Unlike most streaming-first series, Matthew Weiner's latest project The Romanoffs is rolling out episodically, week by week. And as an anthology program, the show also has a new cast every episode. Here's everyone you need to know about (and where you maybe have seen them before).

Episode 1: "The Violet Hour"

the romanoffspinterest
Christopher Raphael
Keller, Melab, and Eckhart.

Marthe Keller

Keller plays Anushka Lecharney, a rich and elderly Frenchwoman (who is descended from the Romanoffs, of course) with an incredible Parisian apartment, racist tendencies, and high blood pressure.

Where you've seen her before: Keller had an impressive career in international films, but her most famous role in an American production is that of Elsa in Dustin Hoffman's 1976 film Marathon Man, for which she earned a Golden Globe nomination.

Inès Melab

A young Muslim women living in Paris and studying to become a nurse, Melab's character Hajar Azim is Anushka's new caretaker, who must endure her employer's steady stream of racist insults.

Where you've seen her before: A relative newcomer to an American audience, Melab previously appeared in the French television series Agathe Koltès.

Aaron Eckhart

Eckhart plays Gregg Moffatt, Anushka's American nephew, who came to Paris and never left. He hopes to one day inherit his aunt's grand real estate.

Where you've seen him before: Eckhart's film credits include Thank You for Smoking, In the Company of Men, and Rabbit Hole, but his portrayal of Harvey Dent (and subsequently Batman villain Two Face) in The Dark Knight is perhaps his best-known movie role.

Louise Bourgoin

Bourgoin plays Gregg's much younger girlfriend Sophie who doesn't care so much for his older aunt.

Where you've seen her before: Up to this point, Bourgoin's career has been primarily in French television and films including the movies such as The Girl from Monaco, and I am a Soldier.

Episode 2: "The Royal We"

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 Photo: Jan Thijs 2017pinterest
Jan Thijs
Stoll and Bishé.

Corey Stoll

One half of a struggling marriage, Stoll's character Michael Romanoff would rather endure jury duty than go on a Romanov descendant-themed cruise with his wife, Shelly. But the trial is perhaps a bit more than he bargained for.

Where you've seen him before: Stoll's appeared in a number of high-profile television shows in recent years. He played Peter Russo on House of Cards for a number of seasons, and Dill Harcourt on Girls. This fall he will also portray American hero Buzz Aldrin in the Neil Armstrong bio-pic First Man.

Kerry Bishé

When Michael voluntarily opts for jury duty over spending a few days at sea with his wife, Shelly, played by Bishé, goes without him, even though her connection to the last Imperial family is through marriage and not blood.

Where you've seen her before: Earlier this year, Bishé finished out the role of Donna Clark in the final season of AMC's Halt and Catch Fire. A few of her other notable parts include Christina Jurado in Narcos, Kathy Stafford in Argo, and Lucy Bennett in Scrubs.

Janet Montgomery

Mongtomery plays Michelle Westbrook, a fellow juror on Michael's trial, who serves as more than a brief distraction.

Where you've seen her before: Montgomery has appeared in a number of series like Entourage, Salem, and Black Mirror. Most recently, she played Olivia on This Is Us, and she's currently starring in the medical show New Amsterdam.

Noah Wyle

Wyle's character Ivan is another solo guest on the Romanovs-themed cruise, who keeps running into Shelly.

Where you've seen him before: Perhaps best known as Dr. Carter on ER, Wyle has also appeared in The Librarians, Falling Skies, and Adoptable among other TV shows and films.

Want to watch The Romanoffs? New episodes drop each Friday on Amazon Prime.

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Caroline Hallemann
Digital Director

As the digital director for Town & Country, Caroline Hallemann covers culture, entertainment, and a range of other subjects