Jan Risher, Freelance Writer and World Traveler - Discover Lafayette

Jan Risher, Freelance Writer and World Traveler

Jan Risher is a freelance writer and author of Long Story Short: Year of the Water Goat, a must read for anyone considering adopting internationally. She writes a weekly column for the Sunday edition of the Acadiana Advocate in Lafayette, LA which centers on the human condition; she was previously a writer for the Daily Advertiser. As President of Shift Key, a content marketing firm, she enables businesses to tell their story in an effective manner to help them flourish and grow.

In 2018, Jan published an anthology of her newspaper columns written over fifteen years from 2002 to 2017, Looking to the Stars from Old Algiers and Other Long Stories Short. In it, she chronicles her personal story including her move to Louisiana from Mississippi, the adoption of her daughter from China, and the ways in which she works to make the world a better place.

In this episode, Jan Risher discusses her love of writing and offers practical tips for aspiring authors.  She also freely shares strategies for businesses wanting to know how to market their business. An active and engaged member of the Lafayette community of business and non-profit endeavors, Jan is a voice to be reckoned with.

While visiting Scotland a couple of years ago, Jan learned about their “Feel Good Festival.” Never one to waste a wonderful idea, Jan declared August 2018 to be Lafayette’s inaugural launch of our very own Feel Good Festival with a theme of “Cool.” Each day of August will provide an opportunity for us to celebrate life….something we can all share with others  For more information, contact janrisher@gmail.com.

For more information on Jan Risher’s marketing firm, Shift Key, visit http://goshiftkey.com.  Her articles may be accessed at https://www.theadvocate.com/acadiana/entertainment_life/jan_risher/. Long Story Short Year of the Water Goat and Looking to the Stars from Old Algiers and Other Long Stories Short may be purchased at https://www.amazon.com.

This article was updated August 21, 2019.