Welcome to Shamley Green Church and Parish


Welcome to Shamley Green and to our parish church Christ Church 

Christ Church has been inviting people to be part of our Christian family since 1864.  And like all extended families we are made up of individuals from every generation, background, outlook and experience. We warmly welcome you to join us, be it on a regular basis or for a one-off visit or special occasion. 
Our Church is open every day for private, individual prayer and for worship on Sunday Morning 8am & 10am (see below for details).
As part of our mission to serve the wider community in Shamley Green and Rowly we also hope you will find the links and information about local organisations, clubs and other groups helpful.  If you have made the parish your home or if you work here or if you are visiting we hope you will make the most of what our friendly and caring community has to offer. 
If you are new to our parish or have a particular enquiry, please contact us at info@shamleygreen.church


  Opportunities for prayer and worship

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Every Sunday at 8am & 10am Holy Communion in church.

2nd after Trinity - Sunday 9th June 2024 - 2 Corinthians 4.13-5.1;Mar 3.20-end

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By clicking on the following links, you can find a whole range of online services offered by our cathedral (1) Guildford Cathedral - YouTube and the Church of England Church online | The Church of England. 


Please click here for the Vicar's latest weekly newsletter

If you would like to receive this by email or if you have a particular prayer request or need, please contact her: 
The Reverend Sally Davies
tel: 01483 892030; email:  vicar@shamleygreen.church
Please click here for more resources.  


Lord, your love is broken open 
among cheering crowds and traitor’s coins,
 deserting friends and hands washed clean, 
the mockery of power and the baying mob: 
as we follow your way of passion, 
give us the faith
to bring our weak and divided hearts 
to the foot of the cross
and the door of the guarded tomb 
that they might be opened, 
astonished and healed; 
through Jesus Christ, who carries the weight of the world.  Amen. 
(Steven Shakespeare)


Community news

New website coming soon
The team developing this, remember with gratitude and huge appreciation, the vision of the late Jonathan Jenner whose skills and dedication made our original website possible, the new website will go live on 15th June, in the meantime you can access the new website, which is still being finalised



Commemorate D Day at Christ Church 
Come and commemorate D Day at Christ Church, by lighting a candle (only battery operated) at the back of the church to reflect and pray for the peace of the world.


Christ Church – Fundraising Appeal for Electrical Work

Our Appeal for the unforeseen expense of £40,000 is now finished.  The cost of the work came to £38,000, including all remedial work.  We are very grateful for all the generous donations received and in addition for some monies from fund raising events.  With these donations, together with funds from a legacy, we are pleased to tell you that all the costs of the work were covered.

Christ Church had its own very committed team and the success of the project owes much to their hard work and effort, for which the Parochial Church Council (PCC) is extremely grateful. 
None of this could have happened without the financial means to undertake the work and for this the PCC is very appreciated of all those who have given so generously, especially at a time when many are suffering hardships.  Thank you very much.    Margaret Goodchild &  Penny Hodgson (Church Wardens)



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Summer Term 2024
Saturday  JUNE 8th Our Village Fête
Saturday  JULY 27th Little Stars & Messy Church BBQ Information to follow
Why not come and share in Friendships, Crafts, Games, Stories, Songs and of course, lots of cake  
Please contact the Reverend Gussie Walsh 01483 275645 for details.


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Click the link for more details and to book tickets


After 17 years Robin Oliphant is giving up as your Poppy Appeal Organiser (PAO). Shamley Green needs a replacement. Robin and Isabel are moving from Shamley Green to Bristol to be nearer to their  grandchildren and it is likely that he will be gone before the next Poppy Appeal. Much has changed over the years. Thanks to your generosity, the value of the annual donations has steadily increased while the work load for the PAO has decreased.
Our collectors and collection outlets have reduced from about 40 to half a dozen. That means less time spent preparing and processing 40 Poppy Trays and cash tins. We no longer have collectors for every street and house from East Whipley to Blackheath. With the end of house to house collecting, post Covid and the decline of petty cash in circulation - just half a dozen Retailers, Schools and Pubs and, of course, the Church, are doing all the good work of collecting in the centre of Shamley Green.
Increasingly the contactless collection is overtaking the cash donations - which had to be physically counted, bagged and paid in – all very time consuming. Robin suggests the role of PAO is best divided between a small team rather than a single person unless we have a gallant volunteer to take it all on! The sub roles could be “Remembrance Sunday”; Treasurer; Merchandise; and Distribution. We will still need one person to be nominated PAO and the main point of contact with the Royal British Legion. Robin says 'It has been a real privilege and pleasure to be your PAO. Your wonderful support over the years is much appreciated. I would like to see the Poppy Appeal in safe hands before I go'.
If you know anyone who might like to take on any of these roles, please contact Robin Oliphant robinoliphant@btinternet.com 
Click here to view the June online version of our Parish Magazine





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