Likely Suspects (Alexis Parker #1) by G.K. Parks | Goodreads
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Alexis Parker #1

Likely Suspects

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Leaving the Office of International Operations seemed like a great way to avoid bureaucratic hassles, red-tape, and murderous psychopaths. Unfortunately, things don't always work out the way they should.

Meet Alexis Parker, former OIO operative, currently trying to make a name for herself in the private sector. With a limited job history, the state of the economy, and her own internal struggle concerning her competence as an investigator, Alex is forced to take the only job she is offered.

When eccentric, playboy, CEO James Martin's life is threatened, he decides to hire the attractive, feisty, former federal agent to be his new security consultant and personal bodyguard. As Alex attempts to navigate the minefield of potential suspects, she discovers an underlying conspiracy that has been brewing at Martin Technologies for almost half a decade. Anyone could be involved, making all of Martin's closest friends, acquaintances, and employees possible suspects.

What starts out as a single death threat quickly morphs into a plot to overtake his entire company. Once the pieces fall into place, things explode, both literally and figuratively. This outwardly simple case is something neither Alex nor Martin ever imagined. It will take all of Alex's training and instincts to track down the criminal mastermind and stop the assassination plot before it's too late, and even that may not be enough.

319 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 28, 2013

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About the author

G.K. Parks

64 books166 followers
G.K. Parks has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History. After spending some time in law school, G.K. changed paths and earned a Master of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Now, that education is being put to use, creating a fictional world based upon years of study and research.

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My books:
All of my books can be read as standalone novels, but for those who like to know the proper order, I've included it below.

The Alexis Parker Prequel series:
1) Assignment Zero
2) Agent Prerogative
3) The Final Chapter
**note all three are combined in the full-length novel Outcomes and Perspective**

The Alexis Parker series:
1) Likely Suspects
2) The Warhol Incident
3) Mimicry of Banshees
4) Suspicion of Murder
5) Racing Through Darkness
6) Camels and Corpses
7) Lack of Jurisdiction
8) Dying for a Fix
9) Intended Target
10) Muffled Echoes
11) Crisis of Conscience
12) Misplaced Trust
13) Whitewashed Lies
14) On Tilt
15) Purview of Flashbulbs
16) The Long Game
17) Burning Embers
18) Thick Fog
19) Warning Signs
20) Past Crimes
21) Sinister Secret
22) Zero Sum
23) Buried Alive
24) Trouble Brewing

The Julian Mercer series:
1) Condemned
2) Betrayal
3) Subversion
4) Reparation
5) Retaliation
6) Hunting Grounds

The Liv DeMarco series:
1) Dangerous Stakes
2) Operations Stakeout
3) Unforeseen Danger
4) Deadly Dealings
5) High Risk
6) Fatal Mistake
7) Imminent Threat
8) Mistaken Identity
9) Malicious Intent
10) Controlled Burn

Cross Security Investigations:
1) Fallen Angel
2) Calculated Risk

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203 (3%)
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76 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 278 reviews
120 reviews
August 29, 2018
Janet Evanovich fans rejoice

I received Likely Suspects as a recommendation from Book Bub for fans of JD Robb 's Eve Dallas. I was angry before I was even 10% in. If you are a fan of the Eve Dallas books this is not for you. But if you like the Stephanie Plum series this is for you. If you swoon when the male characters opposite Stephanie Plum say "Babe" then you will love the smooth lines in this book. Everyone else run. You won't get back the time you spend reading it.
Profile Image for Teresa.
1,786 reviews20 followers
October 19, 2019
I honestly bought this book because of an advertisement that said “Alexis is the new Eve, and James the new Rourke”

Well she isn and he’s not.

The book was not bad, but the main Character, Alexis, and the millionaire she’s guarding are both immature self centred people who are not really likeable.

The story was “good” but predictable, and I figured out who the bad guy was way before the police, detectives, the OIO, the heroine or anyone did.

I will try another of the novels, but if the main two characters stay stupid through the next one, I’m gone.
Profile Image for Linda.
719 reviews29 followers
November 21, 2015
The beginning of Likely Suspects grabbed me. But then I got bogged down by the over-explaining and the forced romantic tension. I'm showing my age, but it reminded me of the old "Moonlighting" banter without Bruce Willis' wit and charm.

The protagonist's wealthy employer/love interest is reassuring her:

"I wouldn't worry about it. The guy you're working for isn't too unreasonable." He was referring to himself in the third person.

That last sentence? Thank you for the clarification.
Profile Image for Tony Hisgett.
2,774 reviews32 followers
August 3, 2021
The reason I tried this book was an advert that said it was perfect for fans of J D Robb and an Amazon reviewer declared Alexis Parker their new Eve Dallas. This is utter rubbish, the only similarities between Alexis and Eve is they are both women.
I found Alexis a bit ‘light weight’ and the male romantic interest, Martin was just annoying. The author tries to introduce some witty banter, but it was all fairly banal. As for the investigation, there was a lot of ‘filler’ and it never grabbed my interest, it didn’t help that the obvious culprit was ignored for too long.

