Marianne Thyssen – Euractiv

About: Marianne Thyssen

Social security reform postponed until next European Parliament

Est. 6min

Deep divisions among MEPs made it clear on Thursday (19 April) that the social security coordination directive, aimed at enforcing the rights of mobile workers, would be postponed for the next European Parliament, after May's EU elections.

Europe creates labour watchdog to fight against abuses

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The European Parliament and member states have reached an agreement to set up a new European Labour Authority (ELA) to protect workers’ rights and launch cross-border investigations in case of potential abuses.

Economy 23-11-2018

European Parliament strengthens European social pillar

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The European Parliament has been working hard on the EU’s social policy, voting in favour of establishing a “European social watchdog” and coordinating social security systems on 20 November. EURACTIV France reports.

Economy 27-09-2018

EU orders Ryanair to meet European rules on local contracts

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The European Commission ordered Ryanair on Wednesday (26 September)  to respect EU rules by giving workers contracts in the country they live rather than in Ireland where its planes are registered.

Politics 12-07-2018

Commissioner Thyssen to leave politics at the end of European mandate

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European Commissioner for Social Affairs, Marianne Thyssen, (CD & V) will end her political career upon completing the current mandate in Brussels, after 28 years of involvement in European politics.

Exposure to carcinogens at work in EU’s crosshairs

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The EU Agency for Safety and Health at Work has launched a joint campaign with the European Commission and the Bulgarian EU Presidency aimed at raising awareness of dangerous substances at work while sounding the alarm about the surging costs related to cancer.

Economy 13-03-2018

Commission wants EU Labour Authority to open by 2019

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The European Commission wants to set up a new EU agency to oversee cross-border labour disputes and manage the growing number of people who travel within the bloc for work. The agency would receive a budget of €50 million and open before the current Commission’s term ends next year.

Economy 01-03-2018

EU tentatively backs reform of labour rules sought by Macron

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The European Union reached a tentative agreement on Thursday (1 March) to tighten employment rules for workers who move to richer member states in order to earn more money but also risk undercutting wages in their adopted country.

Economic governance 22-11-2017

Commission calls for reforms to address wage stagnation

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The European Commission told member states on Wednesday (22 November) to prioritize policies that support wage growth, in light of the economic pain still suffered by many Europeans.

Economy 05-10-2017

Commission adopts proposal to improve apprenticeships in EU

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The European Commission adopted on Thursday (5 October) a proposal aiming to improve the conditions and outcomes of apprenticeships for young people across the block, in the hope that it will facilitate their job search later.

Economy 14-09-2017

Commission wants new EU labour authority to crack down on worker abuse

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European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker wants to set up a new EU institution to monitor how labour law is applied in member states. The Commission will outline its plans for the supervisory authority by the end of 2018.

Agrifood 02-08-2017

Salmonella’s Polish resurgence raises concerns

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Poland is facing a Salmonella crisis this summer but the European Commission has withdrawn its support for the authorisation of the most efficient tool to fight against the bacteria in animal feed.

Economy 17-07-2017

‘Demographic dependency’ casts shadow over employment report

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Young people in Europe will be squeezed by shrinking pensions and demographic change, adding pressure to under 25-year-olds who are already weighed down by a stubbornly high unemployment rate.

EU leaps forward in attempt to ban carcinogens at work

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After more than ten years of inaction, European lawmakers have taken the first step to update EU laws related to the prevention of occupational cancers that are believed to cause 100,000 deaths every year. Trade unions hailed the EU’s decision, which brings an end to years of stalemate.

Justice 21-06-2017

Starbucks set to hire 2,500 refugees in Europe

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US coffee chain Starbucks Corp said yesterday (20 June) it will hire 2,500 refugees in Europe as part of a wider worldwide hiring plan, months after the policy prompted a backlash from some customers.

Economy 15-06-2017

Macron’s proposals wreak havoc on posted worker negotiations

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Tough French proposals have derailed talks on controversial EU labour mobility rules and dashed Malta's hopes of brokering a compromise deal by the of this month.

Economy 26-04-2017

App economy jobs come under Commission scrutiny

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The European Commission will change an EU law on employment contracts by the end of the year in a move to create standards for precarious jobs created by online apps like Uber and Deliveroo.

Economy 26-04-2017

Commissioners promote more attractive cohesion policy

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Regional Policy Commissioner Corina Crețu and Employment Commissioner Marianne Thyssen have submitted several proposals to make cohesion policy more visible and attractive.

Economy 13-04-2017

Commission plans deal to settle east-west trucker dispute

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The European Commission is planning a compromise between eastern and western EU member countries, which are sharply divided over labour rules for truck drivers who travel across the bloc to deliver goods, according to an internal memo from the executive's transport policy arm.

Economy 03-03-2017

Four countries push for EU law to slash childcare benefits

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A group of four countries are pushing for EU rules that would allow them to pay lower childcare benefits to anyone with children in another member state.

Thyssen slams Schäuble’s proposal to cut childcare benefits for EU foreigners

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Marianne Thyssen, the EU social affairs chief, slammed a draft German proposal to cut childcare benefits in half for EU foreigners and insisted she does “not believe in second class children”.

Commission to tighten labour rules for truck drivers in May

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Truck drivers and trade unions have formed an alliance to demand the European Commission close loopholes that let underpaid workers from poorer EU countries deliver goods anywhere in the bloc.

MEPs call for EU law requiring minimum wage in every country

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MEPs are asking the European Commission to require member states to introduce national minimum wages in a move that will unnerve politicians across Europe, business lobby groups and even some trade unions.

Commission wants to open up legal, architectural, and engineering professions

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The European Commission proposed on Tuesday (10 January) a fine-tuning of the Services Directive in order to address the over-protection of certain professions in the member states.