Christmas Messages to Write in Holiday Greeting Cards - Holidappy Skip to main content

Christmas Messages to Write in Holiday Greeting Cards

Figuring out what to write in a Christmas card is harder than it sounds—use these ideas and examples to get started!

Figuring out what to write in a Christmas card is harder than it sounds—use these ideas and examples to get started!

Christmas Card Messages (What to Write in a Christmas Card)

Christmas cards say something about their senders. Many families send them to bring cheer to their friends, while businesses send holiday messages to show customers and employees their appreciation. Christmas and holiday cards are always a great way to stay in touch with friends, relatives, acquaintances, and loved ones as the year comes to a close.

While composing a thoughtful message for a holiday card sounds simple, many have trouble deciding what to say. If this describes your predicament, fear not! I've got you covered!

Use the examples and recommendations on this page to get ideas, then mix and adapt them into meaningful messages for the people in your life. Feel free to edit these (according to your specific needs and preferences) before jotting them down in your cards. Remember, the more personal you make your message, the more impact it will have on the recipient!

May you be blessed with the most important gifts this Christmas. I consider friendship to be a gift, and your friendship is one of my most treasured gifts. Merry Christmas!

Example Christmas Wishes

  • Christmas is a good excuse to send cards to all my favorite people.
  • Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and happy holidays.
  • May we all show each other the love and patience that we may not deserve this Christmas. That is the true spirit of Christmas.
  • It's easy to get caught up in all the business of Christmas, but I'm wishing you a peaceful Christmas full of the most important things.
  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May you be surrounded by all the things that bring Christmas cheer.
  • I hope you are reminded of all the most important things in your life this Christmas. Merry Christmas!
  • We hope you are surrounded by beauty and comfort this Christmas season.
  • Blessings, love, and peace to you this Christmas.
  • Hoping you can feel love, joy, and peace this Christmas season.
  • The beauty of the Christmas season is that it can remind us of all the beauty in life that we take for granted: our family, our friends, and our faith.
  • Keep Christmas a time of celebration and love. Don't let Christmas become a chore. Don't let Christmas bring strife to your home.
Sometimes fewer words can make a bigger impact! Here are some short and sweet holiday wishes.

Sometimes fewer words can make a bigger impact! Here are some short and sweet holiday wishes.

Short and Sweet Christmas Messages

  • Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
  • Wishing you all the best that a holiday could offer.
  • Peace, joy, and love to you and your family.
  • May your Christmas season be filled with joy and light!
  • Hope your stocking is stuffed full of joy this year.
  • Sending you glad tidings this holiday season.
  • Thinking of you this Christmas. "Yule" be on my mind.
  • I hope your holiday season is so bright that you need sunglasses!
  • I hope this special time of year is filled with joy!
  • If I could, I’d send you peace, love, and joy in an envelope.
  • God bless you this holiday season—Merry Christmas!
Including some humor in your seasonal greeting is a great way to spice up an unremarkable holiday card.

Including some humor in your seasonal greeting is a great way to spice up an unremarkable holiday card.

Funny Christmas Jokes and Sayings

If you enjoy humor, chances are the people you know will, too. The weeks leading up to Christmas tend to be busy, hectic, and even stressful. Lighten the mood with a funny Christmas card.

  • The NSA has tapped everyone's phone this Christmas, including Santa Claus himself. Jesus is the only one who isn't on the naughty list.
  • Just think how bright Jesus' birthday cake would be if he had a candle for each year since his birth. It's a good thing he recently switched to LED candles.
  • There are at least three people wishing you a Merry Christmas. There's Jesus, Santa, and ME!
  • There's usually only one person I can remember to buy a birthday card for each year. His name is Jesus.
  • I don't usually write Christmas cards, but when I do, I usually write the same thing in all of them.
  • I'm writing a unique and personal message in each of my Christmas cards this year. So for you, I'd like to say: 'Whomever you are, Merry Christmas to my friend/family person who is really special.'
  • The best thing about Christmas is the day after. You still have almost a year until you have to see your annoying extended family members again.
  • If I had to choose between you and Santa, I'd choose you. I still think it's a little creepy that that guy comes into my house while I'm sleeping.
  • All I want for Christmas is for you to have a crazy cool Christmas!
  • When people ask me to prove that Santa is real, I ask them to prove to me that he isn't.
  • I would write something funny to wish you a Merry Christmas, but there are some things that you just don't joke about.
  • I hope your December 25th is splendid this year. If you have an awful day on December 27th, that's alright. It's really just the 25th I care about.
If you can't be with your family this Holiday season, send them a Christmas card to let them know how much they mean to you.

If you can't be with your family this Holiday season, send them a Christmas card to let them know how much they mean to you.

