Home - Steel Manufacturers Association

American Steel. Redefined.

The American steel industry isn’t what you’d think. And for good reason. For over a quarter century, electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking has made steel greener, safer and the most energy efficient in the world today. Over 70% of all steel made in America is sustainably produced using electric arc furnaces. EAF steel is the backbone of our country. And the strength of American EAF steel is continuously cast by the members of SMA – the Steel Manufacturers Association.

Lower Carbon

EAF steelmaking is more energy efficient than traditional steelmaking – with 75% fewer CO2 emissions and less environmental impact. 

100% Recyclable

The EAF process is a sustainable model for recycling scrap-based raw materials into new steel – which is 100% (and infinitely) recyclable at the end of its useful life.

High-wage Jobs

Across America, EAF steelmaking facilities are clean, modern and sustainable – employing tens of thousands of people with high-tech, high-wage jobs.


EAFs are used to produce over 70% of all American steel, compared to 28% by steelmakers worldwide – just another reason to choose American EAF steel.

Choose Your Area of Interest:


The importance of American EAF steel.



Why supporting EAF steel helps support American business.



Explore our existing members and the benefits of becoming one.
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Why making steel more sustainable is one of our greatest strengths and responsibilities.

A Strong Push for Public Policy

SMA fiercely advocates for all major policies related to today’s rapidly changing and highly competitive steel industry.
Trade & Economic Competitiveness
Group 16
Transportation & Infrastructure
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Energy Self-Sufficiency
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Environmental Stewardship
Workforce Engagement
Manufacturing Agenda
Raw Materials
Buy America
Competing Materials

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