. We would like to congratulate the band once again on such a successful year.”

Top 10 Global Albums (Sales) 2020
Rank | Artist | Album Name | Total global units (millions)
BTS | MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 | 4.8
BTS | BE (Deluxe Edition) | 2.7
Kenshi Yonezu | STRAY SHEEP | 2.5
Taylor Swift | folklore| 2.0
AC/DC | POWER UP | 1.4
Justin Bieber | Changes | 1.2
ARASHI | This is Arashi | 1.0
King Gnu | CEREMONY | 1.0



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