HINTERLAND | significado en inglés - Cambridge Dictionary

Significado de hinterland en inglés

Ejemplos de hinterland

Inevitably, they depend heavily upon their own hinterlands, wider transport n etworks and the urban d evelopment of wider regions.
Finally, when pressed too hard by their elite masters, the cultivators simply ran away and started over in the sparsely populated hinterlands.
The hinterland's limited resources fuel a growing population's appetite for more goods.
Like other urban centres, their hinterlands were determined by cargo type, the cost and mode of transport and relative levels of demand.
Bremen, like other port-cities, had a range of overlapping hinterlands which can be defined in spatial terms or in relation to specific types of interaction.
Not only did an extensive service industry located in the capitals and other centres benefit, but also the advantages spread out into the hinterlands and rural producing areas.
The new provincial universities were the prisoners of their hinterlands and there was no reason to be confident that these hinterlands would yield large crops of students.
The extensive hinterlands and links with the surrounding countryside which these places enjoyed - precisely the qualities which made them attractive as leisure towns - served to bolster their service sectors.
Such a system would have been infinitely extensible, given adequate rainfall and sufficient food, while salt and other goods could be impor ted from the hinterlands to maintain the inhabitants.
The author examines the history of each of these cities and also focuses on the continuous interaction between these urban centres, and their ties to their respective hinterlands.
Thus, economic relations between city-state centers and their hinterlands became reoriented and redefined with reference to the politically impor tant imperial cities that were also the largest market centers.
There is no specific discussion of the extent and population size and density of the hinterlands of the centres investigated, nor of their relationships with the higher-order centres around them.
The politics of sustainable development: reconciliation in indigenous hinterlands.
The effective hinterlands of the major ports are much smaller and less distant from them than anybody had previously thought.
Hansard archive
Ejemplo del archivo Hansard. Contiene información parlamentaria bajo la licencia Licencia de Parlamento Abierto v3.0
Not all these schemes are necessarily connected with discharges to the sea, because some of the authorities have deep hinterlands.
Hansard archive
Ejemplo del archivo Hansard. Contiene información parlamentaria bajo la licencia Licencia de Parlamento Abierto v3.0
Las opiniones mostradas en los ejemplos no representan las opiniones de los editores de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes.

Traducciones de hinterland

en chino (tradicional)
內陸,後方地區, 偏遠地區…
en chino (simplificado)
内陆,内地, 边远地区…
en español
región apartada, interior (de un país)…
en portugués
en más idiomas
en francés
en turco
in Dutch
en checo
en danés
en indonesio
en tailandés
en vietnamita
en polaco
en malayo
en alemán
en noruego
in Ukrainian
sahilden uzak bölge, arka ülke…
jauh dari pantai, daerah pedalaman…
vùng nội địa…
głąb kraju…
daerah pedalaman…
das Hinterland…
oppland, innland…
віддалена від берега частина країни…
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