120+ Movies And Shows With Killing In The Title
  • Photo:
    • The Killing / The Killing Fields

120+ Movies And Shows With Killing In The Title

Jason Bancroft
May 10, 2024 122 items

Get ready to explore a killer collection of movies and shows that pack a punch right in their titles. From suspenseful thrillers to dark comedies, the word "killing" hints at the drama and intrigue waiting to unfold. Whether it's literal or metaphorical, these titles promise intense plots and unforgettable characters.

This list isn't just about the body count; it's about captivating stories that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. So grab some popcorn, find a comfy spot, and prepare for a deep dive into some of the most thrilling narratives where "killing" takes center stage. Here are the best movies and shows with "killing" in their title.