A total of 33 graduates celebrated the successful completion of the New World Executive Leadership Program on 23 March. The program is designed to equip senior leaders of New World Development Company Limited (NWD) with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in today’s dynamic business environment. It comprised four modules, spanning seven months since September last year.

The four modules included Managerial Decision Making and Leadership by Prof. Caroline WANG, Preparing Leaders for the Future by Prof. Jean VANHOEGAERDEN, AI & Data-Driven Decision Making for Executives by Prof. Allen HUANG, and Business Strategy by Prof. Chris DORAN. The program enhanced participants’ strategic decision-making, planning, and thinking abilities, developed a visionary mindset, and explored the power of data analytics and artificial intelligence.

It was our privilege to have Prof. Albert IP, Chairman of the University Foundation, Senior Advisor to the President and Special Advisor to the Dean of Business School at HKUST, and Ms. Jenny CHIU, Executive Director and Senior Director - Human Resources of NWD as our honorary guests to mark the program completion. They delivered closing remarks and presented certificates to the graduates. We believe the program will elevate the participants to the next level, and the learning momentum will persist within the company.