8x45 - Austria Mystery - Season 1 - IMDb
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Episode List


Season 1

19 Jan. 2006
Das Eis bricht
A cold winter afternoon at a lake in Lower Austria. Two kids break into the ice and for almost half an hour lie at the bottom of the lake. As if by a miracle, they are rescued and reanimated. Their state of health even can be stabilized in the intensive care unit. However, the doctors only have little hope that they will ever awake from the coma. The relationship of Alexandra and Stefan - the children's parents - seems not to withstand the strong emotional conflict that evolved after the accident. The mother starts a very lonely fight for the life of Jo and Sophie. ...
12 Jan. 2006
A remote farmhouse in the austrian alps. The farmerboy Kaspar kills his younger brother Michael in a fight. In fear he runs home without telling. Tormented by bad conscience Kaspar returns, only to find his brother's corpse gone. In great dispair Kaspar brings a sacrifice to the Virgin Mary. The next morning Michael returns, blood drenched, but alive. He claims that the Virgin Mary has resurrected him from the dead. Alone with his brother, Michael delivers a clear message from the Virgin Mary to Kaspar. For Kaspar a downward spiral of despair begins, that threatens ...

 Season 1 

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