The Meaning Behind The Song: Let No Man Steal Your Thyme by Pentangle - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Let No Man Steal Your Thyme by Pentangle


The Meaning Behind The Song: Let No Man Steal Your Thyme by Pentangle

Song title: Let No Man Steal Your Thyme

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Let No Man Steal Your Thyme Pentangle Traditional (Arranged by Terry Cox, Bert Jansch, Jacqui McShee, John Renbourn & Danny Thompson) The Pentangle (1968) May 17, 1968 Folk

“Let No Man Steal Your Thyme” is a traditional Anglo-Irish folk-song, which was first documented in 1689. It is also known by various other names such as “The Sprig of Thyme,” “The Seeds of Love,” “Maiden’s Lament,” “Garners Gay,” or “Rue.” Over the years, it has been passed down through generations and has been performed by numerous artists.

The song warns young women to be cautious and protect themselves against men who may try to take advantage of them. The lyrics serve as a reminder to all fair and tender girls to keep their gardens, or their hearts, pure and untouched, so that they do not become victims of deceit or heartbreak.

“Beware, beware, keep your garden fair, let no man steal your thyme” emphasizes the importance of self-preservation and not allowing anyone to take advantage of one’s affections. The line “for when your time is past and gone, he’ll care no more for you” suggests that once a woman’s youth and beauty fade away, the man who once sought her will no longer value or care for her.

The song also draws a comparison between a woman and a branchy tree, while painting men as clinging vines taking what they can find. This metaphor speaks to the vulnerability and disposability that women often experience in relationships, as men may move on to the next available option once they have taken what they desire.

The haunting melody and poetic lyrics of “Let No Man Steal Your Thyme” make it a captivating and memorable folk song. Its timeless message serves as a reminder to both young women and men to be wary of hidden intentions and to protect themselves from potential heartache.

Personally, this song holds a special place in my heart. I first heard it during a difficult period in my own life, when I was dealing with a broken relationship. The lyrics resonated deeply with me, as I reflected on how I had let someone steal my thyme, my happiness, and my sense of self-worth.

The song’s message of caution and self-preservation was a powerful reminder for me to guard my heart and not allow others to take advantage of my emotions. It served as a wake-up call, urging me to prioritize my own well-being and not let the actions or intentions of others define my happiness.

As I listened to “Let No Man Steal Your Thyme” on repeat, I found solace in the beautiful harmonies and the wisdom of the lyrics. It became an anthem of empowerment and resilience, reminding me that I had the strength to reclaim my own happiness and not let anyone steal my thyme again.

The simplicity and universality of this folk song allow it to transcend time and resonate with listeners from different generations and backgrounds. Its timeless message serves as a reminder to all to be cautious in matters of the heart and to protect oneself from those who may have ulterior motives.


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