Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Cait refusing to speak after her quest
Everything was working fine, I got the quest marker after a conversation with her and went almost immiedietly.
So after going through vault 95 and getting her to her chair. I am able to start the process without any hickups. It is only after she steps out of the chair and gives me the last conversation before quest-completion that she now just stands there refusing to speak or follow me.
The camera does go pretty much into the ceiling and goes very blurry right after the last dialouge if that matters.
She at first didn't even wanna trade, but after a few tries to fix her she at least did that. (a few more and she suddenly followed me, but still no speaking)

My tries:
Many attempts to use console commands to reset her and/or disable-Enable her. (One attempt makin her go back into the chair, still not able to speak)

Reloading from start of the vault and redoing up to the point.

Fast travel to sanctuary and change follower and back (this actually bugged the whole game instead, leading to not being able to even get the 4 choices up when speaking to anyone)

Downing her to use stimpak, only to realise I couldn't even use a stim on her. Neither when I did it in the chamber nor when going to sanctuary.

Tried doing the SetStage console command to complete the quest automatically (sadly missing dialouge). If done before she enteres the room she speaks after, if I do it after she entered the room she can't speak.
End of tries.

So I might end up just going for the SetStage before the room and leave the place to continue as normal. But I thought either way it might be a good idea to bring this up.
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
wtiger27 Apr 19 @ 6:51pm 
Are you using any mods? Esp. companion ones? And using the console is always risky. Saves can get corrupted , esp quick saves. Sometimes, the best solution is to load a older save.
Oh yea, forgot to mention I don't have any mods even installed atm.
But yea, I usually try most other ways to fix things before resorting to CCs. But couldn't find any way out of it.
wtiger27 Apr 19 @ 7:03pm 
Originally posted by LaLunarOwl:
Oh yea, forgot to mention I don't have any mods even installed atm.
But yea, I usually try most other ways to fix things before resorting to CCs. But couldn't find any way out of it.

I remember having that issue one time during my 4000+ hrs and over a dozen play runs. All I did was manually save the game and then quit and reload the game, then the save. Sorted out ok.
SOUNDS like she is not hitting her marker. Try Sprinting into her and knocking her and see if she resets.

That's the best I can suggest before opening the console, clicking on her (Make sure its her) and using the moveto player command. Save your GAME first before using any console commands so you can revert.
craldark Apr 19 @ 10:31pm 
Lucky you. I wished she'd shut the f up after I saved her ass. But no, after a couple of thank you sentences she went straight back to insulting me. I hate all the vanilla companions for their irritating banter. Maybe Nick is the least annoying but even he is only tolerable for the one quest. And don't get me started on Piper. No, I mostly only use quiet or even mute mod companions these days. Bliss.
from what I read, there's no real good reason to get all that chummy with Sarah in Starfield.
I had a similar thing with the Overseer in the Vault; she sort of froze up and kept repeating the same thing during the interviews, and the scene would not progress. So I teleported out to a random place, and tele'd back in. The scene started running again. No idea what will happen with a companion though, chances are Cait will tele out with you, I think.
Xetelian Apr 19 @ 10:48pm 
Doesn't the community bug fix mod address this because Bethseda never did? I didn't have it happen after using that that I remember
Originally posted by craldark:
Lucky you. I wished she'd shut the f up after I saved her ass. But no, after a couple of thank you sentences she went straight back to insulting me. I hate all the vanilla companions for their irritating banter. Maybe Nick is the least annoying but even he is only tolerable for the one quest. And don't get me started on Piper. No, I mostly only use quiet or even mute mod companions these days. Bliss.

When you reach maximum affinity with Cait she becomes much more docile, only the odd crack now and then, especially when you pick up random junk.
Originally posted by Ihateeverybody:
SOUNDS like she is not hitting her marker. Try Sprinting into her and knocking her and see if she resets.

That's the best I can suggest before opening the console, clicking on her (Make sure its her) and using the moveto player command. Save your GAME first before using any console commands so you can revert.

Yea, I have been tryin that as well. Doesn't do anything, she walks back to her spot, clutches her head and after the convo she goes back to not speaking to me sadly.
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Date Posted: Apr 19 @ 6:44pm
Posts: 10