Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria - The Collection - Museo Nacional del Prado
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Mengs, Anton Raphael

Aussig (Czech Republic), 1728 - Rome (Italy), 1779

Mengs, Anton Raphael See author's file

Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria

1771. Oil on canvas.
Room 022

In portraits of female subjects, Anton Rafael Mengs displays a warm and gentle quality, more Rococo in tone than the slightly academic coldness marking his historical and mythological compositions. The eldest daughter of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany and a granddaughter of Charles III, the Archduchess María Teresa Habsburg-Lorena is shown here at full length, next to a caged parrot. Her dress, with its short train, is of cream-colored satin with pink bows and trimming on the tulle front panel of the bodice, and she wears a pink, bejeweled cap. Her earrings also are jeweled, and a string of pearls surrounds her neck. Behind her hangs a gold-braided curtain of green damask. The colorful rug completes the decorative effect of the setting. Mengs completed this while visiting Florence in 1771. The model was three and a half years old, but the serious pose of her figure and her sumptuous attire, together with the palatial surroundings in which she appears, cause her to seem older than her years (Text drawn from Luna Fernández, Juan J., The Majesty of Spain, Jackson, Mississippi, 2001, p. 71).

The Majesty of Spain. Royal Collections From the Museo del P, Jackson, Mississipi Commission For Internati, 2001, p.71

Technical data

Imagen del carrusel
Imagen del carrusel
Inventory number
Mengs, Anton Raphael
Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria
Height: 144 cm; Width: 105 cm
Familia de los archiduques, grandes duques de Toscana
Royal Collection (Royal Palace of Aranjuez, Madrid, "pieza en que el rey duerme la siesta", 1794; Aranjuez, "sexta pieza del cuarto del príncipe", 1818); Entered the Museum in 1848.

Bibliography +

Ponz, Antonio, Viage de España. Vol. I, I, Joachin Ibarra, Madrid, 1776, pp. 235.

Sánchez Cantón, Francisco Javier, Antonio Rafael Mengs (1728-1779): noticia de su vida y de sus obras con el catálogo de la exposición celebrada en mayo de 1929, Madrid, 1929, pp. 34.

Honisch, Dieter, Anton Raphael Mengs Und Die Bildform des Fruhklassizismus, Aurel Bongers, Recklinghausen, 1965, pp. 104.

Sánchez Cantón, Francisco Javier, Museo del Prado. Catálogo de las pinturas, Museo del Prado, Madrid, 1972.

Museo Nacional del Prado, Catálogo de las pinturas, Museo del Prado, Madrid, 1985, pp. 415.

Museo Nacional del Prado, Museo del Prado: inventario general de pinturas (I) La Colección Real, Museo del Prado, Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 1990.

Roettgen, Steffi, Anton Raphael Mengs, 1728-1779, Hirmer Verlag, Munich, 1999, pp. 254.

The Majesty of Spain. Royal Collections From the Museo del P, Mississipi Commission For Internati, Jackson, 2001, pp. 71.

De Tiziano a Goya. Obras maestras del Museo del Prado., Tokio - Osaka, 2006.

De Tiziano a Goya: grandes maestros del Museo del Prado, Museo Nacional del Prado: SEACEX, Madrid, 2007, pp. 267.

Roettgen, S, 'A.R.Mengs. Ritratto di Maria Teresa Giuseppa Carlota Giovanna di Asburgo-Lorena, dal 1827 Regina di Sassonia (Firenze 14 gennaio 1767 - Lipsia 7 novembre 1827)'· En:, I nipoti del re di Spagna: Anton Raphael Mengs a Palazzo Pitti, Sillabe,, Livorno, 2017, pp. 86-87 n.6.

Other inventories +

Inv. Testamentaría Carlos III, Aranjuez, 1794. Núm. s. n..
Pieza en que el Rey duerme la siesta [...] [91] Otro [cuadro] de la misma medida [cinco pies y quarto de alto y tres y seis dedos de ancho]: retrato de una de las Archiduquesas niña jugando con un Papagayo metido en jaula. Yd [Mengs] ... 8000

Inv. Fernando VII, Aranjuez, 1814-1818. Núm. s. n..
QUARTO DEL PRINCIPE [...] Sexta pieza [...] {21061} 3 retratos de señores infantes = un niño sentado en vn carreton y otro en pie a su lado = una niña de pie haciendo fiestas a vn loro = un niño vestido de azul y a su lado un sillon = 6 quartas de alto 5 ancho = Mengs

Inv. Real Museo, 1857. Núm. 2896.
2896. Idm de una infanta hija de Leopoldo por Mengs. / Alto 5 pies, 3 pulg; ancho 3 pies, 5 pulg.

Catálogo Museo del Prado, 1872-1907. Núm. 1433.

Inscriptions +

Inscribed in red color. Front, lower right corner

Exhibitions +

The King of Spain's Grandchildren. Anton Raphael Mengs' Portrait of Federico and María Anna of Lorraine in the Pitti Palace
18.09.2017 - 07.01.2018

From Titian to Goya. Great Masters from the Museo del Prado
13.09.2007 - 12.11.2007

From Titian to Goya. Great Masters from the Museo del Prado
29.06.2007 - 24.08.2007

De Tiziano a Goya. Obras maestras del Museo del Prado
14.07.2006 - 15.10.2006

De Tiziano a Goya. Obras maestras del Museo del Prado
24.03.2006 - 02.07.2006

Tha majesty of spain. Royal collections from the Museo del Prado & patrimonio nacional (La majestad de España)
Jackson MS
01.03.2001 - 03.09.2001

Location +

Room 022 (On Display)

Update date: 23-11-2023 | Registry created on 28-04-2015

Visor 360

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Other works by Mengs, Anton Raphael

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