
All the latest big news and events. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for more regular updates of my models and projects.

May 25, 2024We’ve been hard at work updating and adding more of Richards PDF guides – whether you’re a seasoned painter or just starting out, these detailed PDFs will help you achieve stunning results with your minis.Continue reading [...]
April 20, 2024DARE YOU ENTER THE BONEZONE?! What started as a bit of a meme on the Discord has now been brought to life, with the first ever painting competition held solely by Richard (and Rebecca) Gray.Continue reading [...]
March 22, 2024Here is my entry for the Age of Sigmar single model category at Adepticon Golden Demon. She was never supposed to be an entry but instead Dante and Fulgrim were the intended pieces. Unfortunately myContinue reading [...]
March 14, 2024I’m working hard on my Golden Demon entry at the moment, which is the Vampire Sekhar the Blood Queen, which you can see in the photographs. [...]
March 9, 2024I’m one of the judges for the Model Painting Open by Cult of Paint, along with Andy Wardle and Albert Moreto Font! I’m super excited for it! [...]
January 21, 2024I’ve started to paint a Deathwing Assault Knight with the aim to make him very weathered and rough looking. [...]
January 13, 2024I’m often asked why I choose this approach so often in my models! It’s a good question, and there’s more to it than just showing off technical skills or avoiding metallic paints. Why NMM? ControlContinue reading [...]
January 3, 2024Happy New Year! It’s time to get back to painting, I find after a break that it can take a couple of goes to get back into the rhythm of things, that’s why I’ve jumped straight back into painting Fulgrim  The purple armour will be in the next video, I just need to paint a little more of it! [...]
November 19, 2023A quick video review of some of the models from the new Legions Imperialis game that Games Workshop sent me as an early review copy. [...]
November 14, 2023I am still suffering with whatever evil bug I’ve picked up, but I’ve had a go at another video for the Malignant Plaguecaster. I can only apologise for how awful I sound! I am hoping everything will be back to normal soon. I am recording plenty of painting footage, so hopefully my voice is back soon. I’ve got some interesting content for next week! [...]
November 9, 2023I am back from my wedding anniversary holiday! The bad news is that I’ve managed to get ill and feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. [...]
October 23, 2023New on the site, this video shows how to paint Dante’s shiny red style NMM shoulder pad, along with NMM gold trim. The video also discusses some of the pitfalls while painting it and how the additional shine spots bring it to life. [...]
October 19, 2023I’ve just posted the latest video of a Grimdark Grimy Death Guard, which is a new, plastic MKIII Space Marine for the Horus Heresy* and it shows how to paint him in the Grimdark styleContinue reading [...]
October 11, 2023I’ve just posted another two videos! The first one is a freehand tutorial for the new Terminator Chaplain, which Games Workshop sent me as a review copy. I know a few people complained that there were no ribs sculpted on the model, so I have attempted to fix it with paint! [...]
September 24, 2023Here is a kit review for the New Trugg the Troggoth King from the Gloomspite Gitz army. I also show how to fill in gaps in the plastic using Sprue Glue. Model provided by Games Workshop. [...]
August 30, 2023I’ve just posted a video of the complete process for how to paint the Alchemite Warforger. This was from a review copy that Games Workshop sent me of the new Cities of Sigmar box. [...]
July 31, 2023I’m working through my Golden Demon entry, (well, one of them), Commander Dante! [...]
June 21, 2023I’ve just posted the latest video, which is the 3rd part for Dante. This video focuses on his legs, they’re a little big tricky so you can also listen to me complain about them. The video is 1 hour 48 minutes long, I’ll try and make the next video a little shorter! [...]
June 4, 2023I was sent the new Warhammer 40,000 Leviathan box set from Games Workshop, and of course had to pick out my favourite model to paint up for a tutorial video for you guys. [...]
May 5, 2023This video takes a look at my trip to Warhammer Fest in Manchester and the Golden Demon! Expect me rambling about the event and lots of video footage of the amazing models in the cabinets…. [...]
May 5, 2023So Golden Demon is over! I’ve been in recovery mode for a few days but I’m back painting now 😀 [...]
April 19, 2023Golden Demon is just days away and I am still not ready! Haha 💀 The vampires are progressing though and it looks like I should have 4 of them complete for the competition. [...]
March 5, 2023I’ve just posted a long video showing how to paint the face, arm, shoulder and gold NMM chest symbol of the Askurgan Exemplar vampire (samurai vampire!)  [...]
November 30, 2022This video is a kit review for the new Warmaster Iconoclast Titan that Games Workshop sent me and I have painted. I also include a link to one of my free videos on how I painted mine! [...]
November 10, 2022In this video I take a look at my entry for Golden Demon UK 2022, talk about the challenges I had, plus some thoughts about the competition. [...]
November 1, 2022I’ve just posted the latest two videos, which are for the skeleton shown in the photograph above. He’s from the Sons of Velmorn warband from the new Warhammer Underworlds Gnarlwood box, which Games Workshop sent me. The videos cover the entire process of painting him! Next up will be more Cado Ezechiar, the start of my Adeptus Titanicus Golden Demon entry and a couple of secret projects! [...]
September 24, 2022I was delighted to be quizzed by the Warhammer Community team on my “Top Tips” for Golden Demon competitors. Along with Andy Wardle and Albert Moreto Font, we answered a series of questions on how to get in to the “competition groove” [...]
September 9, 2022I thought it would be interesting to keep you all updated on the Loon Boss Golden Demon progress! So far he’s just about on schedule. You can see in the photos above that the other side is now also painted! I imagine a few people will have a laugh when they see some of the forthcoming videos with how basic the painting was on the other side of the model 😂 [...]
August 4, 2022I’ve managed to get myself a ticket for the UK Golden Demon in October. It was quite a scramble and the tickets sold out in under a minute! If you didn’t manage to get a ticket then don’t forget to try again on Monday 8th August when more tickets will be going up. [...]
July 5, 2022I’ve just posted 3 new videos! The first two are for the Aeldari Avatar, one being for the Soul Stones and the other being for the NMM (Non-Metallic Metal) armour on the shoulders. [...]