safe haven - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

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If terrorists have a safe haven they will continue [...]
to flourish because they have somewhere to retreat to.
Si los terroristas
[...] tienen un refugio seguro, seguir�n floreciendo [...]
porque tienen un lugar al que retirarse.
He asks what went wrong, and he
[...] replies that there was no safe haven.
Pregunta su Se�or�a qu� fall�, y responde
[...] que no hubo puerto de refugio.
All possible victims, including next-of-kin, are mentioned in the text, and the
practice is criminalized in such a way that, if fully
[...] implemented, there will be no safe haven for perpetrators in [...]
the world.
El texto menciona a todas las v�ctimas posibles, incluso los familiares m�s cercanos, y se criminaliza
la pr�ctica a tal punto que, si se lo implementa plenamente, no
[...] habr� en el mundo refugio seguro para los perpetradores.
Reports have
[...] indicated that international terrorists have sought safe haven in these areas of Somalia.
Se ha informado que algunos terroristas internacionales han buscado refugio en esas zonas [...]
de Somalia.
Will a safe haven be found in assets such [...]
as securities, gold, oil or commodities?
�Tendremos que buscar refugio entonces en los [...]
activos, como los t�tulos, el oro, el petr�leo o las materias primas?
Deny safe haven and financial resources [...]
to those who would facilitate acts of nuclear terrorism.
Denegar refugio y recursos econ�micos [...]
a aquellos que faciliten actos de terrorismo nuclear.
Forests provide a safe haven that act as a good counterbalance to our busy lives.
Los bosques proveen una calma que act�a como contrabalanza a nuestras vidas estresadas.
No insurgency can be defeated as long as
[...] insurgents have a safe haven.
Ninguna insurgencia puede derrotarse mientras los
[...] insurgentes tengan un refugio seguro.
Once a safe haven for pirates, the islands [...]
now protect endangered species, such as the fur seal.
Alguna vez, refugio de piratas; ahora [...]
protegen especies en peligro de extinci�n, tales como la foca peluda.
Combating cross-border terrorism required cooperative international
[...] efforts so that no safe haven would remain [...]
for terrorists.
Para combatir el terrorismo transfronterizo
es necesaria la cooperaci�n internacional, a fin de impedir que los terroristas
[...] puedan refugiarse en ning�n lugar seguro.
The granting of safe haven to terrorists [...]
- as we see today in parts of our region - is a threat to international peace and security.
Ofrecer refugio a los terroristas, como [...]
vemos hoy en partes de nuestra regi�n, es una amenaza para la paz y la seguridad internacionales.
The secluded port of S�ller, about two kilometres from S�ller, is the largest natural
harbour on the northern coast of Mallorca, which throughout history has served as
[...] a shelter and safe haven for sailors.
El recogido puerto de S�ller, a unos dos kil�metros de S�ller, comprende el mayor puerto
natural de la costa norte de Mallorca, que a lo largo de la historia ha
[...] servido de abrigo y refugio para los navegantes.
These provide a temporary safe haven, but this is probably [...]
not the most desirable way to preserve biodiversity, except in extreme cases.
Ofrece un refugio seguro temporario, mas [...]
probablemente no sea la forma m�s deseable de preservar la biodiversidad, excepto en casos extremos.
In the environment of heightened financial market and
geopolitical uncertainty, euro area residents
[...] repatriated funds previously invested in foreign equity, as they searched for a safe haven from the shocks affecting the global economy.
En un contexto de elevada incertidumbre geopol�tica y de incertidumbre en los mercados financieros, los residentes en la zona
del euro repatriaron
[...] fondos que hab�an invertido anteriormente en valores de renta variable extranjeros, buscando un refugio seguro frente a las perturbaciones [...]
que afectaban a la econom�a mundial.
In it, women who suffered domestic violence and
[...] their children have a safe haven to rebuild their [...]
lives in a more dignified and independent way.
En ella, las mujeres v�ctimas de violencia dom�stica y sus
[...] hijos tienen un albergue seguro para reconstruir [...]
sus vidas de manera m�s digna y aut�noma.