One of the big features of the Eve Dallas books is the group of characters that surrounds Eve and the interactions between them, this book has none of this.

I suspect I might have been a bit more generous to the book and possibly tried the next one in the series, if it had not been for the ludicrous claims. Trying to be fair, I have given two stars instead of just one.
Profile Image for Cyndy.
303 reviews4 followers
June 28, 2018
Ok I stuck it out to see if it got any better but it didn't.
3 reviews
July 11, 2018

I decided on this book because it was compared to JD Robbs books about Roarke and Eve Dallas. It was grossly untrue, their was no click between the 2 characters of Alex and Martin at all, if you like to read a story where the author writes about everything one of the characters is thinking, but not saying then you may like the book. I was not impressed with this new to me author and will probably not read the other 8 or 9 books. It needs more going on to hold my interest than was there, give me a good fast moving story line and I am hooked, but not so with this book.
Profile Image for Mary.
5 reviews
June 27, 2018

The characters are poorly developed, the dialogue confusing, and the writing of very poor qualilty, and the “who did it” was obvious pretty early on.
1,117 reviews21 followers
August 12, 2019
Really enjoyed this one! So glad I found it. I will definitely be reading more of this author's work in the future. Alexis is hired as a security consultant but her real job is protecting the CEO of the company, James Martin. She has to be on her toes as the threats against him continue to escalate. Who wants him dead? The leads point to somebody in the company but the answers to the questions who and why remain elusive.

I breezed through this one. Didn't want to put it down. I'm definitely going to be following this series from now on. I really liked Alexis and the way she operates. She gets things done and is diligent when it comes to doing her job. Looking forward to the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Bruce Hicks.
14 reviews
October 16, 2016
Wow, I'm WAY out of sync with the rest of the reviews. This was one of the most bland books I've read. I'm not sure if the author wanted a thriller or a routine rom-com. I won't be reading any others in this series.
Profile Image for JackieDN.
39 reviews
May 22, 2018
Great start to a developing series

B- rating. I really liked this book. The story was captivating and left you wondering who did it and why. The attraction was on point and handled well. She wasn't a easy or quick lay. I would buy the next book, but hope for a smoother read. The main chaeater putting together of information sometime left you trying hard to follow her thoughts. Overall I liked it and think you will too.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,002 reviews10 followers
May 28, 2018
Very enjoyable!

This book is a bit different from my usual choices. It is more a novel mixed with a mystery. I really enjoyed the writing. The characters and story drew me right in and never let me go. The suspense is very good. This is a very entertaining book and I will read more by this author.
Profile Image for Jeannine.
739 reviews8 followers
July 2, 2018
I picked this book because someone (probably the publisher's marketing department) said if you liked Evanovich's Stephanie Plum and Crais' Elvis Cole, you will love Alexis Parker. I have one word for whoever wrote that...……...NOT. Alexis Parker is annoying, moody, bad tempered and without humor or wit. I have no empathy with this character and will not invite her into my home again.
351 reviews4 followers
September 15, 2015
Too much self doubt.

This book starts a new series. The protagonist is insecure and keeps doubting whether she is up to doing her job. Of course she does the job, but keeps trying to discount any credit. I hope the series develops her character more fully.
Profile Image for Terri.
158 reviews
June 2, 2018
Not completely awful but it is completely predictable. Who you think did it, did do it. No mystery here.
28 reviews
August 10, 2018
It was ok

I was disappointed that there was no twist. It was a little long winded. It felt a little more like a romance novel than detective novel.
1,228 reviews6 followers
May 4, 2021
I read this book as part of " In the First" boxset.

This is the 2nd book that I have read in this series. The 1st book finished with her resigning from "OIO" and this one begins with her being hired as a security consultant. The head of Martin Technology has received threatening nots, had an attempted kidnapping as well as someone sabotaging his manufacturing operation. Shortly after Alex starting working her new job, there was a bomb blast outside of the building which was meant to kill her charge. As a result, Alex and Martin deciding to take a leave from the company and assigned another person to be in charge while Martin was away.

Things didn't get any easier when it was discovered that someone had broken into Alex's office at the company. In addition, Martin discovered that someone was taking money from the company. As a result of the bombing, the local police were involved as well as Mark, Alex's old boss who had recommended her for this job. While Alex was returning to her apartment, she discovered that it had been trashed, and later on a body was discovered in the dumpster by her apartment.

Alex was able to piece together that the missing money, and the trashing of her apartment as well as the murdered victim in the dumpster were all related. As things started to come to head, Martin and Alex were attacked at Martin's compound by professional mercenaries.

