
  • Maiar, angel-like beings created by Eru Ilúvatar, assisted in the creation of the universe and were each assigned to a powerful Vala.
  • Some Maiar, like Gandalf, cared for the world while others, like Sauron, were susceptible to darkness.
  • The Maiar, including Alatar, Aiwendil, and Arien, played crucial roles in the history of Middle-earth, with varying fates and allegiances.

The Lord of the Rings movies introduced three Maiar, but there were many more created and described by author J.R.R. Tolkien. Really, Peter Jackson's movies never even explained who or what the Maiar were, and even Tolkien's original books said very little about these beings; it wasn't until the appendices of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King that the author began to explain where the likes of Gandalf, Saruman, and even Sauron came from. Then, the posthumously published The Silmarillion shed more light on the Maiar, introducing 18 of them by name.

The Maiar are shapeshifting, angel-like beings born before time and created by Eru Ilúvatar, the top god of The Lord of the Rings. They belonged to the collective race called the Ainur, who sang a song made by Ilúvatar and, in doing so, assisted in the creation of the universe. The Maiar were each assigned to a Vala (plural: Valar), demigod Ainur of significant power. Together, the Maiar and Valar cared for the world Ilúvatar created, each using their strengths and skills. Of course, some of these beings were susceptible to darkness, which meant the Maiar varied between good and evil.

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18 Alatar

Aliases: Alatar the Blue, Morinehtar, Haimenar

The two blue wizards walk side by side in a snowy forest in a painted illustration of The Lord of the Rings.

Alatar was the Maia of Oromë, the huntsman Vala, and his pal, the Maia Pallando. During the Second Age, when Sauron created his One Ring and began to develop influence over Middle-earth, the Valar decided to send Maiar as emissaries, hoping they would inspire rebellion among the Men who hadn't yet lent their allegiance to evil. Alatar was the first to volunteer, and he opted to bring his friend, Pallado, with him. Together, these two became known as the Blue Wizards and were the first Istar in Middle-earth. Alatar's fate after the Second Age is unknown.

17 Aiwendil

Aliases: Radagast, Bird Friend

Aiwendil, better known as Radagast, was the Maia to Yavanna and, therefore, held a deep love for animals and plants. He was chosen to be one of the Istari, or wizards sent to Middle-earth to guide the Elves and Men in the fight against Sauron, alongside Saruman and Gandalf, but was never considered their equal. Aiwendil lost sight of his goal during his centuries in Middle-earth, busying himself by protecting the forest rather than bothering with Elves and Men. It is believed that Aiwendil was unable to return to Valinor after Sauron's downfall as a result.

16 Arien

Aliases: Spirit of Fire, Urien, Urwendi

Arien was the Maia of the Vala Vána and was known for her bright eyes, which were too intense to look upon. She is best known for carrying the vessel of the Sun through the heavens, shedding light on Arda. However, during the Years of the Trees, Arien lived in Valinor with the others. When Morgoth and Ungoliant destroyed the Two Trees of Valinor, which had provided the world's light, Arien volunteered to carry the fruit of the tree Laurelin into the sky, where she remained throughout the events of Lord of the Rings and beyond.

15 Boldog

Aliases: None

Little is known about Boldog, and it's unclear which of the Valar this Maia originally served. All that is ever made clear is that Baldog was among Morgoth's followers in the First Age and took the form of a primitive Orc during these dark days of war. He was considered lesser than the Balrogs and led armies of true Orcs against the Elves and Men. Over the years, other Orcs took on the name Boldog, but it's never clear what came of the original corrupted Maia after Morgoth's downfall.

14 Curumo

Aliases: Saruman the White, Saruman of Many Colors