overlook | meaning of overlook in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE


From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishoverlooko‧ver‧look /ˌəʊvəˈlʊk $ ˌoʊvər-/ ●●○ verb [transitive]    1 NOTICEto not notice something, or not see how important it is SYN miss  It is easy to overlook a small detail like that.  Nobody could overlook the fact that box office sales were down.2 IGNOREto forgive someone’s mistake, bad behaviour etc and take no action  She found him entertaining enough to overlook his faults.3 LOOK ATif a house, room etc overlooks something, it has a view of it, usually from above  Our room overlooks the ocean.→ See Verb tableExamples from the CorpusoverlookAlthough this is a first offence it cannot be overlooked.They found some important evidence that the police had overlooked.The remote Sylvan Lake Lodge overlooks a striking man-made lake and spruce forest.Thaden's restored house overlooks an alpine valley.Mrs Johnson tends to overlook any small faults the girls may have.Make a list of what you need to bring so you don't overlook anything.The Hotel les Tipaniers, practically hidden between two much larger hotels, is easy to overlook but worth finding.We become obsessed with change and tend to overlook content.The check is often overlooked in surveys of the history of the piano.Guessing that they had been overlooked, Murray senior tore up the one addressed to his father.He has moved into a new office in the Rayburn Building, one of the really nice second-floor ones overlooking the Capitol.I have an apartment that overlooks the Elbe.The Hapless family were placed in a room which was staff accommodation, overlooking the kitchens.I'll overlook your mistake this time.The clerk must have overlooked your name, because he said you weren't here.overlook the fact thatHe was overlooking the fact that I had been living with Jean-Claude for more than three years.They overlook the fact that my colour will always be my badge.Some companies overlook the fact that the foreign exchange exposure arises when the sales contract is signed or the order accepted.However, we have tended to overlook the fact that they may in some circumstances be met in other ways.But they overlook the fact that, to the cat, they are huge and therefore psychologically overwhelming.
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