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Yzma is a character from Emperor's New Groove, Kronk's New Groove and The Emperor's New School. She is the main antagonist of the franchise and Kuzco's enemy. Their conflict started when Kuzco fired Yzma in the movie because she was taking the throne when he wasn't looking. Since this happened, Yzma is thirsty for revenge.


As the main villain of the Emperor's New Groove franchise, Yzma is malicious, funny, silly, raspy, and power-hungry. However, early in the first movie, it seems that she raised Kuzco, rather than his parents, and has been an advisor and the chemist to his family for many years. It is only when Kuzco abruptly and callously fires her that she turns on him, deciding to kill him, then fill the power vacuum left in his wake and become empress. It's also implied that her being the one who raised him is part of the reason for Kuzco's negative personality traits.

At the same time, Yzma is rather comically eccentric. She sees herself as the most beautiful person in the land, despite her obvious age, and others often compare her to an ugly dinosaur. The two old men who live in Pacha's village, as well as Kuzco himself even going so far as to call her "scary beyond all reason". In her youth, she appeared quite attractive, as shown when she turns into a teenager using the fountain of youth, but her age has since reduced that. When making plans to harm Kuzco, she often tries to create overly unnecessarily complicated plans before settling on a simpler version. For example, one of her plans was to turn Kuzco into a flea and put him in a box and put that box in another box and mail it to herself and smash it with a hammer when it arrives but changes her mind in order to "save on postage" (when she could have just smashed Kuzco as soon as she turned him into a flea). However, she usually fails to pay attention to minor details, which results in her plans being thwarted.

Her catchphrases are "It's brilliant, brilliant, brrrrilliant!", "To the Secret Lab!", "Pull the lever, Kronk!", "Wrong lever!" (when Kronk pulls the wrong lever and results in her getting injured) and "Why me?!". Despite her evil traits, she's shown to have some good in her. In Evil and Eviler, when she hired Miss Ni to get rid of Kuzco, she got on her nerves so much, that she decided to save him instead.


Her only possible friend is Kronk, who works for Yzma in the movie and the series (despite Kronk is a very kind person). Yzma's focus on life is defeat Kuzco and become Empress of the Incas. For that reason, she tried to poison Kuzco in the movie, but accidentally transformed him in llama due to a mistake made by Kronk. Also, during the series, she assumed the identity of "Ms. Amzy" and became director of Kuzco Academy. So, she begun to always make attempts to defeat Kuzco in a new way: Make him fail in the school. This would cause Kuzco to not get the power, and Yzma was the only option left, so, they would need to put her in the throne and she would become Empress.

Yzma is also responsible for a lot of running gags in the show. This causes her to be one of the funniest characters in the series, and to seem less evil despite her actions against Kuzco.

Yzma has also shown to be quite a singer, with famous songs such as Like A Million, Yzmopolis (song) and Snuff out the Light all sung by her.
