The Meaning Behind The Song: Turning Page by Sleeping at Last - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Turning Page by Sleeping at Last

The Meaning Behind The Song: Turning Page by Sleeping at Last

Music is a universal language that transcends boundaries, cultures, and beliefs. It touches our hearts and souls, evoke emotions, and connects us to something greater than ourselves. One of the songs that have captured the hearts of many is “Turning Page” by Sleeping at Last. This beautiful and poetic piece of music has become a favorite of many couples for their wedding dance, proposal, or even as a tribute to their loved ones.

But what is the meaning behind the song “Turning Page”? What inspired the lyrics, melody, and arrangement? In this article, we’ll explore the deep and profound message behind Sleeping at Last’s song and the inspiration that led to its creation.

The Lyrics of “Turning Page”

At first glance, the lyrics of “Turning Page” might seem ambiguous and open to interpretation. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes apparent that the song is about a profound transformation that takes place within oneself. It’s a journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and acceptance.

The opening lines of the song set the tone for the rest of the lyrics:

I’ve waited a hundred years,
But I’d wait a million more for you.
Nothing prepared me for
What the privilege of being yours would do.

The singer is conveying a sense of anticipation and longing for someone. He or she is willing to wait indefinitely for their loved one, and nothing could have prepared them for the positive impact that person would have on their life.

As the song progresses, we hear more about the transformation that takes place within the singer:

All my doubts were taken,
All my fears were shaken,
And every stone I’d ever thrown,
Has gone away.

The singer acknowledges that their past actions and beliefs have been causing pain and harm to themselves and others. However, with the arrival of their loved one, all their doubts and fears are removed, and they can let go of their past mistakes and regrets.

The chorus of the song is perhaps the most memorable part, with its haunting melody and poignant lyrics:

I’ve waited a hundred years,
But I’d wait a million more for you.
Nothing prepared me for
What the privilege of being yours would do.
Well, I would have known,
What I was living for all along.
What I’ve been living for.

The chorus encapsulates the essence of the song: the transformation from a life of uncertainty and doubt to one of purpose, meaning, and love. The singer has found their true calling in life and is willing to wait forever for their loved one and to live for the greater good.

The Inspiration Behind “Turning Page”

Sleeping at Last is an American indie rock band fronted by singer-songwriter Ryan O’Neal. The band has released numerous albums and EPs and has become known for their emotional and reflective style. “Turning Page” is one of their most popular songs, and it has been used in several movies, TV shows, and commercials.

In an interview with American Songwriter, Ryan O’Neal shared the inspiration behind “Turning Page.” He said that the song was written specifically for the wedding scene in the “Twilight: Breaking Dawn” movie. He wanted the song to convey a sense of timelessness, and he envisioned it as a tribute to the concept of eternal love.

O’Neal stated that the song was born out of a personal experience he had when he met his wife. He said that when they first met, he felt an indescribable connection to her and he knew that his life would never be the same. He compared the feeling to “turning a page” in his life and starting a new chapter.

The inspiration for the song also came from literature, particularly the works of C.S. Lewis. O’Neal said that he was influenced by the ideas of grace and forgiveness in Lewis’s writings, and he wanted to incorporate those themes into his music.

The Significance of “Turning Page”

“Turning Page” has become a meaningful and impactful song for many people, regardless of their culture, background, or beliefs. The song speaks to the universal human experience of love, self-discovery, and transformation. It offers hope and inspiration for those who are going through difficult times and encourages them to embrace their true selves.

The song has been used in several movies and TV shows, including “The Twilight Saga,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” and “The Vampire Diaries.” It has become a popular choice for wedding dances and proposals, as it captures the emotional and joyous moments of those occasions.

In addition, the song has been covered by many artists and has inspired several fan-made music videos on YouTube. It has become a symbol of love, hope, and perseverance, and it continues to touch the hearts of millions around the world.


1. What does “Turning Page” by Sleeping at Last mean?

“Turning Page” is a song about transformation, forgiveness, and acceptance. It’s a journey of self-discovery and finding one’s purpose in life. The song speaks to the universal human experience of love and the profound impact it can have on us.

2. What inspired Sleeping at Last to write “Turning Page”?

“Turning Page” was written specifically for the wedding scene in the “Twilight: Breaking Dawn” movie. The song was inspired by Ryan O’Neal’s personal experience when he met his wife, as well as the works of C.S. Lewis.

3. What movies and TV shows have used “Turning Page” by Sleeping at Last?

“Turning Page” has been featured in several movies and TV shows, including “The Twilight Saga,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” and “The Vampire Diaries.”

4. Why is “Turning Page” a popular choice for wedding dances?

“Turning Page” has become a popular choice for wedding dances because of its emotional and joyful tone. The song captures the essence of the special day and the love and commitment between the couple.

5. What is the significance of the chorus in “Turning Page”?

The chorus of “Turning Page” encapsulates the essence of the song: the transformation from a life of uncertainty and doubt to one of purpose, meaning, and love. The singer has found their true calling in life and is willing to wait forever for their loved one and to live for the greater good.

6. What message does “Turning Page” convey?

“Turning Page” conveys a message of hope, transformation, and self-discovery. The song encourages listeners to embrace their true selves and highlights the profound impact of love and forgiveness.

7. What literary works inspired “Turning Page”?

Ryan O’Neal was inspired by the works of C.S. Lewis when writing “Turning Page.” He was particularly influenced by the ideas of grace and forgiveness in Lewis’s writings.

8. What emotions does “Turning Page” evoke?

“Turning Page” evokes a range of emotions, including love, hope, joy, and introspection. The song encourages listeners to reflect on their lives and relationships and to embrace their true selves.

9. How has “Turning Page” impacted the music industry?

“Turning Page” has become a popular and enduring song in the music industry. It has inspired many covers and fan-made videos and has become a symbol of love and hope.

10. Why do people resonate with “Turning Page”?

People resonate with “Turning Page” because of its universal themes of love, transformation, and self-discovery. The song offers hope and inspiration for those going through difficult times and encourages them to embrace their true selves.

11. How does “Turning Page” speak to the human experience?

“Turning Page” speaks to the universal human experience of love and its transformative power. The song encourages listeners to reflect on their lives and relationships and to embrace their true selves.

12. What is the meaning behind the title “Turning Page”?

The title “Turning Page” refers to the transformation that takes place within oneself. It’s a journey of self-discovery and finding one’s purpose in life. The title also conveys a sense of starting a new chapter in one’s life and turning the page on the past.

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