Bill James Handbook: Walk-Off Edition - ACTA Sports
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Bill James Handbook: Walk-Off Edition

Bill James Handbook: Walk-Off Edition

978087946 7500

Product Description

34 years of breakthroughs, insights, and stories

from Bill James and Sports Info Solutions (SIS)


The time has come. After 34 years, this is the Walk-Off Edition of The Bill James Handbook. Change is inevitable in all areas of life, including baseball (look at all the rule changes from just the last couple of years). We’ve decided it’s time to retire the Handbook, but we are not going out with a whimper, but rather a bang (with apologies to T.S. Eliot).

None of us, including Bill James, is planning on going anywhere soon, but most of the individual player and team registers of stats and analysis that have made The Bill James Handbook so valuable over more than three decades are now available quicker and sometimes better online, including at,, and

Herein you’ll find over 25 new essays and reconsiderations of past Handbook articles by Bill James, SIS staff, and others analyzing how some of the ideas and predictions in the various annuals have held up over the years and influenced how baseball is played and analyzed today.

This Walk-Off Edition is meant to be more of a grand slam in the bottom of the ninth than a strikeout with the bases loaded. So let us know what you think at

Who knows? It may lead to extra innings!

NOTE: All orders over $29.80 receive free shipping. Order an extra book for yourself or a friend! Thanks.


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