Christmas Messages for Friends

  • Friends like you are as magical as Christmas spirit and as rare as Santa sightings.
  • Your presence is the best Christmas present I could receive.
  • Holidays are so much more special when they are celebrated with important friends like you.
  • Wishing one of my most dearest and special friends a Merry Christmas and an amazing New Year!
  • Friend! I hope your Christmas is full of love, eggnog, laughter, and cookies!
  • Your friendship is the best present Santa could have ever given me.
  • This year, I have been so grateful for your friendship—thank you for being such a wonderful part of my life.
  • I hope Santa brings you lots of awesome goodies. He already brought me the best one—a great friend!
  • I hope you have an excellent Christmas full of love and life—the two things you have given me.
  • As the year ends, I’m reminded of how much your friendship has meant to me. Thank you so much for being a great friend.
  • I wish my family was as fun as you—hope you have a great time with your kin and hope to see you in the New Year!
  • You are such a fantastic friend! I hope Santa recognizes that and rewards you handsomely. If he doesn’t, I will!
  • Wishing you a very happy holiday season full of abundant joy and peace.
  • I am so thankful for having you as such a special and unique friend—I hope your holiday season is just as awesome as you are!
  • Even more than Christmas decorations, friends are what really light up my life. You brighten my day today and every other day of the year as well.
  • I hope your life is filled with joy and happiness during the holiday season and the rest of the year.
  • I hope your holiday season is filled with laughter, silliness, and many fond memories. I am looking forward to spending another year in friendship with you.
  • May your holiday season be full of presence of mind as you focus on the true gift of life.
Traditional Christmas messages can be a little drab—spice yours up with some silliness.

Traditional Christmas messages can be a little drab—spice yours up with some silliness.

Christmas Wishes for Family

  • You can't choose your family, but even if you could, I'd still choose you. Merry Christmas! I am looking forward to spending some time with you.
  • I'm so grateful to have been blessed with the best family on earth! I love you so much.
  • Santa couldn't have gotten me a better family. The best part is that this gift just keeps on getting bigger and better.
  • I'm so thankful to have been blessed with such a wonderful family to celebrate this meaningful time of year.
  • At the center of the busyness of this season is love, which is also at the center of our family.
  • I love and miss you so much. I hope I'll be able to come home next year for Christmas to hug you in person. This card is the best I can do this year.
  • It makes me so happy to think of you this time of year and remember our special memories from the past years. I'm grateful for an amazing family.
  • As I grow up, the meaning of Christmas continues to deepen as I keep discovering the true nature of love, joy, and peace, not only at this time of year but all year round. Thank you for being a family that continues to teach me what these are.
  • I hold a special place in my heart for my family, the greatest gift of all.
  • God has blessed me with such a fantastic family! You are so special to me, and I can't wait to spend time with you soon.
  • We're going to have so much fun this Christmas! I can't wait to cook up a storm and then feast like there's no tomorrow!
  • I will always love and cherish you, even when I'm annoyed by something you say.
  • Your support over the last year has meant the world to me. Thank you for showing me the true meaning of family.
  • I got lucky with the kindest, sweetest, most fun family anyone could have asked for. You are all so special and unique. I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world.
  • I love you so much and hope your holiday season is filled with joy and happiness (and maybe some relaxation, too)!
Incorporate a line or two about the religious significance of the holiday in cards to the Christian folk in your life.

Incorporate a line or two about the religious significance of the holiday in cards to the Christian folk in your life.


Silly Holiday Greetings

  • Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Oops, I’m sorry I got carried away. I’ll try to stick to one or two holidays at a time.
  • For Christmas, I got you pants with an elastic waistline that you can wear through January. You’re welcome.
  • If you don’t like my present, it’s because you have bad taste. I’ll still wish you a Merry Christmas!
  • I’ll distract everyone, and you can add more rum to the eggnog. Sound like a plan?
  • I’m trying something new this Christmas. I’m going to wrap myself up and sleep under the Christmas tree so you’ll finally understand what a gift I am to all of you.
  • Christmas is a special time to think about peace, love, joy, and weight gain.
  • Ah yes, the true meaning of Christmas: Peace, joy, harmony, and passive aggression.
  • I hope the holidays find you in good spirits! And by spirits, I do mean alcohol.
  • Is it too soon to ask for an advance on my birthday present?
  • The best thing about the holidays is catching up on sleep and TV shows. Enjoy!
  • What’s red, white, and round all over? You! After drinking a little bit, eating too much, and rolling around in the snow.
  • Ever wonder why we don’t say Merry Birthday? Since it’s not a good idea to say things you don’t understand, I’ll just say Happy Christmas!
  • You know, I wouldn’t mind getting coal for Christmas. Sure, it’s not the cleanest energy source, but at least it’s useful. I’m trying to tell you that I got you coal for Christmas. You deserve it.
Don't be afraid to get a little cheesy when writing a Christmas card for your special someone.

Don't be afraid to get a little cheesy when writing a Christmas card for your special someone.

Religious Christmas Wishes

Incorporating religious messages into your Christmas cards lets the recipients know you are focusing on Christmas's true meaning and want to celebrate the good news. These are some creative ways to send a message with a Christian tone.

  • Great things come in small packages, just like when our Lord was born.
  • Let's celebrate our most special friend's birthday! Merry Christmas!
  • Christ the Savior is born! Merry Christmas!
  • Just as Christmas lights bring light to a dark season, Christ brings light to a dark world.
  • Jesus is the gift that we all are given this Christmas.
  • Let's celebrate the baby, the servant, and the king named Jesus Christ.
  • Merry Christmas! We have hope because Jesus was born.
  • We're wishing your family the peace, love, and joy that can only be provided by our savior. May you be blessed this Christmas.
  • Peace on earth is only possible through the gift of Christmas, Jesus Christ.
  • May you feel rich in God's love this Christmas. 'For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son.'
  • Christmas will always mean so much more to us Christians who have received the true gift of Christmas.
  • "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord." —Luke 2-11
  • Jesus has been around since before time. He is the everlasting reason for Christmas. 'I tell you the truth,' Jesus answered, 'before Abraham was born, I am!' —John 8:58
  • Even if Jesus hadn't been born on December 25th, I'd still want to send you a card. Was Jesus born on December 25th?