To discover what the results of the attack at the compound were and who the individual responsible for all of Martin's troubles, then you must read this book. You won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for Kathy.
331 reviews
March 6, 2024
Deceit, Betrayal, Murder

All wrapped in one story. Alexis takes on a client who needs some protection and a mystery solved. Nothing could have prepared her for this client. Martin is wealthy, good looking and in serious trouble. Someone wants him dead. Someone is stealing, someone is betraying his trust. Alexis and her former boss, Mark work together once again to uncover who is behind all the chaos, murder and betrayal. Likable main characters and mystery to dive through.
Profile Image for Tammy Rolle.
347 reviews6 followers
June 22, 2018
Reluctant Bodyguard

A little drawn out in some places, but overall and excellent read. It will be interesting where the relationship between Alex and Martin goes in future stories. If you enjoy Nora Robert or Catherine Coulter and bad ads female leads, G. I Parks will definitely hold your interest.
17 reviews1 follower
May 23, 2018
Good Read

I see good things ahead from this author. The concept for the first book was good and I really liked the characters. I did get a little confused occasionally who said what but it minimally detracted from the overall story.
3 reviews
May 25, 2018
Good start on a new series

Good character development and the plot was ok. The bad guys could use a bit more depth. I am looking forward to reading the next book.
244 reviews
June 16, 2018
Good strong characters.

A typical whodunit, but I enjoyed the characters and settings. Not a crazy, just met and fell in love story like so many when there is a billionaire involved. I will read the next adventure.
Profile Image for Barb.
39 reviews6 followers
June 18, 2018
I think this was a good start for the Alexis Parker series, as she solves crimes and mystery situations. A good page turner.
127 reviews4 followers
April 13, 2022
I enjoyed this book. It kept my interest on every page. It was a good mystery thriller.
Profile Image for Yvonne.
145 reviews
June 8, 2018

Love Alex! Story development was very nicely paced. Characters are wonderful. Not over the top, just a terrific story. Read this book!
Profile Image for Mel Raschke.
1,563 reviews1 follower
May 25, 2020
Comparable to Kinsey Milhone, Jack Reacher, other greats.
Profile Image for Nancy.
71 reviews
January 24, 2015
As a fan of serial novels (NOT novellas), I was introduced to Alexis Parker via Mimicry of Banshees for free via Kindle. From the first couple of pages, the book was clearly able to stand-alone, but would be more enjoyable for me if I read the series chronologically. And am I ever glad I did. Likely Suspects introduces a character on the verge of a new career. Her first time out, Parker becomes an unwitting bodyguard as well as a corporate security specialist. A cast of supporting characters helps us understand her past while exploring her present.

The lead character is well-written: smart, believably tough, a bit jaded, and so relatable. I enjoyed that as a reader the things gnawing at Parker's subconscious were sometimes known to me, sometimes niggling at the edges of my mind as well. What a perfect blend of knowing, suspecting, and uncertainty.

GK Parks has created a world of continued intrigue that calls to lovers of the investigative/mystery genre. Now into the 4th book in the series, Suspicion of Murder, I find each book better than the last. I look forward to reading the entire series and anxiously await the books planned for 2015.
Profile Image for Judy.
3,296 reviews22 followers
May 31, 2018
This is first in a series. I liked it, but didn't love it. Partway through I was about to say I wouldn't read any more of the series, but then I got interested in the relationship between the characters, and so I will be giving the series another chance. I liked the female security consultant who also ends up acting as bodyguard for her business mogul client, and the clues were pretty well laid out. I found the vocabulary a bit pedestrian at time, and there was a fair amount of repetition in the dialog which detracted a bit from the story for me. We'll see how the story continues with the next volume.
Profile Image for Denise.
1,772 reviews24 followers
January 2, 2015
'Likely Suspects' was an action packed thrilling read. I loved the suspense and mystery. Once I started reading, I couldn't put this book down. Alex was a good kick-ass bodyguard. She made a great lead. Martin is the typical millionaire boss with the playboy attitude, but I enjoyed his sense of humor. The characters were great. The storyline was well written. I liked the way the story played out. A great add to your tbr list. I look forward to reading more of Alex and Martin's story.
142 reviews5 followers
January 4, 2015
Real page turner

This book is full of stories within the story, I was hooked on the way the author intermingled the romance and dangerous aspects of the Espionage within the investigation of murder, corporate embezzling, with a little humor thrown in for good measure. I was a little disappointed with the ending because I wanted the story to keep going, this author has a knack with words that left me wanting more.
Profile Image for Kim.
35 reviews3 followers
May 5, 2019
The action sequences were the best part of the story. The heroine, Alex Parker, finds most of the people she encounters to be sarcastic or snarky while she is sarcastic herself. These verbal exchanges did not come across to me as witty but formulaic. I hope the author can find a better conversational banter than weariness and sarcasm. As a principal character, Alex seems interesting and I hope the series develops in subsequent books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 278 reviews

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