Is Josh Shapiro Related to Ben Shapiro? The Truth About the Two Shapiros


Josh Shapiro and Ben Shapiro are two prominent figures in American politics and media. Josh Shapiro is the governor of Pennsylvania, a Democrat, and a former attorney general. Ben Shapiro is a conservative commentator, author, and founder of The Daily Wire. Both of them are Jewish and have the same last name, but are they related?

The Short Answer

The short answer is no, Josh Shapiro and Ben Shapiro are not related to each other. They do not share a common ancestor or a family connection. They are two different individuals who happen to have the same surname, religion, and profession.

The Long Answer

The long answer is that the name Shapiro is quite common among Ashkenazi Jews, who are the descendants of Jews who lived in Central and Eastern Europe. According to, the name Shapiro comes from the Hebrew word “shapir”, which means “beautiful” or “fair” It is also a variant of the name Speyer, which is the name of a city in Germany where many Jews settled

There are many famous people with the name Shapiro, such as Robert Shapiro, the lawyer who defended O.J. Simpson, George Shapiro, the producer of Seinfeld, and Mara Wilson, the actress who starred in Matilda and Mrs. Doubtfire. However, none of them are related to Josh Shapiro or Ben Shapiro, as far as we know.

Josh Shapiro was born in Kansas City, Missouri, to a father who served in the Navy and a mother who was a teacher He grew up in Dresher, Pennsylvania, and attended the University of Rochester and Georgetown University. He became interested in politics at a young age and was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 2004. He later served as the chairman of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners and the attorney general of Pennsylvania. He was elected as the governor of Pennsylvania in 2022, defeating Republican Doug Mastriano

Ben Shapiro was born in Los Angeles, California, to a father who was a composer and a mother who was a TV executive He skipped two grades and graduated from high school at age 16. He attended the University of California, Los Angeles, and Harvard Law School. He became the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the United States at age 17 and wrote two books by age 21. He worked as an editor-at-large for Breitbart News and co-founded The Daily Wire in 2015. He is known for his conservative views and his popular podcast, The Ben Shapiro Show


Josh Shapiro and Ben Shapiro are not related to each other, despite sharing the same last name and living in the same area. Both are also Jewish, but the surname Shapiro is quite common in the community. It is not unlike the name Baker or Smith being common in other communities. Josh Shapiro and Ben Shapiro have different backgrounds, education, and political views. They are both influential in their own fields, but they are not part of the same family.