Elizabeth Cole – Author of Secrets of the Zodiac, Swordsworn Knights, and Wallflowers of Wildwood

Romance novels with smart ladies, sensual heroes, and thrilling stories. From the chivalry of medieval Britain to the deep intrigue of the Napoleonic Wars to the strange occult happenings in middle America. Fall in love with Elizabeth Cole’s unique characters and worlds today.


Recent Releases

What's new and forthcoming from Elizabeth Cole.

Ms. Cole is a masterful storyteller who brings her characters to life on the pages of her story as well as intrigue and mystery!
— My Book Addiction and More
Medieval Britain comes alive…an appealing and lovely read.
Heads and shoulders above any formula writing or genre description.
— Midwest Book Review
Elizabeth’s characters are feisty, strong, witty and completely believable.
— Amazon reviewer

Secrets of the Zodiac series

The Napoleonic wars rage on the Continent, while England’s ballrooms glitter with candlelight and the breath of scandal. Every spy will meet their match, igniting passions that can change the course of history. If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if James Bond met Jane Austen, here’s your chance to find out… 

Nine novels and three novellas now available


Wallflowers of Wildwood Series

Follow five young women as they leave their beloved boarding school and venture out into the cutthroat world of the marriage mart. Get ready, London. These wallflowers are wilder than you think!

Complete series now available


SwordSWORN Knights series

Yearning for a more magical, romantic time? Meet the Swordsworn Knights—four warriors sworn to protect each other and the ladies they adore. Using all their strength, wit, and guile, they’ll have to fight devious enemies to prove worthy of the remarkable ladies they love. And these men fight to win.

Complete series now available


The Brothers Salem Series

A trio of demon hunters—armed with spells and snark—on a mission to slay some demons, break some curses, and generally keep the world safe. Demon slaying doesn’t leave much time for love, but Fate doesn’t care about schedules. One by one, the Brothers Salem will meet their match. But to get the girl, they’re going to have to save the day. A lot.

Complete Series now available