Programs — PCA



PCA offers Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degrees in Communication Design; Fashion Design; Fine Arts; Interior Design and Photography.



PCA offers Master Degrees in Design for Social Impact (MA), Drawing (MA/MFA), Fashion Film & Photography (MA), Interior Design (MA), Photography & Image-making (MA/MFA) and Transdisciplinary New Media (MA and MFA).


Study Abroad

Study Abroad at PCA is an extraordinary program for college sophomores and juniors, or those with undergraduate degrees who wish to spend a semester or year experiencing the art, design, and culture of Paris.


Certificate Programs

Ideally suited for the mature student, the intensive curriculum of PCA’s Certificate Programs offer a non-degree option for those who wish to launch a career transition, refine a professional level design portfolio, or prepare for entering an MFA program.


Summer at PCA

The Summer Program at PCA offers an exciting set of courses with a modern edge in the historically and artistically rich city of Paris. In these two and four-week long courses, introductory through advanced level students will explore art, design, business, culture, and language.

Part-Time & Online Courses

Qualified students may enroll in individual, credited courses on a space-available basis.