Sanctions to stem the financing of
[...] terrorism or to deny safe haven or travel by terrorists [...]
have become valuable tools in
the global effort to counter terrorism.
Las sanciones destinadas a poner coto a la financiaci�n del
terrorismo o impedir que los
[...] terroristas viajen u obtengan refugio se han convertido [...]
en valiosos instrumentos en el esfuerzo
mundial de lucha contra el terrorismo.
More dangerously, it could run the risk of turning the
[...] region into a safe haven for international [...]
M�s peligroso a�n, se podr�a correr el riesgo de convertir la
[...] regi�n en un cobijo seguro para los terroristas [...]
How do we work with allies whose
[...] territory provides safe haven for nonstate opponents?
�C�mo colaborar con aliados cuyos
[...] territorios dan refugio a adversarios no [...]
The centre provides education
[...] reinforcement and a safe haven for children.
El centro ofrece clases educativas de
[...] refuerzo y un lugar seguro para los ni�os.
The Swiss market, in particular,
[...] was seen as a safe haven, due to the relative [...]
absence of tech stocks at a time when these were suffering most.
La bolsa suiza, en particular,
[...] sirvi� de plaza de refugio, habida cuenta [...]
de la relativa ausencia de valores tecnol�gicos
en un contexto que lleg� a ser muy desfavorable.
Sometimes, reforestation companies are confronted
[...] with the dilemma that, in the search for a safe haven for its investments, solutions may be found [...]
that assure certain
levels of short term security but that contribute to the long term dynamics of armed conflicts.
A veces, las empresas
[...] reforestadoras est�n confrontadas con un dilema: en la b�squeda de un espacio seguro para sus inversiones, [...]
se pueden encontrar
soluciones que les aseguran un cierto nivel de seguridad a corto plazo, pero que contribuyen a la din�mica de los conflictos armados a largo plazo.
In the same vein, it would
[...] continue to deny safe haven to those who [...]
financed, planned, supported or committed terrorist acts.
En ese mismo esp�ritu, seguir�
[...] neg�ndose a dar asilo a los que financian, [...]
planifican, apoyan o cometen actos terroristas.
Such action was taken in 1996 against the Seychelles, whose Economic Development Act
[...] appeared to provide a safe haven for criminal money.
Estas medidas se adoptaron en 1996 contra las
Seychelles, cuya ley de desarrollo econ�mico parec�a
[...] proporcionar un refugio seguro para el dinero [...]
procedente de delitos.
(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with [...]
respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons
for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct
c) Denegar protecci�n a toda persona respecto [...]
de la cual se disponga de informaci�n fidedigna y pertinente por la que haya
razones fundadas para considerar que es culpable de esa conducta.
The amendment was introduced in order to ensure that persons who have committed
[...] crimes before entering Denmark do not obtain a safe haven as referred to in Security Council resolution [...]
1373 (2001).
La enmienda se introdujo para garantizar que las personas que hubieran cometido delitos graves antes de
entrar en Dinamarca no
[...] obtuvieran cobijo, con arreglo a lo dispuesto en la resoluci�n 1373 (2001) del Consejo de Seguridad.
Fujimori had found a safe haven from the enormous charges [...]
against him.
[...] hab�a encontrado un refugio seguro contra los enormes [...]
cargos en su contra.
On the other hand, low risk defensive assets benefited from a massive cash inflow, taking advantage
[...] of their role as a safe haven asset in times of crisis.
En cambio, los activos defensivos de bajo riesgo se beneficiaron de la afluencia masiva de
[...] capitales, actuando como valor refugio en tiempos de crisis.
We believe increased ratifications can improve security in the region
[...] and help to deny a safe haven to the perpetrators [...]
of egregious crimes.
Estamos convencidos de que un aumento en el n�mero de ratificaciones puede mejorar la
seguridad en la regi�n y contribuir a la
[...] denegaci�n de un refugio seguro a los perpetradores [...]
de los cr�menes m�s graves.
It's a safe haven for them to open up.
Es un remanso seguro para que ellos [...]
puedan abrirse.
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